Ann Marie said goodbye to Tracy and Gerald, she also hugged them then she left. Edmund had only come home to find a letter on the coffee table

Ann Marie: Edmund, Tracy and I left today. Tracy is with my mom and dad but don't try visiting her cos I told her that you're going on a business trip which would take you two or three months. I'm living at another place but I won't tell u, I hope you would have fun with your family of 3. Bye, Edmund

Edmund couldn't hold his tears, Stacy called him

Stacy: Edmund, my son are u sure u want to marry Rachel?

Edmund: I didn't wanted to at first but dad's forcing me

Stacy: But what about Ann?

Edmund: I told her and now she's gone, she's telling me to marry Rachel. This is a big sacrifice for our love that I can't do it

Stacy: If Ann thinks this is the best for your love then do as she says

Edmund: I really want to see Ann again but I don't know where she lives, she said she's not living with her parents then where could she be

Stacy: Do u know any other place that she could be?

Edmund: No

Ann went and stayed with Rosé and Jennie, Edmund's parents came back to New York City to witness the Wedding

Edmund's dad (Stephen): My son, I'm so happy that u're making the right choice. Now, we'll have grandchildren like your mom and I always wanted

Edmund: Yes, dad. I'm getting married to Rachel

Ann Marie had gone to the Park to relax her mind a little, she was thinking about her breakup with Edmund and how she would take care of their baby. A guy was watching her and he was holding a camera and taking photos of her, Ann didn't know. The guy came to Ann

Guy: May I know why a beautiful lady like you is all alone here?

Ann Marie: I just came to relax my mind

Guy: Can I know your name?

Ann Marie: I'm Ann Marie Mendoza

Guy: I'm also Glenn Santos, Nice to meet u Ann

Ann Marie: Nice to meet you too

Ann Marie and Glenn both got to know a lot about eachother. The Wedding of Edmund and Rachel came and Ann wanted to go badly

Jennie: Why do u want to go?

Ann Marie: I want to see if he would refuse to get married

Rosé: But u said he should marry her

Ann Marie: But I want to go

Rosé and Jennie followed Ann to the Church, Rachel walked down the aisle. Ann couldn't believe her ears when she heard Edmund say ''I do", Edmund felt that Ann would be there so he looked outside. Ann had already hid, Ann couldn't believe her eyes

Ann Marie: Well, I found a boy beautiful and sweet I never knew we would end up like this cos we were still kids when we feel in love

Song by Ed Sheeran (Perfect)