Chereads / Star Wars : Last Order / Chapter 17 - Talents

Chapter 17 - Talents

38 BBY

During this Victor has been focusing on meditating but it's really expensive to do from the system, just the cost of the crystals are in the millions range.

He did learn an interesting combat move from the Holocron it's called Teräs Käsi.

It's interesting Victor thinks to him self but he modified it for his better uses and he calls this new hand to hand combat Teräs Käs kï.

[ Congratulations host on creating a talent ]

'What are talents'

[ Talents are like abilities but many talents will be in Passive mode unlike your abilities in active mode ]

'Hmm ok'

So he spent time teaching his right and left hands it, namely Zack, Kyle and Mira

Kyle took to it well and fast then Zack and Mira it's as expected since they are combat oriented except Mira who took the longest.

Victor finally has enough to get a light cruiser but he won't as he sees the price for it is enormous so he will save because of his future plans for his credits and just keep it up with the space probes.

He also hasn't stopped looking for Holocrons, just being more careful about it and so looking at a map marked up with possible locations is very tempting for him to explore.

Beep Beep

Victor opens his eyes to see he's in a room only lit by candles, he finds there aroma pleasing to his nose. He get up and gets dressed, once dressed he exits his room where he is greeted by Red Queen hologram.

Red Queen informs him "there are a lot of disloyal people in the external members group, shall I mark them for disposal?"

"No, leave them just tag them and move on, the external members are only extras our main force are the internal members. But we will know not to assign any important task to the traitors in the external group, just the loyal ones." Victor replied

"Ok" she said and went back to doing research calculations

"How far along has Mira gotten with the drug 'Super life' research?" asked Victor

"She's close to completing it." Replied Red Queen

"Good." Said Victor while sitting on a throne and looking at a star map in one of the room. Some planets are red while some are green or blue and orange.

The green are worlds he established The Continental Hotel's on mainly populated worlds and the blue is for covert bases. The orange is for enemy gangs he may piss off doing what's he wants to do in the future and red is for active enemy gangs.

"You are dismissed" said Victor in an soft voice looking at the cute Lolita

"Roger roger" replied Red Queen

"What did you just say" asked Victor with one eye twitching

"I said yes sir" Replied the Red Queen as she giggles and run away like she isn't an hologram

Victor mouth starts to twitch as well with a half smile

A month later

On Coruscant level - Unknown

A trooper wipes the nonexistent sweat off his face.

"This is packed up and ready to go" he said to another team mate

"Ok let get this back to the transport." His friend replied as they both pick up handles on each side of the create.

Getting back to the FOB they are greeted by its semi - high walls with a gate and some watch towers with lights

As they get to the gate there is a red light constantly scanning them as they do the procedure to get into the base. Once done they get into the base to see transport speeders carrying more creates.

As they get to a store house to get there cargo logged in they are greeted by another team.

"Hey Harley haven't see you in a while, thought you we're dead haha." Said his friend

"Oh hey, yeah iv been out collecting as much as we can find out there and bring it back." Harley said

"Be careful some of the creates degrade overtime with certain biochemicals." His friend said

"Thanks I'll get a new create after this then." Replied Harley

After logging in there haul they went to get another create while there's was put in storage awaiting transport to Lima base, but no one noticed little critters leaving the create threw a crack in it.

Click clack

There are foot steps coming closer and the critters stop coming out of the box. The box is then lifted and put on a air transport back to Lima base.

Once there they are put in storage and some get taken out and some come back empty.

The critters come out of the box and start going everywhere in the place, these critter look gray kinda see threw with lots of skinny legs and to antennas and a circle for a mouth, they are very small.

There are more foots steps and some of the critters crawl to the troopers, once on they crawl to the darkest spot they can find on the troopers and dig into there skin and burrows in there.

As they bite down on there skin toxins are pumped into it to neutralize the feeling of the critters.

"This one feels light." Says the trooper as he picks up the create with the help of his teammate.

"Yeah it does, oh well let just get this unloaded so we can chill." His teammate replied as they transport it to another facility

A few hours later in the Office of commander Ralph

"Sir these are the latest reports." Said his assistant as she puts a stack of documents on the table next to the other set of unprocessed documents.

"Yes thank you, heather." Replied Ralph in an uncaring manner, the Ralph goes back to doing what he was doing before surfing the holoNet.

Heather 'Sighs' seeing him do this and she goes and try to do the work he supposed to do.


35 bby

Beep Boop

A probe droid floating threw the dark space, it's visibly damaged with some missing arms and broken stealth modules.

As it drifts there space it comes up on a planet, it checks its data base and finds it unregistered in any star maps.

It then uses its communications to gather all its navigation data and send it back to base. Once it done that it tries to enter the planet only for it to break apart and never make it to the surface.

That was the end of this probe Journey.

34 bby

Communications was received and sent to Victor

Victor opens his eyes in his base and says " Finally found a world, ahh the route is time sensitive" he said with a thoughtful face