Chereads / Danmachi : Eliminator / Chapter 2 - Becareful with your word

Chapter 2 - Becareful with your word

When he walks in the forest, he thinks about something.

'Why do I need to eliminate this guy? Is there no other choice but to eliminate him? If he tries to change the fate of this world, why not just convince him to not change it? But what if he didn't know that he change the fate? What if he simply live his life without knowing that he change the fate? Are they, 'irregular', not from this world? Are they, 'irregular', coincidentally born in this world but outside the original fate? But that also their fate to born in this world, so why I need to eliminate them? They born in this world also their fate right? So why? Sigh, my head hurts. Maybe I will find out after I meet him.'

While he walking, he also try to understand himself. What he can do, what power he have, etc. It turns out that he himself didn't have much ability. he can move fast while kick the ground for 10times(Soru or Shave, from one piece), also he can kick the air to make him fly(Geppou, but maybe I will use 'skywalk' here.), and that's it. And he has an ability that seems to make God or Goddess can't see his lie.

'Well, at least those abilities are useful. And I'm sure I can get more ability in the future. Also, there's magic in this world, so I'm sure I can get one later. Or maybe more.'

he can use a skywalk so he can arrive at Orario faster but he wants to walk slowly. he want to enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere.

'But this sword is not 'all good' either. If the enemy still can use their weapon even though I already make their weapon's weight really heavy, it will be bad for me or my allies, if I have one. I will not be able to block their attack. Maybe I can slow their movement, but what if their weapon is weightless for the owner, but for the enemy is heavy as f*ck? They still can move fast while their weapons become more deadly for me, or my allies. Well, I can still make their body parts become heavy so they can't move, so it's not like there's no way. I just need their information as much as possible.'

After he walk for few hours, he finally arrive at the Orario. Right now he lining on the entrance, waiting for his turn. Most of the people in front of him wearing armor and have sword on their waist. Some use axes or spears. The rest of the people seems like merchant or traveler.

Because his clothes and cigar on his mouth are out of place, he is so eye-catching. A lot of people watched him with questionable expressions.

After waiting for few minutes, finally his turn to enter Orario. But before he enter the city, the guard ask him for identification. At first he was confused what he should do since he don't have any ID with him, but suddenly he feel vibration. He take the paper from his left chest and opens it. What was written on it was his ID. Without thinking too much about it, he gave the paper to the guard.

After the guard check his ID and give the permission, he enters the city.

The city is big. Since it's afternoon, a lot of people have been wandering in the city. Some of them were citizens, and some of them were adventurers.

For now, he is planning to go to the Guild to become an adventurer. It was the easiest way to do thing since his mission is probably about killing. And he need to become stronger, so go to the dungeon is the only way for him.

While walking, he saw a lot of stall on the street. He want to buy some food but unfortunately he doesn't have money. But he not really hungry so he can buy it later.

His clothes are out of place, so wherever he goes, a lot of eyes are watching him. He just hopes that he does not get into trouble because of his clothes. He doesn't want to change it either, because he likes it.

After walking for a few minutes, he finally arrived at the guild. Since it's afternoon, the line to the receptionists seems packed. He looked around to search for the fewest lines and found one.

He didn't forget to extinguish his cigar.

After waiting for more than 10 minute, finally it's his turn. The receptionist is girl with long brown hair. Her height is around 160cm. She has a round face and purple eyes. When he saw her, one word that came to his mind was 'cute'. But despite that, she has a sharp aura that makes her feel mature.

When the receptionist saw him, she tilt her head a bit with confusion. His outfit that seems out of place make her wonder where he come from. He have long blonde hair with creamy brown skin and round glasses. She admits that he is good looking. But after a few seconds, she went back to her usual self.

"Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?" she ask.

"Good afternoon, miss. Yes, I want to become adventurer."

"I see. May I ask which familia you come from?"

"To be honest, I don't know. I never see my God or Goddess in person. For how I join 'he' or 'her' familia, that time I got drunk and when I woke up, I already join 'he' or 'her' familia.' He said while scratching his cheek.

"Well, i just need to see your back, so let's go to the other room for a bit and show me your back."

After that they go to the next room and Integra lift his shirt and show her his back. After she observe it for few minute, she told him that its done.

"Ok, this will do. Now I need to ask you some question before you join the adventurer."

