Chereads / Adventures of Exliya / Chapter 13 - Wind Mastery

Chapter 13 - Wind Mastery

After mastering the art of wind magic through the mere concentration of energy, Sougo embarked on a new step of his magical arts: the use of magic-infused weaponry.

His katana, however, was confiscated by Mika for his safety, prompting Sougo to improvise with a wooden stick based on Mika's suggestion.

Seeking guidance, Sougo inquired about Mika's rationale, to which he cryptically responded "This way you'll find it easier to control. If were you to use your katana, it'll be bound to explode and break, not to mention its sharp properties would instantly inflict a fatal wound up your face."

Mika, well-versed in the perils of imbued objects with magic, foresaw the dangers whereas if Sougo were to use his katana, his katana would immediately explode if done incorrectly.

The fundamentals of magic infusion appeared deceptively simple, akin to casting a pebble into a pond; however, Sougo grappled with his limited comprehension of magical intricacies, striving to navigate uncharted waters with unwavering determination.

To infuse magic into an object, Sougo must directly transfer his mana to the object he was holding, shaping and stretching it until it was shaped like his blade. Soon after, Sougo's attempt was abortive, and it exploded. The explosion made Sougo trip to the ground with his hand injured.

Lusina came to Sougo's aid and healed him with her magic after the explosive result that led his hand wounded.

Sougo eventually realized something was odd. Lusina had a dark-green Syyon, but she used a magic staff as aforementioned by Mika himself that alternatively, mage would use a magic tool or weapons to compensate their lack in magical efficiencies in control. As soon as Sougo was fully patched up, he carried forth his training.

After a dozen attempts, the wooden stick was finally imbued with the essence of wind magic. Despite wind being weightless by nature, the enchanted stick now carried a subtle heft to it when swung. The invisible currents of wind swirled around the stick like a miniature tornado, enveloped in a swirling vortex of power.

Although the outcome was an improvement from before, Sougo realized that this achievement marked only the initial step in his magical journey. Step 1 was now behind him, with a path stretching out before him that promised even greater challenges and discoveries.

"For a magic infusion, you'll need complete control." Mika took a closer observation on the magic, without laying one finger on it he was sure that the magic was too violent. "Drawing your magic like that would be a waste of energy; the infusion looked raw, and the magic is spewing out quite badly causing the wind to be too violent. Over time, your magic will dissipate quickly." Mika remarked.

Mika, seizing the moment to showcase his mastery over infusion control, seized a wooden stick and electrified it with crackling lightning. Sparks danced and erupted from the stick, which became engulfed in a brilliant aura of yellow energy. With a swift motion, Mika effortlessly sliced through a tree, leaving behind a charred trunk cleanly severed.

Observing Mika's display of skill, Sougo couldn't help but marvel at the precision and power at play. He realized that without his prior training in mastering the energy ball, achieving such control would have required months of dedicated practice. The grueling session from the previous day, which had roused Mika from sleep, now proved its worth, prompting Sougo to reevaluate his training regimen.

Determined to expedite his progress, he resolved to condense his training schedule to a mere week, spurred on by the potential for rapid growth and newfound capabilities.

"Sorry, I have something that I need to do; you two go ahead and train without me," Lusina spoke to Mika and left the field in need of something.

"Strange. Was there something bothering her?" Mika wondered what Lusina was up to. 

Sougo's thoughts meandered back to an earlier discourse, where the enigma of non-Syyon wielders tapping into magic with staffs or weapons was unveiled. "Explain," he spoke, "if such tools are the bastions of their magic, why does she use both Syyons and her staff? Can she not use it with her Syyon?"

A flicker of recollection shone in Mika's eyes as he delved into the subtleties of their art. "Ah, I see. That's a common question actually. See how her staff can control vast of magics, how her Syyon is vividly dark-green like a forest? And yes, she's a plant mage."

With arms folded, Mika wove an explanation as intricate as the magics he described. "To weave plant magic, they must be acquire the knowledge of plants itself, unlike any magic. Incantations, while potent, are esoteric, since their origins are from witches. As I've said before, all sorts of methods in controlling magic or survival are deeply rooted in the cultural lands that varied."

Compassion etched itself upon his visage as he spoke of her lot. "I'd say her fate was quite unkind, for plant magic is not just wasting large mana, it demands high knowledge with lots of training. I'm not exaggerating, it could take averagely 3 weeks to bloom a flower. If you have wild creativity or imagination, call yourself lucky."

