Chereads / SoraYuki / Chapter 15 - (15) New Memories

Chapter 15 - (15) New Memories

The crimson haired boy had struck a surprised look on Sora's face.


"Heya, how are you doing? How have those dancing skills been going?"

Hideyoshi, also with a surprised face delivers a question, the second Akihisa speaks. Staring at Sora.

"What? Dancing? Didn't know that was your thing, Shimazaki."

"Hahaha! That was a long time ago."

"Pole dancing?"


Hideyoshi joked around as Akihisa laughed out loud. An unexpected reunion of an old friend, from a different time. It would appear that the old times had come back from the past to make new memories in the future.

"But, how come I haven't met you? Are you a new student this year?" Sora asked.

"Hmm... You can say that I'm just a chameleon. Or it's because I never paid attention to my surroundings." Akihisa answered, with a fine, fair explanation.

"That phrase never changed at all."


In a brief moment he interacted with Akihisa, a small group, but familiar people made an expected appearance.

Daisuke inhales, deeply as they were all bathed by the scorching sun. As if he hasn't met the sun's smile for decades, even though its rays meet his familiar skin during his daily football sessions.

"RAAGHH!!! SUMMER!!!" Daisuke roared, as usual, he was the representative of a roaring, happy lion wandering around the jungle.



Hanabi, cheering as she imitates Daisuke's energy. Hiroto on the other hand, was the complete opposite. But his excitement burns fiercely in his heart. Not to be seen by his bland, quiet nature.

The majority walked to the area with hearts of excitement as they appreciated its beautiful scenery, leaving Sora and the others behind.

"Oh, we should be going now. Yoshi? Akihisa?"

"Let's go!"

The three young lads went in. Observing the cheery people as they followed Daisuke's group. Wondering about the different tall slides, Sora was eager to try just by seeing the tall slides of wonder. Although, other locations had made him think still as the considerate man he is, his legs continued to walk. Minding his steps as he thought that the floor might be slippery.

"Yosh, to the changing room we go."


The three went inside the room that was filled with no one but friends from school. He could see Hiroto and Daisuke already prepared with readied swim trunks.



He felt a pinch from his cheeks, once again. "Ack!" A slap from two hands at the same time, aiming for his face as well. He held his cheeks, glancing towards Hideyoshi. "I'm fine, it's nothing." He said, hoping this summer time may not cause a worry to the others.

"Oh well, if ya say so, man." He sat on the prepared bench next to Daisuke, opening his bag as he made a preparation, taking off his shirt as he put it in the bag.

With racing hearts full of excitement, the rest did not want to wait as all of the lads there had made their way first in terms of preparation. Although some of them were left with intentions of going first, Sora sits on the deck chair, waiting for the rest to come out. Shaded by the umbrella, as if he was plotting something. Or was it something else that had caught up to his mind?



Hideyoshi minded Sora, as if his own eyes caught a flickering image. Though it was instead the females who finally took their time, roaming outside from the changing room.

"Oi~! Hide! Sora!"

"Ayy, Aishi-chan's here."

They both smiled in purity, upon knowing that their old friend of high school had finally appeared behind the shade. The representative of summer was what described Aishi the best. The figure of summer time.

Hanabi comes out, with a crimson bikini appealing to the eyes of men, Daisuke, Hideyoshi and Hiroto noticed.

"...10 points."

"10 points."

"10 points."

They whispered inside, upon knowing that Sora had noticed them all.

A shy girl, eyes visualized of the winter also appears behind as if she was saved last for best. Miyuki was seen with a styled, white swimsuit bikini. An appealing sight for most people who find it dearly appealing.

"100 points."

"100 points."

"100 points."

The three boys make an obvious critique. The wondering Sora knows that very well as their body language says it all. Like marks written on their faces. He read them like a book.

Miyuki nervously squeaks as she walks towards Sora. "Erm, hello." She makes a small wave, smiling nervously.

"Oh, hey! Did Aishi pick that for yourself? It looks cute on you."

"E-enough, Sora-kun."

Miyuki was left flustered as Sora was simply making a polite compliment, he faces back to Aishi.

"Hahaha! How classic, Aishi."

"As usual, you knew those were my doings!"

The two friends laughed out loud, as Miyuki tried to fit into the environment. Getting comfortable, adapting to the crowded site.

"Rock paper scissors."


"Whoever wins gets to go there first!"

"Ohh... Heh, bring it."

Daisuke and Hiroto prepared for action, preparing their fingertips with a clenched fist, the thought of taking the winning goal boils their very heart.

"Rock, Paper-"


Daisuke, with a shocked face was beaten by the likes of Hiroto. "I-I've been defeated..." Said Daisuke with the face of a vanquished Rock Paper Scissors player.

"Hehe. Good game." He headed towards the location of the long slide, climbing up.

"GAHH!! I'LL BEAT YA NEXT TIME!!' Daisuke roared once again, as if he was at his usual place at the field as a soccer player, experiencing defeat on the full-time.

"Hahaha! Hey! Wait for me!" Laughed Hanabi as she wandered off, following Hiroto's lead.

It seemed as if the quiet introvert had finally found his place of comfort as he sparked out a big smile. A change of attitude and personality may be one of the biggest things he has ever witnessed throughout his whole life of solitude.

They were at the top. It was accompanied by a part-time instructor as various people were taking turns to take a slide, two at a time as small inflated boats may only fit for two people, although one at a time was still optional, Hanabi makes a move.

"You and me, Hiroto-kun."

"E-eh? Well, sure. Why not?"

They both sat on the inflated boat, as their hearts were beating fast out of mixed feelings of anxiety and excitement. The slide was not too tall, but enough for a human to feel uncomfortable. Yet, thrilled by the moment. They were one step closer to sliding down.

"Are you ready?"

"... Mentally."

"Well, here we go!"


The boat was pushed off as it continued to slide through, the thrilled moment made their blood rush as they both screamed and laughed.

Sora was glancing on a fair distance, smiling as he remembers one of the first actions he did to Hiroto was an act of kindness that made his life turned upside down. Resulting Hiroto to realize, he has found his home.

"Having fun huh, Sora Shimazaki?"

"Yes...! Wait, who was that?"

A feminine, old voice was heard from his head as he felt time was stopped.