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The power of the Emperor in the multiverse

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A 21st century man ends up in a ASOIAF world with the power of the Emperor of mankind, now he must live his life while gradually gaining the power of the most powerful "human" in the Warhammer 40k universe. (story translated with google translate)

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - just a human?

In a small and picturesque bar in the city of Boston, a couple of friends were drinking at one of the tables in the place, one who was known simply as Chuck was totally sober while his friend sitting across from him who was called William, already he was half drunk.


- I'm telling you Chuck, that fool of our boss has so many preferences with Amber because he's fucking her, the bastard has a pretty wife but he prefers to sleep with his subordinate who isn't even half as beautiful, I wouldn't mind that but... ..making us work overtime while letting Amber out early really annoys me! - . William said, slurring his words slightly.


Chuck for his part seemed stoic as he listened to William nodding from time to time as his friend vented about the low-paid job they both shared in the city mayor's office.


Chuck and William were friends for 4 years and despite their different personalities their friendship was going smoothly.


- Tell me William, if you could have the powers of a fictional character and if you could go to live in any fictional world of your choice, what powers would you choose? And which world would you choose to go to? - . Chuck asked before downing his fifth beer without showing any signs of getting drunk.


William smiled at Chuck's silly question and answered cheerfully leaving the subject of his boss and his office lover behind.


- Well then, The Emperor of Mankind from Warhammer 40k always seemed like a Badass to me, and all that Imperium technology is pretty crazy, so yes, if I could have fictitious powers it would be the power of the Emperor of Mankind and the knowledge of the Imperium technology - .


- That's not exactly the power of a fictional character because all the knowledge of the Imperium 's technology would be outside even the Emperor's capabilities, but still your answer is acceptable, so which fictional world would you like to go to? - . Chuck asked with a blank face, William was already used to Chuck's strange behavior and he was too drunk to ask about his friend's strange questions so he replied:


- I would like to go to a world like the one written by the fat guy with glasses who can't finish his stories, George something... I don't remember his name but you know who I mean, the guy who wrote Song of Ice and Fire , never read his books and only watched game of thrones..but it seemed like a fucking world underdeveloped enough to go there and do whatever you want with the dumb locals from the middle ages, plus a chance to see Lena Headey would be worth it It's a pity, you know I've had a childhood crush on her since I was a kid - .


At this Chuck just nodded and said; "It can be done," then the small bar fell silent as the other patrons seemed to freeze in time under William's confused gaze.


- I think I drank too much... - .


- It's not because of the drink that everyone is so still William, I just froze time. Beings like me have been fascinated trying to understand the abstract concept of human relationships for a long time, you have been a great help to this research during the last years, and for that I thank you, but now I need you to help me in this experiment once last time, you will be given the powers you asked for though the knowledge will be given to you in another way, once you reach the world you chose as your destination, but other than that you will never receive any help other than what is being given to you now, nor I and my kind will not interfere again, we will only register everything, take charge of living life as you see fit, bye William -.


Chuck's confused words further confused William who, with his mind numbed by alcohol, could do nothing but panic as a tear in reality sucked him in and then all he could see was darkness.





William woke up confused in the middle of the forest, his head throbbing and his body feeling strange, closer inspection made him realize that he was now 6 foot tall and that was the reason his clothes now fit tight. As if that were not enough, William took out his cell phone to check his face , coming across an unknown face.


William used to be a pale man with blond hair and blue eyes, but now he was a tall guy with long almost black brown hair with eyes the same color to match, his skin was a light healthy tan, and his body was he had become stocky and muscular. William couldn't believe what was happening and had a panic attack when a holographic screen appeared with a message written on it.


- " welcome user designated as William Murphy, I am your virtual assistant, an artificial intelligence of basic administration in charge of the nanotechnological swarm implanted in your body to fulfill two objectives, transform your biological body into the being designated as ^Emperor of humanity^ and provide data as standard construction templates for each technology designated as ^ Imperium technology ^. To close the currently activated interface pronounce the command ^close system interface^, to open it pronounce the command ^open system interface^, for more information consult verbally while the interface is open " -.