"Her staff is to make things easier which is a must. Without it, she might waste herself and even so far as eaten by the Unabī without her help back then. As with all magic, the more we practice the more sensitive we are to magic, but she's quite too young for that experience. With time, I can bet she can control plants without needing her staff, hahaha."

"Even though Syyons are created to make elemental magic more accessible, plant magic might be the worse one. It is a challenging, tiring even. Even I need wordy and complex words to cast it. And for your information, you'll see plant mages use magic tools more than one... Mostly."

Mika had delved into many tomes and whispering woods regarding plant magic to be as difficult as a newborn walking, himself included. He confessed to having summoned a peach tree because he was hungry.

"But hey, look at the bright side of things," Mika interjected, seeking to illuminate a path of optimism for Sougo amidst the shadows of doubt. "She may be a plant mage, but on the positive side plant mages are oft blessed with powerful and effective healing powers. A very useful one, wouldn't you say?"

With these comforting words, Mika endeavored to assuage Sougo's concerns, casting a ray of hope upon their shared journey.

With the tendrils of uncertainty gently untangled from Sougo's mind, he recommenced his training with renewed vigor and unwavering determination, embracing the challenges that lay ahead with steadfast resolve and unwavering spirit.

Day after day, under the scorching sun, Sougo persevered on the training grounds, his face glistening with sweat and his body bearing the marks of countless minor injuries. With unwavering discipline, he dedicated himself tirelessly to his craft, eschewing rest in favor of honing his skills. Despite the exhaustion that gnawed at his limbs and the weariness that clouded his mind, Sougo remained steadfast, his focus stayed on a singular objective.

As the days turned into weeks, Sougo's efforts bore fruit as he began to channel his magic through his beloved katana. With each swing, each strike, he infused the blade with his will and determination, forging a connection between steel and magic.

And then, at long last, the culmination of his relentless dedication manifested before his eyes. Sougo's katana shimmered with a vibrant hue of green, a testament to the mastery he had achieved in blending his swordsmanship with the mystical energies that coursed through him. In that moment, as he beheld his transformed blade, he knew that he had unlocked a power within himself that would forever alter the course of his destiny.

"You did it! The magic's perfectly intact with the blade!" Mika was on cloud nine after he witnessed Sougo's success. Lusina clapped her hands with a joyful smile after Sougo had accomplished it. 

Captivated by the stunning radiance of the green energy enveloping his katana, Sougo's eyes were drawn irresistibly to the beautiful spectacle before him. The vibrant aura surrounding the blade crackled with a controlled tempestuous wind, contained and focused in its intensity, ready to be unleashed with precision.

With a practiced grace, Sougo unleashed a swift slash, directing the empowered blade towards a towering tree. The katana sliced through the trunk at a sharp diagonal angle, sending the massive timber crashing down in a thunderous cacophony of sound and splintered wood.

The sheer force of the falling tree served as a resounding testament to the newfound might imbued within Sougo's katana. As he held the blade aloft, he could sense the weightlessness that accompanied its enhanced power, reminiscent of the electrifying infusion demonstrated by Mika. In that moment, as he stood amidst the aftermath of his display of prowess, Sougo knew that he had unlocked a potent force that would shape his destiny and propel him towards untold adventures that awaited on the horizon.

"Great! Now, all you need to do is more practice with the blade! Let's go kill some slimes, shall we?"

"Slimes?" Sougo had never heard of slimes, he never even recognized any of them in a fantasy book.

"A not-so-dangerous being with a liquid body, mostly slimes would come out as a hydro-being which means their entire body is water. Slimes that you should be careful of are the acidic ones and the burning ones. Lava slimes, toxic slimes, and fire slimes." Mika cautioned before going forward killing slimes.

Not knowing how to describe the being after Mika mentioned it to Sougo, Sougo just went along, thinking it was some kind of creature that would get him stronger.

The three then went deeper into the forest in search of slimes.

In the forest of Macadamia, which was what Mika named it, slimes were inhabiting the area. 

Each slime may produce a different power based on its size; normal slimes have less strength and the bigger the more dangerous. Following Mika's lead, Sougo asked a question, "Does this affect all my attributes after killing them?"

"Both; it affects you magically and physically, since you use both katana swing and magic infusion. Call it experience."

"!" Mika's eyes widened slightly, recalling something. Mika's hand was on his chin and expressed what he remembered, "Oh, come to think of it, magic infusions can also come into contact with our bodies."

