Thale stands at the edge of the river, his eyes focused intently on the fast-moving water. He takes a deep breath and summons his golden Qi, enveloping his body in its protective glow. He takes a step forward, into the water, and begins to walk against the current. The water is icy cold, and the current is strong, but Thale's Qi is protecting him from the worst of it.
Despite his best efforts, however, Thale finds that he is still being pushed downstream. He can feel the current tugging at his legs, pulling him further away from the enemy camp. He grits his teeth and pushes on, determined to find a way across the river.
As he walks, Thale experiments with different techniques, trying to find a way to resist the current. He tries using his Qi to create a barrier in front of him, but the water is too strong and the barrier breaks almost immediately. He tries using his Qi to buoy himself up, but he finds that it's too difficult to control.