"You don't even know where I came from!" Said Pearce's replica with the same incredulous expression still on his face.

"Although you are right about that, I have a feeling that I can trust you" replied Pearce with a calm smile on his face.

'This is quite surprising' Pearce's replica thought while he chuckled strangely. But not long after, he spoke.

"Well then, hope we have a splendid cooperation from here on out"

"Of cause we will" replied Pearce still with a calm smile on his face. But right when Pearce's replica could speak, a voice soundly reverberated all around the void.

"Rise and shine sleepyheads! It's a new day!"

"Looks like your time is up" said Pearce's replica as he pointed his right arm to the void above him.

"Yeah I know, but how can I wake up?" Said Pearce with a slight anxious expression on his face.

"That's pretty simple. Just close your eyes for sometime and you will see yourself in the physical realm" Said Pearce's replica as he spread his ethereal arms while closing his eyes for a brief moment.

When Pearce saw his replica's demonstration, he immediately followed him. About a minute later, he opened his eyes and saw that he was on the bed in his room.

'Thank God' Pearce as he immediately rushed out of his room. But what he saw next shocked him.

What Pearce saw were about 19 children that were about his age lined up across the hall with a huge man standing at the end of the hall facing them. The five children he encountered yesterday were also among the 19 children he was currently looking at.

'Well this explains the many rooms in this hall' Pearce thought as he tried to calm down.

"Now that everyone is here, let us move on" Said the huge man at the end of the hall as he stood at ease in the military way.

"My name is Tony Stevens but you should call me Lieutenant Stevens. I will handling your First training for today"

"Good Morning Lieutenant Stevens!!" Echoed the children in the hall including Pearce as him along with the rest of the children saluted sternly. When Lieutenant Stevens saw that gesture, he wore a satisfied smile on his face as he continued.

"But before we start your first training, I shall first group you guys into four"

After speaking, he began to pick the children into four groups. After successfully divided the children into four groups, he spoke.

"Now that the groups has been set up, let's move to the training area"

'This is unexpected' Pearce thought while sneakily staring at the children that were in the same group as him.

Apparently, the children in his group were actually Drake, Alex and Roseline. Although they were surprised by the coincidence in being in the same group as their new friends they made last night, they immediately calmed down as they began to move towards the training area.

"Looks like we were fated to be together huh guys?" Drake said while staring at his temporary comrades with a childish smile on his face. But unfortunately, The others in the same group as him and in other groups just rolled their eyes as they just ignored him while moving towards their destination.

'Snobbers' Drake thought as he did a low humph before staying quiet. After some minutes of silence, They finally arrived at their destination for their first training.

Where Pearce and the others found themselves is in front of a slightly big river that shines in a blue glittering colour. When Pearce inspected the river with his eyes, he could see faint qi fluctuations at the waters' surface.

'This water isn't ordinary' Pearce thought after seeing the qi hovering at the waters' surface for some time.

"This is where we shall do your first training" Said Stevens as he turned to stare at the children who stood in an orderly manner.

'So how are we going to do the training?' Pearce thought while staring at the river with an expressionless face. But not long after, he's answer arrived.

"What we call this training is 'qi control'. What you will have to do is to use your qi to be able to stand at the river perfectly while also defending yourselves"

When the new recruits heard what the first training will be, everyone had shocked expression on their faces as they all thought the same words.

'All this just for first training!!'

"This training will be carried out in groups. The one who stays the longest in the group will be awarded with a thousand battle points." Steven said before he suddenly stopped talking since something just came into his mind.

Although he didn't understand why that thought came into his mind, understanding dawned upon him when he saw the confused state the new recruits were in.

"Ehem… it seems I missed some parts of my explanation before carrying you guys to the training center" Stevens said in an awkward tone. But he quickly calmed down and explained.

"The only currency the Monster Slaying Regiment uses are what we call 'Battle Points'. If you noticed your left wrist, you will notice that a black wristband that has a red circle is on it. Just press the red circle on the wristband and a screen will appear right in front of the you. The screen will tell you how much battle points you have and also how you can receive and spend them"

While Stevens were explaining everything that is related to Battle Points, the new recruits were quickly checking out their Battle Points wallet. But after successfully seeing their wallet balance, they could only see a big "0" on the screen with a few straight dots at the upper right side of the screen.

'Well this makes life more easier' Pearce thought while figuring out that the three straight dots were for collecting and recieving the Battle Points. Not long after, Stevens suddenly ordered.

"Now that you guys have known everything about the Battle Points, let's move on to your first training".