Chapter 89 - Enya vs. Esidsi



(Enya Pov)

"I have to show Dio-sama my worth!" I say to encourage and pump myself up for the fight ahead.

And soon enough Esidsi landed before me, "Hooo? I'm pitted up against a woman? No matter, I won't take this lightly either way." He says as he looks me over.

"Kekeke, neither will I." I say as fog rapidly begins to fill our surroundings as I pull out multiple knives before leaping back and fading into the fog that fills up our surroundings.

Oh I'm going to enjoy this….

(Esidsi Pov)

"Fog?…. No this isn't normal fog…." I have thoughts of getting away but it already has me surrounded.

"Then I'll just have to turn up the Heat!" I say as I activate my Flame mode to disperse this fog, but to no avail.

"Kekeke! You think your flame mode will be enough to evaporate my Fog? Sorry to say but even if we were on top of a volcano my fog wouldn't disappear!" She says as I hear her voice from everywhere within the fog making it much harder to pinpoint her exact location.

I squint my eyes, but even my improved eyesight wasn't helping me, and I couldn't smell her scent either, lastly I wouldn't be able to determine her location through vibrations in the ground as the fights between Kars and Wamuu were making that impossible, so I can't rely on my senses but only my instincts alone.

'But maybe my blood vessels will detect something.' After all they are meant to detect human body temperatures so it will probably help me out the most in this situation.

So without a second thought I decided to extend my blood vessels out from inside my body and began trying to sense her body heat through this dense fog.

(Enya Pov)

"KekekekAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You think that's going to help you?!" I shout out in laughter at his stupidity as he doesn't even know the full extent of my powers as my voice is projected in one place when I'm in reality in another place as he sends out waves of boiling hot blood in random directions to attack me to no avail.

*Boom!* I could feel the vibrations from nearby as Kars was slammed into the ground before being taken by Dio-sama and tossed elsewhere as their fight resumed, but this gave me an idea as after all my illusions are extremely realistic after all.

"Damn it Esidsi! Watch where your launching your boiling blood!" I say as the fog projects my voice not as my own but as Kars instead.

"…." But he doesn't say anything back in response as he shoots his blood in the direction of Kars voice so he's not trusting any of his senses now? Good.

"Is this all that the great Esidsi has to offer? If it is I must say I'm rather disappointed." I say as I begin to rapidly move erratically through the fog as I began to launch Hamon infused knives at him which sometimes would hit barely, be deflected or him dodging altogether.

But he was accumulating wounds upon his body, as well as he self opened holes on his body were letting fog into his body, just as planned.

Though finally getting annoyed he jumped high into the air before spinning himself rapidly as many holes opened up on his back before launching his boiling blood in all direction in a wide area to try and hit me within the fog.

Fortunately it didn't hit everywhere within the fog so I was able to duck and weave through his onslaught before he finally fell back towards the ground back into the fog.

"Kekeke! You fool! You just fell right into my trap! Now Justice is at hand for you!" I shout out and decide to fully activate my stand's abilities.

Unseen to Esidsi's eyes a disembodied skeleton with a kings crown upon its head appeared above him as the fog rapidly entered his open wounds and blood vessels.

"NANI?!" He shouted out in surprise as his body was riddled with holes before being lifted up and rapidly being slammed over and over again while the Hamon was burning his body through the fog itself as Stands and Hamon are interconnected with one another in the first place.

With the combination of his body being thrown around like a rag doll and slowly being burned from the Hamon coursing throughout his body, there was only one thing he could do.

"UUUUUWWWWWWWWAAAAAAA! IT HURTS!!!" He screamed out as he began to ball his eyes out from the pain he was receiving.

Now this would have unnerved me had Dio-sama not warned me beforehand that he would do that when he's flustered and freaking out as a coping mechanism, and seeing it's true just tells me for sure that he really is the man I was meant to follow after all.

"That's not going to work on me so shut up and Die already!" I say as Justice keeps smashing him over and over again before holding him up in the air.

"This is Checkmate Esidsi!" I shout out as I pull out a plethora of Hamon infused knives and hurling them straight at him, 'I always wanted to do one of Dio-sama's moves and I'm glad I did!' I think to myself as I watch the knives pierce his body.

"UUUUGGGGGHHHHH!" He screams out in sheer pain from the knives loaded with Hamon tearing apart his very body.

"Damn you! You forced me to do this! If I'm dying your coming along with me!" He shouts out as his body stars to glow brightly as a sense of dread washes over me.

"SHIT!" I shout out before I dive behind a crumbling wall just in the nick of time before-


He explodes with a massive amount of energy as it sends a strong enough shock wave to disperse my fog entirely.

"Ugh!" The heat and the blast sent me tumbling away before I slammed up against a wall that stopped my motion.

After getting my barings straight and letting my regeneration fix several of my fractured bones from the explosion did I pick myself up but-


Someone was sent hurling over towards the wall near me before crashing into it, only for the dust to settle to reveal Anubis smashed into the wall making it crater as a result.

"Damn that hurts…." Anubis says before he pulls himself out of his crater and looks over towards me.

"Well looks like Dio-sama's fight is coming to an end as well." He says to me before turning in the direction of Dio-sama's battle as we both wait for it to come to its final conclusion.