Willliam nearly fainted reading this, 2 hours later and feeling better William decided to investigate the system.


- System, who created you? - .


- " I am the product of superior beings living in the "void" between universes, more detailed information about said beings is not available in my database " - .


- What do those beings want with me? - .


- " Based on my creation and the data available in my database, the beings that created me study human behavior by conducting experiments with multiple human beings in different parts of the multiverse , you are part of an experiment observing human behavior " - .


- Where am I? - .


- " information not found in the database " - .


- A moment ago you said that one of your main functions was to convert my body into that of the Emperor of humanity, I look a bit like myself nowadays but... wasn't the Emperor measuring almost 5 meters and had Psychic superpowers ? I don't feel very Psychic nor very high either. - .


- " That is due to the current range of adaptation to the body of the being designated as ^Emperor of humanity^, currently it is 2%, the conversation will continue naturally over time until it reaches 100% " - .


William was silent for a moment thinking about the conversion percentage since with only 2% he had totally changed his appearance making him measure 6 feet in addition to looking totally different. After a moment William continued to question the system.


- System, how do I access the standard construction templates of Imperium technology - .


- " The standard construction templates are obtained through trade in the system store, each technology depending on its complexity requires different amounts of souls that must be extracted by the user using their psychic powers for the transaction " - .


- Why the hell does the system ask me to trade souls in exchange for technology? - . Said William asking that question to himself more than to the system, however the system that heard him answered anyway.


- " the form of payment of the system store is because this is an experiment in observing human behavior, you must decide if the technology is worth the complete destruction of the required souls " - .


William remained silent after this processing what he had heard from the system, after a few minutes he looked up at the skies and sighed in resignation before closing the system interface and then starting to walk in search of civilization.





William had found a small town that strangely seemed like a medieval recreation, after talking with some villagers and with the village priest he found out that he was in nothing more and nothing less than the land of rivers in the world of song of ice and fire, although it was the year 30 after Aegon 's conquest , William had no idea what happened in this time period but took solace in the knowledge that at least a medieval society was not that dangerous for For someone like him, the only thing that worried him was that his assimilation percentage of the Emperor's body was extremely slow since 1 month after coming to this world his synchronization only increased by 1%.





William happily lived his life on the outskirts of the town he had found, the transition from living in a city to a medieval world was not that hard or difficult for William thanks to his new body, hunting small animals became relatively easy using traps which William had learned to do by watching Discovery Chanel in his old world, this helped him negotiate with some villagers in the town by gathering some copper coins in exchange for the meat or skins of the married animals.


However, not everything was going so well, the comfortable Aerojordan shoes that William used when he arrived in this world began to fit him due to his new size, also the synchronization rate slowed down twice as in 2 months since it rose 1% it had only risen another 1% taking twice as long as it took its previous advance, William hoped this was not a common occurrence.





The slow rate of synchronization became a common occurrence... what used to take him a month had become 2 and now 4. In the 7 months since he arrived in the world of Planets , William had only increased his synchronization by 2%. to 5%, which was worrisome.


Even so, not everything went wrong for William, 7 months living near the town, hunting and trading made the suspicious villagers soften towards him, he even became friends with the old local Septon whom he visited every day to talk and help him cook, Surprisingly he wasn't as bad as William thought someone of the faith of the 7 was according to how they looked in Game of Thrones.


He was also able to negotiate classes with the local blacksmith who although he only made horseshoes and occasional tools

he was someone quite skilled from whom William was able to learn how to work copper, bronze and iron. The lack of internet access and a large amount of free time meant that William became an excellent blacksmith apprentice in a short time, even if the blacksmith he was learning from was not at the level of one of the blacksmiths in castles or big cities in Westeros .


Life wasn't so bad in the village and William even started flirting with a pretty country girl from the village named Janna . Janna was a short girl with fair skin and red hair, she also had some freckles that made her look adorable, William had a crush on her and luckily Janna 's parents and siblings were not against William.





