A young woman with emerald hair was kneeling in front of the imperial throne.
With her hands on the floor, she trembled slightly, and was unable to even move. Fear completely paralyzed her when the lady realized the situation she was in.
When did this happen? What happened? Why did everything work out this way?
When she came here, she had no idea what was waiting for her.
But now, there was no chance to escape.
Her behavior was watched with interest by the man sitting on the throne. Crossing her legs impressively, she grinned:
— What is it? Leriana, I remember you weren't that shy before.
The woman trembled even more. They were the only ones in the hall, since everyone else was immediately kicked out. If something happens, she won't be able to call for help. No. Not even like that: no one will help her.
All because she crossed the path of a man whose word was decisive in this country.
And it depended on her will whether she would live on or not.