I quickly chose to diffuse the situation before the crowd started an uprising and most probably a war between the two different supporters. And they are monsters too, a race that doesn't shy away from a fight!


"Let's listen to the kid, everyone," the Beast king calmly spoke which, surprisingly, everyone happened to hear over all the shouting and screaming and stopped talking. No wonder he's the king.

But that glint in his eyes told me that he had something planned for me, and I'm one hundred percent sure it wasn't a retreat to a beach house. Before he screws me over though, I'll have to quickly shift all the problems to him, just in a way he won't be able to escape from.

"Ah, yes, we'll... It's good that you all know I wasn't the one who came up with the results, they were all accurately calculated by the generals, as you can clearly see on the screen," I began, firstly showing the crowd the totals they had failed to notice during my announcing portrayed on the screens.

"Secondly, as you all have made it pretty clear, we need to have just one winner. So, since his Majesty king Jason is with us, why don't we all leave it up to him to decide the final tie breaker?"

"Wait, kid, what are you–"


He looked at me while he raised an eyebrow in question, and I smirked at him, giving him the floor. He turned to the crowd with a forced smile, which I could tell since I was really close at him. But before he spoke, he blocked his mic once again.

"I knew you would do that, Chaos child. I even hoped that you would, cause now your are going to regret ever trying to throw all the work at me,"

My smirk slowly faded from my face, "Wait–"

"Why don't we make things a little more exciting for the tiebreaker? We still have a long way to go before the day ends, and our young invigilator here hasn't been seen enough times,"


I slowly started to back away from the king, but he immediately noticed my futile attempt to flee.

"Oh, looks like the kid can't wait for my idea. Don't you worry, Max. There's no need for you to go so far, this tie breaker, fortunately, involves you,"


"Yes, fortunately. Or what would the crowd like to do?"


I calmly placed my hand on the mic before turning to the Beast king, "Your Majesty, I know that I was out of line and all, but please just give me a pass. I've already had a really long day, and I'd appreciate any little rest I can get,"

"Oh, the kid shares his excitement for the next event. Be patient boy, we'll get there soon enough," he answered, his smile widening. The powerful monster completely ignored me!

"Don't worry, this is something you are really going to enjoy. Monsters, we all know that strength is what defines a monster, not its gender, its race, nor its size. It's always about power. So, how about this, the winner of the girls team verses the winner of the the boys team!"


"But, I think we all know that the South representative is unavailable for their class. Oh! Thankfully, this fine invigilator of ours can take his place!"

"I don't like where this is–"

The king wasted no time and the girl from before appeared once again before me. The crowd went wild with excitement when they saw her in the same ring as me.

"COME ON, MAX! GET HER FOR US!" I heard one of my classmates chant in excitement.



The girl, Jane Dracia, also had some chant for her from her class, but she was too busy staring daggers at me to even notice.

"This monster here, my dear monsters, was the girl's champion, and right to the left would be the actual class South representative. I'll be the ref for today, see what Kevin was all about this job,"


"Don't you worry curious viewer. More importantly, two powerful monsters are about to fight each other,"


King Jason snapped his fingers, and both his and my mic vanished to wherever they came from. Before he left though, he passed near me and whispered,

"Now you have your chance to show us what your race is made of. I think that girl needs a wake up call, or she'll never grow up to be an asset to the war,"

Immediately he finished, he vanished to wherever he chose to view the match.

"Huh, guess I wasn't even given the option to choose whether to do this or not. We meet again, Jane,"

"The gods must be smiling down on me. Now everyone can finally see just how weak your race i–"

"Blah, blah, blah. Is that all you do, talk? Race this, race that, honestly it's getting boring now," I mocked.

Her face turned red in anger before she readied herself to attack me.

I locked eyes with her before I said, "I'm going to give you one chance, quit now, and maybe you get to save face. This is not a fair match, you and I,"

"There you go again! Thinking you're better than everyone else just because you gained a little power! I know that the Centurion beast you fought was all just a show to lie to everyone that you have got power, yet the reality of the situation is that it was just that, a show,"

"Where the hell did you get that conspiracy?!"

"Just because everyone in the crowd and even the beast king praises you, doesn't mean you're still not at the bottom of the food chain!"


"You had one chance, and you just wasted it. Don't blame me for what happens next!"


<*skill 'appraisal [LVL 10]' has been activated!*>


<*Jane Dracia [LVL 30] *>

<*Title: one of the divine*>

<*Race: half-orge*>

<*Grade: A (low)*>

<*Ability: Ice affinity[LVL 27] *>

<* This monster is more compatible with the ice ability and can perform up-to tier three ice magic!*>

<*Health: {100/100}*>


[Hey Bradley, what does 'one of the divine' mean? Is she like a disciple or something?]

