Chereads / Reincarnated InTo Another World In Borderlands / Chapter 32 - [Edit] Beginning of end of stage 1 finally

Chapter 32 - [Edit] Beginning of end of stage 1 finally

letting go of them, and saying yea we met our first year of college they moved away the second year of college but not before they confessed their feelings for me.

Jamie says speaking of that, you do remember your promise from that time.

I sigh and ask if I really need to answer that now in front of everyone.

Usagi says I don't mind what your answer is because, I know that I am the first one that won your heart.

Hygieia says if you're going to accept them, then do it because all in all you'll give us all the same amount of attention and love.

Danma says so what is it going, to be as he smiles enjoying the show.

I say not you to Danma, as I turn to see Jamie and Hailey smiling.

I say you already know the answer, why are pretending like you don't know the answer and making everyone curious.

Jamie acts as if she couldn't hear, me say huh I didn't hear you.

I say fine fine I get it as the two of them smile, I take a breath and say I would love to have the two of you as my girlfriends will you go out with me.

As I pout there are you happy now, as I cross my arms they run up to me giving me a hug and kiss on both cheeks.

Hailey says of course did you, really think we'll settle for that answer when we have been waiting for 5 years so we could finally get our answer.

I smile and hug them back and say I know I'm sorry it took so long for us to meet again.

Jamie and Hailey start crying as the crowd says aww aww.

The (system in female: voice everyone has grabbed their weapons and have partnered up. groups that have partnered up stand at the back as the others are in the front. Game one stage one will start in 10 seconds.)

As we line up in the back with me, Danma notice we have extra players.

The Galaxy leader comes up and says I look forward to working with, you two as he reaches his hand out for Janar and Danma to shake it.

My name is Ethan I am the leader, of the Galaxy even though I'm sure you already know that.

I shake his hand and say nice to, meet you I'm Janar as I let go as Danma go next.

Danma I'm number one at the beach Danma nice to meet you as he lets go.

Ethan goes back to his group, as me and Danma gazes meet thinking the same thing,we nod.

I turn to our group and say change of plans me and Danma will work, together everyone else stays together and watch out for each other ok.

Usagi, Hygieia, Agony,and the others step forward to protest.

But seeing the looks on my face and Danma as he removed his glasses they stepped down.

Hygieia says just be safe as you can hear the sadness,and worry ness in her voice.

Usagi says Janar don't do anything reckless without us there protecting you ok.

Jamie looks at Janar opening her mouth then closing before walking up, to Janar and giving her a kiss as my sister does the same.

They step away from me, and I can sense their worry in their kiss.

I nod before looking, at Danma and he says Agony, Chishiya, Ann I leave the group to you.

Ann steps forward but is immediately shut down by Danma's stare.

Ann says please just watch each other, back Beach and Aceso can't go on without their leaders.

Me and Danma nod saying simultaneously take care see you at stage 2.

Ding game has commenced, Me and Danma run off into the crowd disappearing from the others site.

(30 minutes later)

I say we have killed 2 special animals and 5 normal animals in 2 Hippo's,1tiger, and 2 moose.

making us have 250 points begin we kill them as a team.

Danma says I wish they just showed our point instead of just what, the animals names and points are with the number of animals we killed.

Anyways we also killed the special animals in the tiglion and the cheetoh, making us have 100 points from them having a total of 350 points.

I say any time now and just on cue, as a sloth bear with a person leading it to us acting as if he's looking over his shoulder for him to duck.

Making the Sloth bear miss him, and jump at us making me and Danma separate as we dodged its attack.

Me and Danma rejoin each other, as more animals come to join the party.

Danma looks at me as I look at him, he says Janar I know we planned for this but this is a bigger party than we thought right.

I agree with you there, Danma but we have to make sure we survive after all we can't leave poor Ann to do all your work.

Danma retorted by saying, they don't do it all I mean well as he smiles I can't help but tease Agony.

As he counters what about you and your little lovers aren't there consequences for you if you don't make it back to Aceso.

With a begging tone I say please don't remind me with what Usagi and Hygieia made me promise, I can see Jamie and Hailey going along with it so let's end this quickly.


(Usagi, Hygieia, and the others)

Usagi says that's why we know that Janar will come back to us otherwise, she knows what will happen otherwise.