In 24 months William's synchronization had only gone up 2% but he didn't care anymore, at this point he was more aware of his relationship with Janna , months ago William had officially started courting her, now William had enough money saved as to ask her to marry him, that's why today he had gone to talk to his friend old Septon Lothar to marry them and also went to the elders who were acting as village leaders to ask their permission to build a new house in the village, the Septon and the elders happily agreed to the request.


Now William only had to talk to Janna and her parents to make it official, so William had gone to hunt a ferocious Boar that was roaming the farthest part of the forest to take it as a gift to Janna 's family , however upon returning to the The village came across the village being attacked by armed men who wreaked havoc by throwing flaming torches onto the roofs of the villagers' houses.


William didn't think twice and threw the boar to the ground before running into town armed only with a club and a small bronze knife, his main concern being Janna and her family.





old septon Lothar who had once belonged to the order of lowly clerics, could not dodge the sword slash of a bandit who saw him as easy prey, Lothar was an old man but still had enough reflexes to lie back to reduce the damage of the attack, thanks to that the slash only made a shallow wound that left the old man lying on the ground while he watched the bandit make a grotesque smile at the young woman he had been talking to until a moment ago when a huge group of bandits invaded the town.


The old man tried to get up but although the wound was not fatal it was serious enough that his old body did not respond.


- "Come on Lothar ! You must get up!" - . He told himself in his mind as he dragged his injured body towards the bandit who was struggling with the young woman trying to take her dress by force.


Lothar was already an old man so at least he wanted to die knowing that he gave the young woman the opportunity to escape, unfortunately his wishes were not fulfilled since the bandit flew into a rage when the girl bit off one of his fingers .


Lothar felt time slow down as he watched the enraged bandit grab the girl before plunging his sword into her stomach.


- Noooo ! - . The old man yelled, feeling his eyes water when he saw the young woman die before him.


The girl was someone Lothar He had known her since she was a little girl, he saw her take her first steps, heard her speak her first words and soon would have blessed her union with a good man who had gone hunting to bring her a good betrothal gift.


Yet now young Janna was dead and there was nothing old Lothar could do about it. The world was cruel and Lothar knew it very well... but still the injustice that happened before his eyes was no less painful to witness.


It was then that the groom, a hunter named William, came running up with a raised club and killed the bandit with a well-aimed blow that cracked his head and sent him collapsing to the side lifeless.


Lothar saw how the hunter crouched down next to his beloved and began to cry when he realized that she was dead, Lothar also saw how another bandit approached the hunter who was crying and could only give a warning.


-William be careful! behind you! - .


Lothar 's cries of warning and was unaware of the bandit until Lothar drove a spear through his back, ending his life.


- "No!, by the gods please don't" - .


Tears fell freely down Lothar 's face , he knew Janna and Willian , their destiny was to marry in the faith of the 7 and live a life of love in which they would support each other through thick and thin, in the spring and winter until death do them part, now death had separated them before their union because of the cruelty of bandits who would rather kill their fellow man for profit than till the land and live off the fruit of their labors honestly.


- Screw you! damn you all! vultures! may the stranger take them away and may the father judge them in the deepest circle of the 7 hells! The gods will punish them! miserable! - .


Lothar cursed with a trembling voice and begged the seven for justice, his many years of life and the injustices he had witnessed in his youth told him that he would not get his justice today, the men and boys would be killed, the women whether adults or girls would be raped before suffering the same fate as men, Lothar knew very well that this would happen but his pain made him beg the gods to no avail for justice, and for the first time in Lothar 's life ... the gods They heard their pleas and responded...


The hunter, Willian , stood up regardless of the fatal wound that the bandit had given him moments before, his eyes had a supernatural shine that expressed his just fury and thirst for revenge, then it happened, William who should be dead rushed at him. the bandit that had wounded him moving with the speed of a war horse, he smashed his rough, thick wooden club into the bandit's armored arm denting the armor and breaking the arm causing him to drop the spear he was holding, the bandit tried to pull out a dagger from his belt with his good hand but then that arm suffered the same fate as the previous one.


