Edmund had handed La Sierra to Ann and she became the CEO of it. She worked with her two friends Jennie and Rosé, Ann had now tried to stay away from Edmund. Today, Edmund had come to work with Rachel to announce something

Edmund: Today, I'm inviting everyone to Rachel and I engagement which is tonight

Ann was heartbroken when she heard this. The engagement came on in the evening and Edmund placed the shinny ring on Rachel's finger

Ann: I'll just go outside

Ann went outside

Ann: Why do I feel so jealous about their engagement, I shouldn't be this jealous

Edmund: Do you mean that you love me

Ann turned and saw her crush

Ann: I.....I....I didn't mean to say that

Edmund: Ann, you just admitted that you have feelings for me

Edmund went forward and kissed Ann, Ann kissed him back. She later pulled back

Ann: We shouldn't be doing this

Edmund: Why!!

Ann: You're engaged, it shouldn't have happened

A man by name Charles came to them and he was completely drank

Charles: Leave the girl alone

Edmund: And who are you to tell me to stay away from her

Charles punched Edmund, Ann left and hide somewhere watching them. Edmund also punched him making them both fall inside the pool and punching each other, Rachel and the others came

Rachel: Honey, what are you doing?

Edmund: I'm going home

Edmund left for his house and saw Ann there

Ann: Just came to take some few things

Ann saw Edmund's wounds

Ann: How did you get hurt?

Pretending to not know

Edmund: I fought because of you

Ann: Me!!

Edmund: Yes, I love you Ann

Ann: You're now engaged, I'll just go and get the rest of my things

Ann was about to leave but Edmund held her hand and pulled her back, he then kissed her. Ann later pulled away

Ann: We can't be doing this, Edmund

Edmund: I've loved you for a long time, Ann

Ann: I have to go

Edmund held Ann's hand again

Edmund: Can you take care of my wound?

Ann: Mmmm hmmmm

Ann brought the first aid and took care of his wound, Edmund couldn't stop looking at Ann and moved forward to kiss her but she pulled away again

Edmund: Ann, why do you keep doing this?

Ann: What?

Edmund: You keep pulling away or don't you love me

Ann: I do but we can never be together cos you're engaged

Edmund: I don't care, all I want is to be with you. I would not marry Rachel again if only you'll accept me to be your boyfriend

Ann: What?