"I must say that was a smart move, anyone else if they were uppercut would have sent anyone flying, but now I think you should take a nap." I finish saying as they see Gon sent flying and smashing through a tree and laying on the ground in pain.
"GON?! Are you alright?!" Killua quickly gets to him and sees Gon coughing up blood from that attack.
"Killua! Get yourselves out of here." He says before a clown slot machine appeared beside him before spinning to a number and stopping before turning into a mace.
"Damn Bad Roll." He says as he readies for a fight while Killua reluctantly took the barely conscious Gon and began to run for their lives.
"Well have fun, if your able to survive then good on you, if not then I guess you really just have some bad luck." I say after seeing Killua carrying Gon as they run off into the distance before looking back at Kite then turning and walking away.
"Your not staying for the show?" Pitou said as she put her finger to her chin with an inquisitive cat like look on her face.
"Nope, rather it be a surprise to see how it actually ends between you two if I leveled the playing field for your 'sparing partner'" I say shaking my head before casually walking away as I felt a surge in Nen between the two as the battle began to ensue.
"Then again I already know how this ends." I say to myself as the clashes in the distance get more fiercer and intense behind me as I head back to the nest.
A little while later I had returned to the Chimera Ant Nest and reached the bone pit once more but I realized something.
"โฆ. What did Ainz do?" I asked myself as the once over full bone pit was completely clean of all its bones leaving it entirely empty.
"Ahh, you've returned." I hear the voice of a woman behind me as I turn to see a young chimera ant woman with purple hair and a long scorpion like tail on her back.
I raise my eye brows, "Your control of your Nen is rather amazing if your Zetsu kept me from sensing your presence." Mind you if I was actively looking for people she wouldn't have gotten close without me noticing her sooner.
'Hmm maybe I should passively keep my En active, it's even better than my natural senses it seems' Zetsu itself is meant to make oneself disappear from everyone's senses and even with my inhuman level they can still go unnoticed if I'm not paying attention, but my En it seems is a complete full counter to Zetsu even at its highest levels.
"I thank you for the compliment Dio-sama." She said with a slight smile on her face.
"Sama? I'm not your lord or your king." I said crossing my arms as I question why she called me that.
I know that the Chimera Ants are strictly loyal to their Queen and when the King is born either become loyal to him or stay loyal to the Queen, but since the Queen will die, they will spread out and become the kings and queens of their own nests as a result but they wouldn't swear fealty to one of another race.
"Of course not, but it's the respectful thing to do for someone of your high standing and caliber." She said back in response.
I take in a deep breath before exhaling it out in a sigh, "What do you want?" I decided to get to the point of why she is even here, luckily she was one of the few Chimera Ants that garnered my interest, excluding Pitou, the other two being the Chameleon man and Peggy for their powers and Peggy for his intellect and strategy's, though more specifically him having a strong connection to the Chameleon man.
Hearing what I said she fell to one knee and bowed her head towards me, "Dio-sama, please teach me to achieve higher strengths than what I already have."
"Hooo? Why don't you ask Ainz? I can tell he's letting the other Chimera Ants fight his undead soldiers." I say from here as I can sense in one of the deeper chambers that Ainz was letting the Chimera Ants practice their Nen abilities on regular undead and undead knights that the squadron Leaders were fighting up against to increase their skills and strengths in the process.
"Of course Lord Ainz is helping strengthen the nest with his undead and letting us use them to practice and train, but I want more of a challenge to let me harness my powers even more." She says back.
"I don't train people, and if I do it's going to seem more like a one sided beat down, your bones will break, your muscles will tear, you'll beg for death but you won't be able to die, but in the end you will be much more than who you are now, but the condition will be separating yourself from this nest as soon as the king is born and solely become my subordinate, if not then we have no deal." I say shaking my head.
I can, using the power the Ultimate Lifeform, to unlock her latent potential in her body and remove her bodies cap so she can indefinitely become stronger but I'm not going to do this for someone who won't be useful for me after I do so if she decides to leave my side.
She, along with 'most' Chimera Ants, have rather extreme potential within them but is limited by their race, as their bloodlines are mixed severely from their mothers way of Reproduction, I can purify their race and let them pull the complete potential out of them.
But the cost is agonizing torment, humans can't handle it as I tried it with an average Pirate, they quickly died after I injected them through the neck with my fingers in agony as their body just broke apart into a bloody pulp.
I could see her shaking visibly, but she just grit her teeth and nodded, "Whatever the cost I'll take it to achieve strength." She said with determination.
"Good, then follow me, we must have a better place to train far from here, and away from prying eyes." As I say that I squint my eyes in a certain area of the cave we are currently in before looking back at her and turning, leading her away from the nest.
"โฆ. Haaaaโฆ. He saw me, he really saw me I could feel it!" A Chameleon Chimera Ant says clearly scared that he was visibly seen through his Nen ability that makes him invisible to all forms of detection no matter how strong one is supposed to be so long as he holds his breath.
Meleron was clearly terrified that his perfect stealth technique was seen through but he was at the same time tempted at the thought of strength to protect the one he calls his father from harm.
So gritting his teeth he took a deep breath before disappearing entirely from the face of the world.
Except for one man who just smirked as he felt them being followed.
'Gravity attracts us all to one another, whether by choice or not, in the end it decides everything.'
Nen User: DIO
Nen Class: Specialist
Nen name: Singularity