Willian then smashed his club into the bandit's helmed head who collapsed to his knees from the force of the impact, William didn't stop and continued to pummel the bandit denting his helm and slowly turning his head to a pulp.


The bandit's companions rushed at William in a group but he didn't care, he blocked blows with his club and responded by attacking furiously until his club broke from the effort of fighting against iron weapons, he received mortal wounds but still continued. fighting with bare hands while bleeding from 20 wounds!


The plate, boiled leather and chain mail armor of the well-armed bandits did not stop the monstrous strength of the hunter's arms that seemed to have been blessed by the warrior.


Armor dented, bones shattered, and Willian didn't stop in his onslaught no matter the cuts and stabs his body received in the process, now covered in hundreds of wounds that slowed him down and was bathed in his own blood but still so it didn't stop.


The bandits, far from being intimidated, attacked in larger and larger groups out of a primordial fear that prompted them to attack Willian with the intention of killing him, knowing that they would not stand a chance in a 1v1 fight. The leader of the bandits, a tall man who stood over 2 meters tall and was clad in full plate armor fixed his attention on William.


The bandit leader held a large iron mace in his right hand while he carried a thick oak shield in his left, so he did not hesitate to attack, furiously hitting the bleeding body of the hunter.


The powerful blow of his mace split the bones of William's left arm leaving it hanging uselessly to the side of his torso, a second blow from the mace struck the head throwing William onto his back with a swollen face although by the grace of the seven the blow of the mace did not pop an eye or sink his head.


The bandit leader tossed his shield aside arrogantly and raised his mace with both hands to deal William the final blow, however by this time Lothar had managed to crawl over to the corpse of a dead bandit to grab his spear to strike. then throw it at William.


- William! taking! - .


The spear fell next to the dying hunter who did not hesitate for a moment to take it with his right hand and then stab it into the bandit's unprotected face while he roared in defiance.


The iron point of the spear easily pierced the skin and bones of the bandit leader 's face, killing him instantly.

The town seemed to be silent for a moment until William, despite being badly injured, took the iron mace that fell to the ground and proceeded to attack one of the surviving bandits furiously.

This snapped the other bandits out of their stupor and they began to flee into the forest.

Yet William's fury fueled him and with a roar he went after the attackers of the village.


The people of the village for their part began to recover as they were no longer surrounded by their attackers, they began to help the injured and made sure to check if any of their loved ones had died... many cried that day but as usual being common in little people they went on with their lives.


The wounded were tended to and Lothar was taken to the precarious sept where they tended to him as best they could before letting him sleep with a fever from his injuries, Lothar prayed once more to the gods for William's safety, then unconsciousness swept him away leaving him in a dream full of nightmares.





After the attack, the hours passed, the sky darkened and the sun came out again, it was then that William returned to town head down and began to help the wounded, no one asked him what had happened hours before and no one even bothered to touch the issue while trying to rebuild the village.


There was no real doctor in the village and the medicine woman had been killed during the attack, so William took it upon himself to tend to the wounded with his basic knowledge from his afterlife.


The bandages were washed and sterilized, the wounds were cleaned with the highest alcohol content they could find, and the patients were treated with the greatest care so as not to reopen their wounds.

All this happened while the corpses of the relatives of the town were buried and the corpses of the bandits were stripped of their clothes and then burned to avoid diseases.


Nine days after the attack a party of horsemen came to the village, William having just fed old Septon Lothar with some soup came out with an iron mace in his hand to receive them being followed by the young men of the village armed with the weapons of the dead bandits while the others watched from a prudent distance to flee if things went wrong.


As the horsemen numbering over 60 approached, William noted that they carried a banner of a silver trout leaping over rolling field of azure and gules, it was House Tully , the overlords of the riverlands, William remembered them from the Game of Thrones Show he watched in his previous life, so he relaxed a bit but still kept his guard up just in case.


The men on horseback stopped 5 meters from William and watched him and the small crowd of young peasants behind him, looking as if at any moment they might rush to kill them.