Jamie says oh me and Hailey are definitely included in that so now, she has more reason to make sure she survives.

Hailey asks why do you think, she didn't have us come along and Danma too wouldn't't it be better if we went with them.

Ann cuts in and says no, if we were to join them it would give away their plan plus knowing how Janar is right.

Nodding, Ann says well our number 1 is the same all we can do is wait, pray, and believe that they will come back unharm.

Arisu cuts in and says come on with the gloomy atmosphere we, know how compatible our leaders are I'm sure they'll be ok no I know they will be.

Saory adds do you really think that they would leave us before they, have completed their goal and promise to us.

Kuina takes out what she's chewing on and says of course they will keep it, they know how important they are to their respective communities.

When they hear Janar scream, panic appears on all of their faces.



I am on my knee with Danma, at my side as I hold my right forearm with blood leaking from it as I hold it with my left hand.

Danma says why did you, do that Janar just don't close your eyes I hope it didn't hit you major vein in your forearm.

Ethan says well you did put up a good fight, but this is the end as the animals attack.

When I hear JANAR! Followed by gunfire that cuts down the animals number.

Danma says hot damn Janar, we're saved as he helps her up as he supports her.

Looking with my right eye open, as the left is closed I see Usagi, Hygieia, Jamie, and Hailey along with beach members.

I say it must have been Usagi, Hygieia, Jamie and Hailey that yelled out my name, as they run to me giving me a hug.

Danma says well you guys, have impeccable timing as his group in circle him, he says things could have ended badly.

Ann says if we didn't hear, Janar scream and came running do you know what could have happened.

When they hear Hailey shout Janar, what happened to your forearm.

Making everyone look at Janar arm,< I say it's fine I'm glad you guys are here you saved us>.

Jamie says the hell you are Janar, do you realize what could have happened and now your arm is injured how are you going, to make it through this stage and the next one.

You look like you're losing, a lot of blood and fast,< Chishiya says as he makes his way to Janar I have something to wrap her arm with>.

Usagi goes in her bag and grabs a piece of clothing and moves its to Chishiya handing it to him.

Looking up he takes it from her and proceeds to look at her arm saying right now, I can't say for sure but it may have hit a major vein, or artery I will have to look at it during recession in between stage's.

Arisu that's right in joker games, there breaks times in between that come with first aids and other things to help patch the players.

Saory says so Janar will be ok, then we don't have to worry.

Ethan cuts in and says do you guys, really think that we will let you reach that point.

Usagi, Hygieia, Jamie, and Hailey turn towards him, as a dark aura can be seen forming around them.

Jamie says you have picked the wrong person, to injured screw that you have pick the wrong 2 leaders to FUCK WITH BITCH!

As she charges at him the fight commences, again as a Tiglion jumps in front of Jamie and the other animals attack.

I say he picked the wrong people to mess with as I look at the people around me protecting me.

Chishiya says I don't know how you have done, it but you have a group that's fully loyal to you as he stands.

He says for now don't use your right arm, are you able to use your left.

As I'm about to answer I hear watch out, and see Chota had jumped in front of us.

As he falls Chishiya catches, him in both of his arms laying him down gently.

I crouch down and see that Chota has been shot in the chest.

I say Chota Chota just hang on ok we got you, I'll treat you as soon as this stage is over, I think I know how to end it.

Chota smiles and says I don't think you can treat me this time Janar.

I say don't speak like that, as I apply pressure to the wound on his chest.

Just hold on ok why, would you do that why would jump in front of a bullet intended for me.

Chota says Janar have to make sure everyone gets home are the reason we are all here.

cough..cough you're the only one that can lead everyone home, even though you feel that your not worth it Janar you are the light that guides his eyes close.


(Author: Hey guys this is the end of season I hope you guys have enjoyed season one and are anticipating the 2 second.

Thank you for all the support you guys have given for season 1 and for reading the first season.

I hope that it has lived up to your expectations and more and that it made you want the 2 season to come soon.

I will be editing the first season 1, every once or 2 a week so I hope you guys enjoy it a second time.

For more frequent updates of the chapters please donate power stones I have released a chapter for what is required for more frequent updates in the chapter the first season is coming to an end).