Chereads / Lord Of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction / Chapter 157 - Chapter 76:Last Day

Chapter 157 - Chapter 76:Last Day

Watching his family pray with a sad look, Adryan bit his lip to calm himself.

It was a beautiful night on the 24th, the wind was not strong but it was refreshing, this made the 30 degrees of heat that it was at night not feel so annoying and uncomfortable.

Tonight was something special but in a bad way, his cousins ​​had traveled to visit his father's side of the family so they couldn't attend.

Only his family and his uncle's were here.

'It's been a while since I had a dream from the past' he thought with slightly misty eyes as he watched his family pray.

He could smell the food, he could even taste it in the air, it was like he was there again...

"Amen" he heard his father say and the rest repeated the same.

As soon as that happened he saw how each member started to eat, Cruyff always loved roast chicken so that was what he started eating first.

"Cruyff pass me the Russian salad"

Hearing that, Adryan couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, the Russian salad was a salad that he didn't usually eat much but that was only because he preferred to eat it at parties.

It was one of his favorite salads but it was also kind of heavy so you had to be careful not to fill yourself up with it.

'And that happened right at the party.' the redhead thought wryly as he shook his head.

Watching his family eat, Adryan just smiled sadly and looked up at the sky.

At the top of it hung on the black sky was a beautiful silver moon illuminating everything with its white light.

'This white moon, unlike the crimson moon, feels clean, pure, even holy....'While he thought that and looked at the moon, he heard someone cough but it was clear that it was false, turning around he saw how his father had his fist in his mouth.

His father, seeing that he had caught everyone's attention, just smiled showing his teeth and spoke with emotion.

"I would like to tell you about a surprise that Rocio and I prepared" he said affectionately as he grabbed his mother's hand and squeezed it.

His mother smiled warmly at his father and then turned to look at the group who were looking at this in confusion.

"Mom Dad, what did you prepare?" Cruyff asked as he lowered the chicken bone and wiped the sauce from his mouth with a napkin.

Joa saw his brother and he had to cover his mouth to avoid laughing, even Adryan saw this and couldn't help but let out a loud laugh.

Cruyff never learned to eat any type of chicken well, be it fried or grilled, as long as the chicken had bones in it, he would always make a mess when eating.

His father smiled at his brother and looking at his mother who smiled the same and nodded.

With the permission given his father raised his voice.

"We have reserved a place in a good restaurant for the New Year's party and I would like Hugo and Jazmin to be able to attend."

"This is more for you after all, your wedding is very close" his mom finished as she drank some wine from her glass.

His uncle and aunt-to-be were surprised by this and didn't know what to say.

"Man at least shut your mouth you don't want to swallow a fly" Joa said as he shook his head and drank some Fanta.

"I don't know what to say, Albert," his uncle said, still a bit stunned, and his dad just shook his head while taking a drink of Budwieser.

"Just make sure you wear a good suit" the man replied with amusement as he raised his beer towards his uncle.

His uncle just smiled at his father as he raised his beer towards him and spoke with a sharp smile.

"Always full of surprises Albert" he could feel the gratitude his uncle was trying to express and he just smiled softly at this.

His uncle always had a hard time expressing himself, what was hardest for him was being thankful and he often didn't know how to react when someone did something nice for him.

His way of showing affection was always teasing, you'd think it would be hard for him to make friends with that articulateness but it turns out he was something of a celebrity at his job.

The life of the parties you could say.

"Make sure the suit isn't ripped in the rear again" Joa said as he winked at his uncle.

"Ha ha ha" the man laughed with obvious sarcasm making the rest of the family laugh the same with Adryan.

Hugo once during a co-worker's party he had attended with a suit that had a hole in the rear, and he had just decided to wear white underwear making the problem too obvious, it took him half an hour to discover why everyone were laughing.

Jazmin was his co-worker when that happened and that's how they started dating because she, feeling bad for laughing, brought him homemade cookies the next day to apologize.

"Can we put that aside and enjoy the delicious food in front of us?" his uncle spoke wisely, this was simply to divert attention from himself.

"He's right, let's eat everything and then we can continue bothering Hugo" his mother said with a small smile as she ate some baked meat.

This made the facet that Hugo tried to maintain break and he only looked at his mother with treason.

"What a good sister" the man said sarcastically but he had a small smile on his face that he tried to hide.

"I love you too" his mom replied calmly with a sweet smile on her face.

After this dinner continued normally and Adryan watched this with sadness and longing in his eyes.

This was the last thing he did before going home and sleeping, then he woke up in that cave...