The tension was evident and William decided to speak up to break the ice before blood was spilled.


- Lord Tully , welcome -. William said, addressing the best-dressed man of the group who wore a surcoat with the emblem of House Tully and was flanked by two well-armed knights.


The supposed Lord Tully sneered at him but did not return his greeting.

This raised alarm bells in William who remembered how well equipped the bandits were and made him think: - "what if they weren't bandits, and if they were just Lord Tully 's men sent to kill the little people of this town for some stupid stately reason" - .


William's thoughts grew wilder and wilder as he imagined the man in front of him as the one responsible for the death of his beloved and her friends.

Lord Tully for his part was oblivious to the growing fury of the man in front of him as he was looking at the weapons in the hands of William and the peasants.


- It's a nice mace that you have there... very large and ornate, made entirely of iron, it's strange that such a valuable weapon is in the hands of someone from the little people - . Lord Tully said , thinking that the peasants before him might be bandits in disguise, the bandits who had burned entire villages on his land and whom he had been tracking with his knights at his side.


However, Lord Tully 's words only finished igniting the anger that ran through William's veins because of Janna 's death .


- Yes, it is an expensive mace - . William said furiously stopping to breathe as veins sprouted on his forehead and he turned slightly red with anger.


- Very expensive indeed, I took it from a bandit after killing him, I also killed his men one by one and the only thing I regret is not having captured them alive to spread their pain - .


William's words laden with ill-contained fury caused Lord Tully to jerk back in his saddle in surprise, yet the knight at his right hand ignored the fury of a simple man whom he considered his inferior.


- Nonsense!, you really want me to believe that a group of stinking peasants killed the giant with the trident and his men, you are with them! possibly hiding them! The weapons in their hands give them away! None of the little people could get weapons like that! - .


- The weapons we have are those of the dead bandits, but I understand that you don't believe my words... in the same way that I don't think that simple bandits would be as well armed as you in numbers of 200 men! - . William yelled the last part red with anger and spitting out of his mouth because of his anger.


- Watch your scum tone! - . Warned the other knight next to Lord Tully drawing his sword ready to protect his lord's honor, the other knights on horseback followed suit, however William didn't care.


-Lord Tully ! swear to the gods that you did not send your men to kill the people of this town! swear by all seven that you had nothing to do with the death of my beloved! swear it ! - . William demanded loudly, which annoyed the first gentleman of House Tully who came forward with his longsword drawn, ready to kill the peasant who was shouting at his lord.


However when under his sword, William caught the slash with his bare left hand catching the blade of the sword in his hand, the knight tried to free his sword from William's iron grip but was unsuccessful even if his hand started to bleed. Then William did something no one saw coming, he dropped the mace he was clutching in his right hand before delivering a slightly Psychic-enhanced punch to the knight's warhorse.


The horse's head snapped and gave way to William's punch, killing him instantly. The horse's carcass crumpled to the ground, pulling its rider along with it.

Then both sides went on their guard and prepared to kill each other, the knights surrounding their lord and William once again holding the mace while the youths behind him were emboldened by their unspoken leader's show of force.


As the carnage was about to break out, a scream was heard that stopped everyone dead in their tracks.


- Stop this madness in the name of the seven! - .


They all turned to see who was the one who shouted and found the miserable figure of old Septon Lothar being carried by 2 nervous villagers who brought the Septon closer to the middle of the 2 sides at his request.


-Lord Oromund Tully , you may not remember me but I'm Lothar , I used to be a humble cleric who fought alongside his father against the Iron Born bandits who raided the northeast coast.


- I don't remember it as such but I remember the help of the sons of the warrior and the humble clerics against the Iron Born during my father's term - . Lord Tully said , taking this opportunity to reduce the tension since he was dismayed to see a man kill a horse with one punch, Lord Tully did not care about humble clerics or the warrior's sons but he would not miss this opportunity.


- Lord Tully , I have given most of my life to the service of the seven and I can swear by the seven that you will not find bandits alive in this town, in our greatest moment of need the seven took pity on us and sent us help - . Said the Septon Lothar fervently before a coughing fit made him spit up blood.


