Chereads / DAY AND NIGHT / Chapter 12 - CHAPTER 10

Chapter 12 - CHAPTER 10

The horse drawn carriage trudged past the spindly pine needle gates. The iron contracted ever so slightly with the whip of the slightly chilly air. The magnificent white horses stumped down on the gravelly road, their hooves breaking apart the occasional jut of stone. The cleanliness of the air swept past their nostrils with every bob and turn of the carriage wheels. Maya pulled into herself as she watched the surrounding landscapes.

They had reached the Capital, almost two hours back. On entry into the inn of the Capital, The Pompous Owl, their luggage had been loaded into the trailers chained to the back of the carriage. The chilly air swept past the lavender of the carriages exterior, highlighted by the encrusted gold designs that billowed up to the sides of the window to form the outline of the owl. Right on top of the carriage, The Western isles flag swayed gently.

The surroundings of The Pompous Owl shared the same vigor of the Capital Of Central. A few smaller buildings, down south of the huge compound, past the huge outcrop of flowers. Their muddy brown walls thickened and blanched to a steep white roof that seemed to glisten and batter against the cool air that was contrasted with the rays of the sun at the horizon. The scent of the flowers clawed into Mayas nostrils, meddling away at her senses. The exotics of their beauty and fragrance lunged at Maya even from where she sat. Beside the small buildings lay a fenced farmland.

"This is all so wonderful." Amelia's whisper reminded her that they others here once again. Maya nodded silently, backing into the plush pillows just to avoid any further contact. The thick scent of leather of the seats fought against the exotic fog of the flowers. Down the gravelly path, a glass dome sat proudly. Gleams of sunlight peeled off its edges. The shudders of gold and bronze that ran along the top, spiraled down to the cast iron that drew down the bottom.

The supreme leaders towering statue stood proudly with his owl trained on others. The juts of steep lines of glass shielded the bronze walk, they trudged up to the top forming the luminous design that fought back the rays of light. The slight mass of structures and figures were slightly visible through the almost mirror like exterior. The path cut in two as they both circled past the loud structure before recombining again into a smooth sail down to the largest of the structures.

A vast mansion almost seven stories tall lay at the centre of this compound. The almost ancient and dull colors of gray and white was highlighted by the greenery of the surroundings. The building shrouded the suns rays, dispersing the suns gaze with its intimidating presence. In its front, a bronze statue of an owl was perched. Its wings were spread wide, the arch and curve of its feathers were beautifully highlighted.

Maya's neck prickled, her mind preoccupied with keeping the memories at bay. Chatter resounded around her, the moderately carriage giving her enough space to keep her distance. She breathed shakily, a taunt clawing past her mind. Maya watched from the window as a carriage, slightly bigger than theirs rolled past. Its flag billowed in the gentle breeze, an almost stark resemblance to their flag save for the parrot etched into the light yellow circle. The North-Eastern Isle

The carriage swerved past before turning down another path. The staircase lay bare, the only semblance of life came from the grate of the large looming double doors. The carriage creaked to a stop, the ride ended. Shuffling resounded from beside Maya, her eyes throbbed of weariness.

"Aren't you coming?" Amelia questioned, her eyes glazing over her in concern. Bitterness slid down her chest, she eyed her in annoyance.

"You don't have to do this." She muttered, straightening as she stood up. She had to bend in order to avoid colliding with the dull top. She ducked under Amelia, breezing past her. She leaped down on the smooth gravel, the weariness ate away at her bones.

She felt a hot gaze burning holes into her side. She turned to find Diane staring pointedly at her, as if trying to open up her mind. Her brown hair billowed down her back, her eyes narrowed slightly in analysis. She turned away from her prying eyes, her eyes set at the front. The darkness in her mind, cackled, humored by their effect on her. She gritted her teeth.

Guards stood at the top of the staircase, their hands pressed on the hilt of their swords. Their uniform was the very background of each of the different flags but an emblem of the owl was circled by the light yellow at the centre. Tarrick trudged down the carriage and was soon crowded by a few servants clad in white, they bowed slightly muttering a couple of words to him in central language. Although, each individual isle had their own language, it was mandatory for everyone to be fluent in the Central language. But, only those that were able to afford school learnt it. They soon rushed by them, acting like they weren't even there.

They trudged to the trailer attached to the carriage by a hook. They carried a couple of boxes, clean and fresh with the emblem of the owl from the collection of other patched up and worn out knapsacks and other luggages. They were soon up the stairs, their heads down as their pale shoes clinked slightly against the staircase, they kept to the metal railings Maya didn't miss the shadows that danced in their eyes, the haunted look that was stacked behind high barriers. They soon disappeared between the two double doors that they forced open while still juggling the luggage.

"Do they not have an ounce of an idea of whom our father is?" Agatha looked on from where she stood, her dark brown eyes squinted slightly at the double doors. Her light brown hair dropped down in her slender shoulder, braided. The white dress wrapped around her, holding her torso tightly before gathering at the waist. It fell down in lumps.

"I know, they clearly fail to register the consequences of their misguided actions." Her twin, Felix seconded, his disgust evident in his slightly accented tone. His grey eyes glittered slightly. His light brown hair was slicked back, his plump lips pushed up to a snarl. They were one of the few in the world that had a parent in Central that was also well off.

Tarrick walked in front of Maya, his   hands behind his back as he trudged up the staircase. His white hair was combed back into its usual ponytail.

"You are a native of the Western Isle, whether you like it or not, absolutely no respect is accorded to natives." The glints of the central accent in the twins' tone shone through in full force in his.

"Well, they'll find that I-" Agatha's  face scrunched up in a wrinkle. "Am not a normal native. And you're a native of Western, aren't you? What makes you any different?" As always, her brother seconded her with a slight nod of approval. Maya watched them, feeling the headache pressing against her skull.  The world barreled, nausea rising up within her. She pushed it back, gritting against it. Maya distracted herself by watching them.

"Your father would be saddened by your pitiful presence in his life. 'Tis a pity his wealth would go to impertinent children. Your mother did a terrible job." Their faces heated up, red crawling onto their slightly tanned skin.  Maya's lips twitched up slightly, humored by the jab. Agatha stuttered, her lips apart. She caught herself.


"Unlike most, I will not say more than is needed. After all, information that wishes to be hidden will remain in hiding." With that, he trailed up the steps. He stopped, the guards had already latched onto the huge double doors, the grating sound filling the air.

"But, it will reveal itself sooner or later, it is just a matter of time." He continued, his eyes trained on the light interiors awaiting him. He squared his shoulders

"Be careful." A slight warning was overshadowed by the words as he walked up the staircase. Maya watched him, eyes narrowed in slight confusion. Her memories pulsed underneath the veil, she shifted her mind wobbling against the murky depths. She seethed before the fiery shadows drenched her whole.

I want to thank God for giving me the Grace to write this. It was boring but I hope I can compensate for it. Anyway, if you did like vote and comment.