[Really? So that's where they get their genius from, being blessed by a god?]

[I see. But what, no surprise missions for me this time? Something to get me a new skill or something?]



Alright, let's do this thing. She's at fairly higher level than any student in the school, one could even say a genius with the rate she's growing. Too bad for her, she hasn't been facing an entire horde of beast for six months just to try and upgrade her abilities in order to be ready for a possible death mission.

This match, will be interesting though. And I still have a bone to pick with her about my race.

She started making some signs with her hands, and suddenly, I could feel a chill in the air. She must be using her ability right now, maybe cause she realized that squaring up with me with just our fists would be a huge disadvantage for her, what with me a full foot above her, and probably jacked up due to my training.

Almost twelve very sharp ice pillars appeared out of the ground, and all of them came at me from multiple directions and angles.

"Just how were you able to create such powerful ice pillars from nothing?" I asked Jane as I dodged each and everyone of them, which all ended up crashing to the barrier set by the king, possibly because he knew this fight would have major after effects.

Jane looked completely taken aback with how easily I dodged her attack, but she quickly recovered and prepared for another attack. The crowd was screaming wildly while I dodged her attack, but I could also tell that by the other screaming they were doing, they wanted me to fight back. But I think I'll wait a bit, see what the so called 'genius' of North can do.

She punched her hand into the ground, and this time, a huge amount of large sharp ice shards blasted towards me, this time leaving me with no choice but to either take them head on, or fight back.

"Guess it can't be helped now,"

I ran straight towards the oncoming attacks then, using only my fists, punched out the entire field of ice coming my way.

"WHAAAT?!" the entire crowd screamed in shock.

But all I was thinking of was, "Huh. What happened to the announcer? I thought he would be happy announcing my fight. Must be because of the king."

I think I hadn't estimated the amount of strength to use against Jane cause, the force of my punch carried on until the shock wave hit the half-ogre head on and blew her to the ground.

She quickly got up, surprised of what happened cause obviously she thought she had me, but couldn't see I punched her attack back at her. That tied up hair of hers all came down to her face, and she had a little nosebleed but nothing too serious.

I tilted my head and said, "You look better with your hair down. And you might have been cute too, if, of course, you remove the deranged look on your eyes,"


She screamed at me as she run straight towards me. But I'm sure that she had something planned for me, not just a last bit effort of desperation.

Right on the money, ice had slowly began forming beneath her feet, but then rapidly covered the entire field. I jumped up just in time before it caught me, but now the ice would be a real problem in my movement.

Not for Dracia though. Seems like she was skating quite easily on the ice, no doubt already used to it. Whereas the second I landed on the ice, I knew that my snickers would fail me on the spot.

Dracia saw this as an opportunity and on her way towards me formed an ice sword to use against me. I, unfortunately, was still trying to find my stability.

"THIS IS A WIN FOR NORTH!" the North parents seemed to find their strength to cheer right about now.

Dracia made a swipe at me, aiming straight for the head, but even unbalanced I was still able to dodge it. Looks like she expected that, cause she kicked me right on my stomach, sending me gliding through the ice till I made impact with the barrier.

"Ha! Still think you can act cocky with me?!" she shouted in glee.

Really? After choosing to go easy on you so that the crowd doesn't notice that you're actually weaker than me?

"Alright, I'm done with this," I said.

Dracia was still coming at me with her sword, probably gaining some confidence after landing a solid hit on me. I patiently waited for her to gain some speed as she skated towards me, then, when she was just a few metres away, I punched the ice around me, which immediately shattered on impact.

"What the–"

Dracia couldn't slow down in time so the drastic change from a slippery surface to a hard one was a little too much for her snickers. She stumbled, and with that, I made sure to use this chance.

On the solid ground that I much more prefer, I sprinted towards her then punched her, same place she hit me. This time, I didn't use all my strength less I was to give her a fatal injury, but just enough to propel her back to her ice.

Not giving her even a second to rest, I followed her and just as she was about to get up from the ice wall she formed to cushion her fall, aimed and executed a kick right to her head, sending her the opposite direction from where she came from.

"OOOOOOOUUUCCCHHHH!" the crowd reacted.

That should be enough to deal with her.

And before you start, No, I don't care if she was a girl or I shouldn't be petty, or any of that bull crap. She wanted a fight, she got a fight, and also got her butt handed to her.

"Um... Well ladies and gentlemonsters, I think I don't need to tell you who won it for their class," the Beast king said as he appeared right in front of me.

"You couldn't have gone a little easier on her?" he whispered at me.

I turned away from him before muttering, "She asked for it,"


The crowd blew up with multiple shouting, both positive and negative, but I really couldn't hear them over my classmates as they all came at me with their arms opened and jumped over me in joy.