Willian 's face went from furious to worried and he dropped the mallet from his hand once more before going to help old Septon .


- Old Lothar ... I told you that you should rest -. William said softly.


- He had to come to avoid a possible massacre, this village has already suffered enough of unnecessary bloodshed -. Lothar replied .


Seeing that the situation had calmed down, Lord Tully collected himself and approached the Septon . Lothar while being flanked by some knights.


- good septon Lothar , you think we have a lot to talk about, tell me what happened here -. Lord Tully ordered .


2 hours later Lord Tully and his knights left taking the bandits' equipment as well as their charred skulls.


Lothar had told him everything and even showed him the pile of burned corpses of the bandits of which only the blackened bones remained with a bit of charred flesh stuck to them, Lord Tully for his part took everything for two reasons, one was that he didn't like that his little people were so well armed and the other was that Prince Maegor Targaryen had come to the riverlands to hunt down the bandit known as the giant with the trident, Lord Tully and his knights were only a scouting force for Prince Maegor , however now with the bandit dead they must bring proof of his death.


- Bastards! they took everything and all they left behind was a dead horse! - . A young villager named Dontin said angrily .


- Your mother won't like that you're talking like that Dontin , now come help me cut up this horse to prepare its meat - . William said casually as he opened the stomach of the dead horse with a bronze knife, releasing an unpleasant odor.


Dontin held his nose for a moment before reluctantly reaching out to help Willian as he continued to complain.


- At least they should have left us an iron dagger or two, they have everything while we have nothing... that's not fair - .


- in fact it is not, but we can not do anything to change it beyond trying to improve our lives by our own means, you are young Dontin , you only have 14 name days, in the future you can have many more things than you you have now with a little effort, you can find a pretty girl to marry... - . William said before falling silent as he remembered Janna .


-...You, do you miss her? - .


- Yes, I miss her every day that passes while I try to keep her image as alive as possible in my memory - . Said William letting out a few tears.


Realizing his mistake, Dontin tried to apologize.


- I'm sorry William! I shouldn't... - .


- No, don't worry about it, now help me by grabbing the horse's leg, will you? - . William said wiping his tears with his shirt sleeve before continuing with the horse.


The days passed and turned into weeks, the weeks into months and the months into years until four years had passed since the day of the bandit attack.


During this time, William visited the town more often, helping it to rebuild itself while training his psychic powers . The harsh reality of this world had been a rude awakening for Willian , who had become accustomed to a peaceful and quiet life, however, it was not because of this that He trained his psychic powers , he did it in an attempt not to forget Janna , he trained to improve his memory as well as to review the memories of others to keep the memory of the woman he loved as alive as possible.


As a side product of this he learned to know if a person was lying while actively using his powers on said person and also learned to create illusions which he normally used to comfort the dying as now when he was in the house of one of the village elders. .


Since the attack years ago William had taken the job of unofficial village healer so at this moment he was applying ointments in the hut of a groaning old man who was surrounded by his daughter and some grandchildren who were not in the field working. next to the old man's son .


- I'm sorry Elayna , this is all I can do for your father... my medical knowledge is few and more oriented to simple things and first aid... if we could get a teacher maybe we would have a chance but... the The truth is that this would be impossible for people like us... - . William apologized to the tearful woman who watched her father writhe in pain.


- Is there something that can be done so that he no longer suffers? Perhaps some herb that can give him peace in his final moments... please - . Elayna murmured under her breath .


William was about to respond but the dying old man regained enough strength to grab William's arm tightly.


- Please... don't let the stranger take me... I beg you... I'm afraid! - .


Elayna burst into tears upon hearing her trembling father's pleas and was comforted by her eldest daughter who hugged her tightly, William for his part only looked at the old man for a moment before placing his hand on the dying man's forehead before closing the door. her eyes and focus on her Psychic power.


- Don't worry, you shouldn't be afraid of the stranger, he will take you to rest with the family that has already left you, can you see them? - . William asked using his power to see into the old man's memories before inducing illusions directly into his brain.


