After the dinner, the princes and princesses elegantly walked out of the room.
Lance looked at Mathias with disdain before walking out.
Stacy also looked at Mathias before walking out.
Stacy usually sat next to Mathias, and she was probably the only one who had a not-bad relationship with Mathias, despite the fact that they rarely talked.
In the night, in Mathias' room, Mathias tried using the Shadow Walk spell.
He activated it, and his body slowly became transparent as it integrated into the dark shadows.
Mathias walked out of his room and then sneaked towards other floor rooms.
A middle-aged butler was walking down the hallway when Mathias passed by him.
The butler looked around with a confused face.
Mathias' now is in the third floor of the palace where princesses rooms.
After exploring for a while, he heard a bunch of female servants gossipping.
He approached near them without them noticing.
"Hehe, yes! Princess Stella just peed her bed." The freckled female servant laughed while saying.
"Shh! Someone might hear you!" Another female servant warned her.
The freckled female servant hold her mouth while nodding with a scared expression.
Eh? Just gossipping about a Princess?
I though it was an important information.
After that, Mathias continued to explore.
He was quite fast when using Shadow Walk...
It seems to increase his agility when using it.
He may get faster if he add more points to his agility.
Mathias peeked at the door of one room and saw that it was Stacy's room.
He saw her reading a book at her desk. Mathias entered without Stacy noticing anything at all.
The candle inside the lamp flickered.
It had already been two minutes since he used the Shadow Walk spell, and he had already lost twenty mana.
Mathias deactivated the spell and slowly walked behind Stacy, who was engrossed in reading a book.
Mathias simped in his mind, looking at Stacy's focused face.
Simp points 0.08 +
Mathias looked around Stacy's room.
It didn't have much difference with his room.
Like Mathias, Stacy's mother, who was a concubine, also died, so she was not getting along well with her other siblings.
She was similar to Mathias in that they could relate to each other, but they rarely interacted. However, the treatment towards Mathias was much harsher compared to Stacy.
As Mathias was a prince and a man, the king didn't feel any pity for Mathias.
And Stacy seemed to be more talented than Mathias and some princesses.
Unlike the princes who had several maids, Mathias only had one.
Mathias thought about this before snapping back to himself.
He forgot he was still in someone else's room.
As he was about to use the Shadow Walk spell and leave, a white cat suddenly jumped at Mathias from the window, alarming Princess Stacy.
"Aspro!" Stacy exclaimed at the white cat that suddenly jumped, thinking it had jumped on her.
She was about to close her eyes when the cat passed by her and its target seemed to be behind her.
Stacy turned around and saw Mathias blocking the the cat with his arms.
"Mathias!?" Stacy's face was shocked.
Mathias is behind her without her noticing?
How could it be!?
She is an apprentice mage! She supposed to sense it when someone's entered her room!
Could it be I'm to indulge in reading a book that I let my guard down?