He was an inch taller than him, had dreads on his head, and looked a little bit older than him. "Sup man, how may I help you?" The guy asked, "I'm here to see Love," he replied smiling, "how do you know her?" He asked, "School." He replied in confidence. The guy suddenly grabbed Davian's hand and dragged him inside. "What's your relationship with my little sister huh?" He asked as they walked to the dining room, "We're boyfriend and girlfriend," Davian replied unbothered, the guy turned to him and looked at Davian in disbelief. "You and my sister are together?" He asked shocked, "Yeah, is there a problem?" He asked confused, "oh my man, I'm so so sorry for you!" The guy cried pressing down Davian's shoulders. "Let me tell you something my sister is very complicated and a very choosy person, she and Elizabeth are the same, she's very hard to please." He told him. "She is a huge fan of food, but one thing she doesn't like is fast food." He remarked and sat down, "so I have heard." Davian said as he sat along with him.
The guy cleared his throat, "So what's your name man?" He asked looking at Davian, "My name is Davian." He introduced himself. "I'm Eric." He replied as they shook hands. "So where is she?" Davian asked, "oh yeah, she stepped out a bit with my parents but they will be back anytime soon." He replied smiling. Eric and Davian talked for a while and they got to know each other better, also to be surprised they had a lot of things in common. They talked about sports, their favorite movies, and many other things. They even thought of meeting up once before Eric went back to college. But after 20 minutes of bonding with her, his girlfriend's brother's love and her parents came back. "Davian, what a nice surprise to see you here!" Her mom rejoiced as she walked into the kitchen, "sup little man." Her dad tapped his shoulders. Davian smiled and waved at them. "Go help your little sister Eric!" His mom demanded in French, Eric sighed as he got up and went outside to help her. Davian also got up and went to help too.
"You weakling," he said grabbing the watermelon out of her hands and taking it inside. "I'll take these for you." He said picking up the bags while looking at her. "When did you come over?" She asked walking behind him, "about what 20 minutes ago," he replied entering the house, "did I make you wait long?" She asked closing the door behind her, "no it's cool, I had a fun conversation with Eric." He replied placing the bags on the kitchen counter in front of her mom smiling. "Right, we had a very fun conversation!" Eric teased her, "you talked to this bozo?" She asked in disgust, Davian smiled and nodded. "Your only calling me that cause you are a shorty!" He laughed, "Mom!" She whined, "Eric, stop teasing your sister." She said in French, "how about we go upstairs?" Davian offered, "Yeah, I don't want to see his face!" She said walking away, he smiled and followed behind her.
"Aren't you happy that your brother is back?" He asked as they entered her room full of mellows. "Yeah, but sometimes He can be annoying and I want him to return to college." She replied sitting on her bed. she was wearing a loose pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Davian sat beside her and grabbed the remote, flipping through the channels until he found something he liked. "It's okay baby, I think you should get some rest." He remarked placing her head on his shoulders. "I could come back tomorrow," "no stay for a little while!" She hugged his arm. He looked at her smiling and decided to turn off the Tv. He slowly took off his shoes as he lay down on the bed with her and hugged her in his arms. Laying on his chest she fell asleep and a few minutes later he fell asleep too.
Later In the evening, Sammy was in his room watching a movie when there was a knock on the door. He paused the video and went to open the door. "Oh, it's you." He said he wasn't expecting that person at all. It was Destiny that was at the door, after the situation that happened to them two weeks ago they haven't talked. Even though they spent a whole week seeing each other they bearly talked. They both acted fine in front of their friends but they weren't fine, they had problems in their relationship and they were at the peak of breaking up. "What, don't you want to see me?" Destiny asked, you could the crack of sadness in her voice,, but he didn't pay much attention, "Seems like you don't want to see me." She remarked, as she was about to walk he grabbed her hand holding her back. "I texted you for the past two weeks but you didn't reply, that's why I thought you didn't want to see me." He explained, "I thought you already made up your mind and wanted to break up with me." He remarked. The look on her face got, even, sadder as he told her that, her eyes became teary and she started to cry.
Sammy just held her tight as she cried into his shoulder. She was so confused, she thought that she messed up by coming here, and she felt stupid for not telling him what happened when he asked her. Sammy kissed the top of her head and rubbed her arms. He didn't know what to say or do, he didn't want to make things worse, but the truth was he was scared to death of losing her. When her tears stopped, he looked her in the eyes. "Destiny," He said softly."Yes?" She asked through sniffles. "Do you love me?" He asked. She swallowed hard before responding. "Y…Y. Yes I do." She whispered. He smiled and kissed her gently. "Good." He whispered."Thank you for believing me ." He said kissing the top of her head
To be continued