The old man's eyes glazed over for a moment before his eyes widened in surprise.


- I can see them! Dad! Mom! Are you?... but how is this possible!? - .


- They have come to accompany you to your final rest - .


- Oh my gods! Even my little sister is here! Ho ! Annie !, I've missed you so much, there's so much I've wanted to tell you - . Said the old man crying with happiness.


Elayna, who saw everything, covered her mouth in disbelief and one of her young children ran to go find the Septon . when the septon Lothar and his new helper Thomas the sparrow arrived at the old man's hut and found the strange image of the dying man conversing happily with dead people who were not there while Willian had his eyes closed and his hand on the old man's forehead.


The hours passed and William did not leave his place until the old man lost his strength and said goodbye to his daughter and his grandchildren before remaining silent as the strength left him making him close his eyes for the last time to welcome the darkness. .

Only then did William open his eyes and get up to leave the place, leaving behind the men of faith and the grieving family.


The next day the Septon Lothar was looking for William and found him under the shade of a tree with a bronze knife sharpening a 6 foot long straight ash pole.


- I knew I would find you here... - . Said the Septon casting a sidelong glance at a square stone a few yards from William that read: here rests Janna , born 12th year after conquest, died 31st year after conquest.


- I thought you would be busy preparing tomorrow's sermon in the Sept -. William replied, continuing to sharpen the ash stick.


- Thomas the sparrow is in charge of that lately, you know how old I am now, soon I will be with the seven and he will take my place, after all, that's why I brought him two years ago - .


- What does Septon want ? - . William asked putting aside what he was doing, the Septon was silent for a moment before speaking.


- You know, when you arrived in town you seemed curious to me, a tall man with strange clothes asking questions that were common knowledge, you also had knowledge that from the softness of your hands I would say that you never put it into practice, however I did not give it much importance to the matter, you were someone kind who hunted near the town to live and you traded selling skins and meat for a good price, you even started to bring an old man like me some meat and company every day - . The Septon said letting out a small laugh before continuing to speak.


- You were more of a blessing to this town than anything else, fresh blood and a good person, that was more than a small town like this could ask for, and then it happened... the attack four years ago, I saw how you received fatal wounds over and over again and still you got up and kept fighting... I saw the inexperience in your combat but I also saw that unstoppable will to end the evil that hurt us -. The Septon said excitedly.


- After that I saw you help others without caring about your own wounds, you healed the wounded with knowledge you had never used, I could see that in your inexperience, you comforted the wounded and dying and you took care of us in our darkest moment, then I realized... you were blessed by the seven, the father gave you the gift of justice, the mother gave you mercy to protect the weak, the warrior gave you courage and strength in your arms, the blacksmith gave you intelligence for all trades, the maiden gave you the strength to protect innocence and chastity, the old woman blessed you with wisdom and the stranger gave you the gift of comforting lost souls on their way to the afterlife - .


- Where do you want to go with all this Septon ? - . William asked.


- Where do I want to go? you were blessed by all seven! For all of them!, have helped us more than anyone could ask for but you are made for bigger things than staying in this small town - .


- perhaps... do you want me to leave town? - .


- No! I don't want you to leave! You are my friend and the person who made me feel hope again, but the world is a cruel place and out there it is full of people who beg the seven of them for salvation in their darkest moments. every day, you are the answer to those prayers! Keeping you tied up here would be the most selfish thing I could do even if I wanted you to stay here protecting the town forever -.


Septon 's words made silence reign for a moment before William asked a question.


- Then what should I do?... - .


- You must live, you must walk the world doing what you think is right, live your life, go and enjoy what the world has to offer, wherever you go the seven will accompany you and there justice will be done, no Chain yourself up in this small town, you have blessings mortals only dream of and it's time you used them.


Septon 's words sank deep into William's heart and at that moment he knew it was time to leave the pain and bad memories behind to take a trip, after all he had 9% of the Emperor's power and it was time to start to use it.