Chereads / The Many Burdens of a Hero / Chapter 49 - Interlude: Consequences And Ideas Part 2

Chapter 49 - Interlude: Consequences And Ideas Part 2

 *                         *Arisu's Prospective*                        *

 It was the following morning after we constructed a Torii gate, a portal connected directly to the Pond of Reflection.

 As I finished activating each talisman attached to specific trees and rocks the Dryad marked, Taurus and Merrah cooked breakfast.

 The fragrant smell of sizzling meat filled my nose and the crackling of monster eggs filled my ears. Sometimes it felt like this strange body made me crave food far more often, but it was a feeling I had almost forgotten before coming to this world.

 "Tell me how you did it"

 "That's a trade secret, Miss Fox. Need to know basis"

 Taurus prepared three wooden bowls of meat and eggs with a skewer of roasted mushrooms. Merrah and I brought camping equipment, but I wasn't normally one to travel slow enough to camp out in the wilderness.

 "*Sigh* Thanks for the food"


 He passed each of us a bowl of food and the skewer to the dryad, who quickly wandered back into the warded area as mist crept in.

 Great, minus one skewer

 I only had one problem rushing from place to place, it left me, or I suppose, this body, empty. Food was simply fuel, and yet it never smelled or tasted this good before.

 Trying to comprehend how she had been trying to make me compatible with the body she created was a lost cause. As soon as she asked if I understood how Athena was born from Zeus's forehead, I knew that trying to apply logic was pointless.

 "I don't like unknowns"

 "And neither does she"

 Right, you already knew he was there, didn't you?

 You must choose by tonight

 What? Don't I have more time?

 The meld was... more successful than I thought. As a human, I never expect you to truly grasp the power of a Yokai, perhaps I was wrong?

 So, I might be able to change this body?

 Who can say? You are truly, one of a kind

 The Goddesses sounded uncertain. In all of her time, my existence as a mismatched body and soul wasn't unheard of through reincarnation, however, I'd technically become the daughter of an incomprehensible being.

 She wasn't simply a Kami, a god, she was something greater.

 In other words... don't bet on it

 There are things even I don't know

 Unfortunately, I couldn't use the gates without leaving my body and returning to the Pond of Reflection, the Goddesses domain. She gave birth to a body without a soul, giving me a second chance, but I still couldn't meld with it completely.

 At least not yet.

 It's something only you can find out. Maybe you'll figure it out in a day, maybe a hundred years-

 So you believe it'll happen at some point anyway?

 I never taught you how to transform into a fox, I could only give you a push. However, fine control over a form is another process altogether

 I... I understand

 I had always been at odds with my personal dilemma. 

 That I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin.

 And worst of all, I couldn't change it, despite the quintessential skill of a kitsune was their ability to transform their bodies to whatever gender or animalistic form. All with the single caveat of their tails inability to be hidden through this magic.

 Thankfully, Enda's extensive knowledge when it came to illusions aided me.

 But my problem remained, now with an added threat.

 Merrah's responsibility.

 "So... where are you headed next?"

 "My... Skill Set was requested. I'm sure I'll see you again after your business in Nala"

 That's... certainly one way of answering it. By saying nothing

 Enda had been on her own crusade in order to reopen the school that closed with the riots ten years ago. I suspected he was one of many teachers she called upon. 

 He seemed more than qualified for the role, in both experience and capability. Not to mention having taught Shinobi and Merrah a thing or two.

 "In that case can you pass a message onto the old bones"

 "And who may you be referring to?"

 "The traveling kind. They're holding a mock tournament of sorts right now-"

 "So I hear"


 His posture changed and he relaxed. Until that moment, I failed to realize he had been on edge, as if he had been constantly testing me. Times like this made me wish I had Touji's instincts to interpret intent.

 "Touji Himura will be fighting in it. Could you make sure he fights in C rank?"

 "That's an... odd message to pass along"

 "He lacks understanding and control. Unless someone warns him, he will fight like normal. There's a chance he could seriously injure someone"

 "And why do you say that?"

 "Because he pulled off an S rank move and didn't even understand what he just did. A few days ago, his party killed an Overlord. Everything he does... He misses the grass for the trees, while blind to what he's standing on"

 Energy doesn't just up and leave, it's unknowingly absorbed.

 Now that I knew he was part dragon, I could only pray he wouldn't turn out like the destroyer.

 Luckily, his human side kept that growth in check, but I was certain he would still got more out of it than he knew, and that was the problem.

 Worst case scenario, the blood of an elder dragon could change him.

 Latent abilities causing such a dramatic shift are rare, however, not unheard of. In the Adventures Guild, they call it an awakening. Only three of the top ten in the guild haven't had that happen, although, they are all freaks of nature, in their own way.

 "I'll see what I can do, just don't count on it"

 "If he can at least fight someone a rank lower, than they should be fine"

 The difference between ranks could differ based on matchups, however, the lowest multiplier had to be consistent. Someone within the Adventures guild with a C rank could take five or more D ranks in a fight.

 I feared that until he makes that mistake first hand, he won't remember it.