"I have lightning elements, which means I'll possess unique attributes like lightning with infusion. I haven't researched it yet, but I intend to find out." Mika remembered something that could possibly enhance a person's physical capabilities by infusing magic, but Mika claimed he had not yet researched it.

He recalled a story he once read about a fairytale, and it had explanations regarding Syyons as well. He abhorred the book for its illogical story because he had never once been interested in fantasy stories except for The Gentle Giant Named Lotus, which was quite ironic for Sougo to live in a fantasy world where there was also a fantasy book in a fantasy world.

He narrated the story, and it shocked Sougo and Lusina while also perplexing them. Hence, Mika disliked it.

"The book, however, also had Syyons in the story. An author must have inspiration to it and it must be real." Mika shrugged.

Lusina inquired, "You mentioned you've read many books; may I ask, how many books have you read?"

Mika reflected briefly before responding, "Let's see... Last year I read 34 volumes, while the year prior was 58, summing up to a grand total of 1,156 books."

Lusina's eyes widened in astonishment, exclaiming, "THAT MANY?!"

Mika shared a glimpse into his literary journey, attributing his vast knowledge to a relentless appetite for reading. He divulged possessing a treasury of a thousand books, each page a wellspring of wisdom he imbibed daily.

Of the multitude he encountered, Mika meticulously scrutinized 1,156 works, dismissing the remainder as tales bereft of logical or generality, their narratives failing to resonate with his logical mind–he never liked unrelated stories.

It only made him more unrealistic, claiming books could shape your character.

Lusina giggled, "That explains it! You really are a book nerd."

As the three were chatting, a rustling sound could be heard around them. Sougo was the first one to react and reached for his katana to prepare a strike. Sougo's eyes were fixated on the ground, only using his ears to locate the enemy.

'It's not a footstep; it's like it's jumping.' Sougo was bewildered by the enemy because he heard no footsteps, only jumping noises.

Sougo's ears then budged at the sound, and he rushed to kill the enemy. The enemy jumped directly at Sougo, but to its surprise, Sougo killed it instantly with a perfect cut.

Upon killing his first slime, another came in with a bunch of its friends. Sougo got rid of them all in a fraction of a second, effortlessly slicing them.

With five slimes killed by his blade, Sougo continued. He rushed to the source of the sound, approaching it closer.

As he spotted a group of slimes, he mercilessly killed them. Within 8 seconds, he killed around 17 of them.

Mika and Lusina caught up, but Sougo was already done hunting slimes.

Mika and Lusina were exhausted from running so far because they couldn't catch up to Sougo's inhuman speed.

"*pant*" Mika wanted to say something, but he waited to catch his breath.

However, not for Sougo's restless actions. He kept his pace to catch slimes while killing the larger ones too.

"How in the world are you so fast!? Hey, listen to me, slimes are low intellectual creatures. They may look harmless but they have highly condensed elemental magic within them. Be careful!" Mika instructed Sougo to exercise caution.

"Good. Now, when you fight, your sensitivity will get higher; which means, your mastery over magic will increase as well. Your magic becomes easier to control, and your mana becomes more lasting. The strength of your magic is further increased; it's like having a power level when you fight; the more combat you partake in, the stronger your power levels are." Mika expounded while catching his breath slowly.

"Now, that I've taught you everything, well, maybe not everything but the important segments, what're you going to do next?"

"Mika, your wish was to travel the world, which means you have trained after that incident, yes?" Sougo asked if Mika got any training after surviving the last incident.

"For facing dangers, obviously. All in all, it's very important not to be idle during training. You do remember how strong the Unabī was, right? I wasn't good enough, and I forced myself to use my advanced magic twice and pass out." Mika admitted he had trained after they survived the Unabī.

"Then, after we get stronger, why do not we travel around the world?" Sougo offered.

Mika, with a heavy sigh, revealed the difficulty of the decision, "That's a difficult decision... I can't just leave Granny's house and travel far."

Lusina frowned, "Me too; I'm not so sure if my family will be happy if I'm far away."

"It is okay if you two do not want to. I am in search of answers to explain my existence here." Sougo explained his reason for wanting to travel the world was to unravel his existence living in Exliya.

"Oh yeah, you're not from around here... I'll rethink that later..." Mika promised he would rethink his decision together with Lusina.

As they all rethought, Sougo awaited their decision, and together they went home as the sun was going down.