Chereads / The desire to protect(on hold) / Chapter 13 - Where am l?

Chapter 13 - Where am l?

l really really underestimated carriages like my ass hurts so much and l am tired as f*** oh nevermind cross that l am always tired *sigh* let's just set up camp here and go to sleep l'll reach the city when l'll reach the city.....

Lillian drifted off to sleep going to her wonderland where she'll adore Emery as in her dreams she has no end unlike reality .

l woke up and looked around confused the forest that was green a few hours ago was now dark even though the suns were high up in the sky most trees leaves were gown the roses were black actually they look very pretty l'll take a few thank you very much .

lts as if god hates putting me in such a place l looked around and heard crunching me looking behind l saw a 5 foot tall human looking creature teeth sprouting from his lips and mouth a single eye hole at the center that is empty his skin a moldy green if asked to describe in one word then monster .

Lillian unsheathed her katana running forward towards the monster slicing at its legs than when it fell down putting her sword through it's empty eye socket .

l took the sword out of its eye socket this things blood was white and it also looked disgusting l have to find my way out l saw another monster it looked enchanting a woman with horns that sprouted from her head naked she was but her hair was covering her chest while her pussy was free eyes white with tears coming out of them she looked but she soon leaped at me l moved my face and held my katana in it's place slicing of her arm she growled and swung her claws l sliced her hand attacked on her legs than on her chest then attacked from behind her slicing a few important veins in the process but just to be sure l put my katana through her head .

l encountered many monsters some l ran away from most which l killed and some who had almost killed me l wonder what is the saddest word in this world if someone were to ask me this question l'd answer with almost . l almost lived l almost loved l almost made it it truly is the saddest as you were just about to ...

l woke up another day in this living hell hole . hell even the monsters didn't taste that good they were mid food very bad 0\10000 l don't know if l'll make it out of here a human l'll probably turn insane and be like them but the portal Infront of me said another thing l went in not knowing where it'll lead l arrived at what l think is the city what ever l'll ask around l ask around and had discovered that l was in the capital the place l had called a city well time to relax as l cause chaos and watch that wretched king suffer along with his people l went into a fancy looking hotel and asked the clerk to give me a room for 7 weeks .

the clerk smiled at me "yes sir please tell me your name and that'll be 7 silver coins for each week " l looked at her shocked that's expensive like even if l am rich l am cheap rich if l see a expensive handbag and see another one that's looks pretty much like it but in a different colour then l'll buy the cheaper one l am just built like that .

" Lucien" l replied as it was fun to lie about my name "alright sir Lucifer your room number is 69 and here are your keys " l nodded and went on my merry way when l arrived l immediately got a burst of motivation to wanna be nice and helpful like that burst of motivation you get at 3 am and then work out .

l went out helped an old lady cross the street than got yelled at her saying that l though that she was weak and that she's still young like calm down miss no need to be a Karen l went out again helped a cat get down from the tree than got yelled at by the owner that l was trying to steal her like ma'am nobody wants your hairless ass cat but she was also hairless like owner like cat that's what happened the whole day l got yelled at left and right didn't matter what l did l went to my hotel laid face down on cried a bit like can someone be proud of me like f-fuck l am trying .

l got up after a bit that burst of motivation now gone reduced to nothing but ashes people were so mean now time to kill the king l barged into the castle killing all the guards that got in my way and made my way to the leader he was the same as before but had a lot of scars and looked a bit older he took out his sword stone cold face as l made the first move leaping towards him as he stabbed his sword forward l twisted my body and avoided it with only a small cut on my stomach l got a rope and in some way tied him up and took him with me to my hotel room this time secretly l tied to a chair and tied him with 3 more ropes to ensure that he couldn't move than got out my torture devices time to have fun.

l had gotten all the information l needed making sure his screams didn't reach outside the room l got a chain and put some fish hooks on to it made so that the ropes revealed most of his back l then hit him with it as if it were a whip enjoying his screams that were filled with sorrow and agony as the fish hooks stuck to his skin and every time l pulled it back it ripped his skin as l had gotten all the information l had needed l tortured him to death it was fun quite delightful maybe l am a bit of a sadist .

l burned his body as l got his body out of the hotel room through various means l had killed all the guards that were involved in the fire that were in the city now time to find the ones that are outside of it only 23 more bastards left hahaha! there gonna regret living l'll make sure oh l'll make sure ....