 Because I had made the same mistake as well.


 "I heard the bar burned down cause' of a Devil, any truth to it?"

 We made our way back to the main highway after breakfast leading uphill from Dragons Mort to Nala far off into the distance.


 "Did it possess a body?"

 "From what I heard, it did. It also mentioned a promise as well, know anything about it?"

 Merrah had remained quiet the entire time, from morning up until now.

 "Enough. We don't have time for this"

 ...I see.

 It was her way of saying certain things are best discussed in private, and it wasn't information she wanted to be exchanged back and forth. 

 I had my suspicions on it's true nature, and why it seemed like more than a courtesy call

 "Have a safe journey Taurus, try not to be too harsh"

 "You seem to figure things out quite fast. As expected of a three tailed fox. I'm sure my daughter would like to meet you someday"

 "If I get the chance. We're on a tight schedule at the moment. See you later"

 We headed our separate ways. 

 The sooner I arrived in Nala the better. Each day wasted would only lead to new problems for the banks awaiting currency exchange, so Merrah and I cut directly through the forest towards the river trade route.

 Running straight to my destination wasn't an option with her, so instead I would hire a two man boat instead.


 To get to the hollow mountain capital of Nala via river was an easy, albeit, strange trip.

 Water elevators and colossal water wheels could carry even larger vessels than our small boat that I manned with a long stick, for the lack of a better word.

 Nautical Science was not my forte, thankfully the river was shallow enough for such a travel method.

 It reminded me of how boats in Venice used to get about in the canals, with the added bonus of controlling the speed as I saw fit.

 Walking at a steady pace could take the normal person almost a week to travel between Nala and Dragons Mort. With my handy work and this boat we would arrive before dark.

 I figured now was a better time than any to have a private conversation. From my previous experience in Nala, the walls had a high chance of growing ears.

 "Listen... I- About the-"

 "I can't talk about the Devil"

 Yeah it's definitely Fear, isn't it?

 No wonder you grew that third tail... 

 Did you know?

 How could I? Although, I never told you about their contractors either

 Each horseman used a medium. At first I wondered what happened to their steeds, but soon figured out they followed the same cycle of the riders too, adopting their true names once a contract was established.

 Conquest with Control.

 War with Ruin.

 Famine with Fear.

 And finally, Death with Decay.


 Come on! Man up!

 "I know you need to have kids..."

 "It's my responsibility"

 "I know! I- I know I'm being selfish, as always, just, please don't..."

 "What do you think I should do?"

 Her voice was as cold and stoic as ever, almost completely devoid of emotion. I could never tell what she was thinking, only translate what she was saying. 

 "Do... Do you really have to do it?"

 I wanted her to myself.

 I wanted to be selfish.

 I wanted to make her mine.

 I wanted to make her happy.

 No matter what, my feelings remained.

 Do I even have the right to ask?

 After all I'd been through over the past year, reflecting on who I was, how I strive to change, I always ended up being selfish.

 "I'm sorry, have no choice"


 Her soft yet stern tone cut through me like glass.

 "The contract is tied to my family... and I'm all that's left"

 My arms fell by the wayside as my heart sank. I knew it was an inevitability, and if I couldn't do it, she would find someone else, all for the sake of lineage.

 It was a taste of my own sick medicine.

 She'd been trained since birth to inherit the role. It killed off her emotions, made her focus only on her goals and responsibility, only to have to take the mantle far younger than expected. 

 Her brother had to become a stand in for another Horseman, and it got him killed as well.

 Sooner or later, she would have to forsake her name, pledge through a medium, and try to protect a world already on the path to its own destruction.

 It's now or never then, I wish it was in a better spot. At least the view is nice

  On a small wooden boat slightly bigger than a kayak, I took out my last resort I'd kept hidden for a season, then prayed she'd accept.

 The soft swirl of water amidst the calming alpine landscape I asked her a question that came with more doubt than anything I've done before.

 Was it too soon?

 Was this the right place?

 Was I even worthy to ask such a thing?

 Awkwardly, I handed her a small red box.

 Inside, two hand crafted rings made of Mythronite shaped into koi fish holding a pink emerald shaped into a Sakura petal. I chose Mythronite, despite it's rarity and cost, as a base because its hue shifted between a black pearl, silver, gold and a fiery orange metallic finish with the four moons rotation.

 The metal itself was said to be blessed by the lunar gods and was a gift from Enda on Hero's Giving to do whatever I wished with it. The amount she gave was perfect for the task. V referred me to a Jewel Smith in Nala that could complete such a complex request, and the rest is history.

 As she opened the box, I got down on one knee. I had no idea what this world's tradition was when it came to marriage, although it seemed less restrictive than anything from my previous world.

 Regardless, I learned my lesson, and had no interest in proposing to anyone else, nor creating a harem or getting courtesans. Those were childish desires from a life I wish I could erase from history.

 "Merrah. I love you. Will you marry me?"

 She looked up and smiled as a single dear drown rolled down her face, answering me in the only way she could.

 "You only needed to ask"