[Your frogs watch as you whack the loincloth lad with your staff, beating him until he screams and spits fire from his mouth. Foodie understands now - this isn't love, it's abuse!]
[Your Napoleon wonders how getting beat makes him spit fire instead of blood?]
[Your da Vinci explains simply - by thrashing him, Ming is venting the lad's inner fire, concentrated and erupting from his mouth. Though he's yelling loudly, right now he's also feeling pretty good~]
[Your Napoleon comprehends - watching sweat-drenched you, Ming, you really are a good person who suffers for others' sake~]
[Your Merlin shakes his head - those two are dumbasses, and you, Napoleon, aren't too bright either~]
"The instant I break free, you die!" the loincloth lad roared, silently trying to activate Blink.
[You've been silenced~]
The lad frowned - this guy could even interrupt magic...
[You've been silenced~]