And after that, she ask some question like where he come from, what his weapon, why he wants to become an adventurer, and etc. He now knows the receptionist's name. Her name is Anna Vissa.

After he get his permission to enter the dungeon, he immediately go there. Since the location of the dungeon is on the center of the city, it's easy to find it.

He take the box of cigar from his left chest and takes one cigar. He cut the tip of the cigar and lit it up. He sucked it and blow it. After he feel the spice of the cigar spread inside his mouth, he began to walk. Seems like the cigar on the box will not run out. After he takes one from the left, the cigar beside the one that he takes will move to the left and fill it, and a new cigar will appear on the right side that is empty. So he will not run out of cigar.

After few minute of walking, he finally arrive at the entrance of the dungeon. Inside the dungeon, in the center of the room is a ten meter long hole that leads straight into the dungeon. Within the circular room are multiple columns at equal intervals and above is a beautiful azure painting of the sky that resembles the real sky. Along the circle are gentle stairs that spiral down into the 1st floor.

On the 1st floor, he can see a hallway with a blue wall. He prepares his katana in his right hand. He sucked the cigar on his mouth and blew it. He takes the cigar with his left hand and throws it to the ground. After that he stomped it.

He walks slowly without hurry for few minutes and finally 3 goblins come out from the dungeon's wall. Without increasing or decreasing his walking speed, he approaches the goblins. The goblins that saw him began to run towards him.

When they close to him, he swing his katana from left to right and kill all of the goblins. After that, the goblins disappear and drop the magic stone.


He looked at his right hand with his sword. He clenched his grip tighter.

'I guess the monster on the 1st floor is just too weak for me.' he thought.

He take the magic stone and put it inside his coat.

'I need to buy pouch or bag after this.'

But fortunately the magic stone is not that big, so he still have space on his coat pocket. Though it will be annoying while fighting.

After that he kept progressing until the 4th floor. The 2nd and 3rd floor is same as before but since the amount of monster that appear is more often, he gets a nice warm up. But it's still easy for him to kill all the monsters. On the 4th floor, he met a new monster. It was a Dungeon Lizard. They have clubs on their hands and they can climb the wall with their feet. It seems they have a sucker disc on their feet.

When Integra walks, he can feel their presence and try to ambush him. But he kept walking at the same speed. 4 dungeon lizards suddenly jump towards him. He slice the first dungeon lizard vertically and kills it. The second one try to attack him with its club but Integra dodge it easily. The 3rd and 4th one try to attack him at the same time but Integra kill them with X slash. The last dungeon lizard try to attack him from the back but Integra turn his body while doing a vertical slash and kills it.

After that he collected the magic stone and put it inside his coat, then he realized that his pocket was already full.

'Guess it's time to go back.'

He put his katana on the scabbard and take the cigar from the box on his left chest pocket. He cut the tip of the cigar and lit it up. After smoking for a few seconds, he began walking and go back to the city. He put his left hand on the katana's handle on his left waist so he was ready to draw it whenever he want.

His cigar is in his mouth. He smokes it while walking towards the exit.

When he arrive at the 3rd floor, he meet with 4 people. The first person that caught Integra's attention was an elf with green hair. Beside her was a dwarf with long brown hair and brown beard. Behind them was a girl with golden hair and eyes, even though she tried to look mature with her emotionless face, Integra still felt her childish aura. The last boy looks like an adult with a height around 170 cm with gray hair and beast ears that are the same color as his hair. In Integra eyes, he seems to have a rude personality.

When Integra passes them, he nod his head to greet them and they nod back, except the gray-haired boy. He look at Integra in the corner of his eyes just for a few seconds before he swipes back his attention to the front.

"What with that person? What a weird clothing. He doesn't even wear armor. Wait, is that he or she?" Said the gray-haired boy.

"Be careful with your mouth, Bete." Said the elf.

"Hah? What's wrong with calling a weirdo 'weird'?!"

Integra, despite the distance between him and the other group is quite far, he still can hear them. And the gray-haired boy's voice is loud, so it's normal he can hear him.

Integra quite like his outfit. Even though he know that his outfit is out of place in the other's eyes, he still feel irritated to hear someone actually talking bad about it behind him. Maybe if he didn't hear it or he didn't know, he will just go and do his stuff, but since he hears it, he can't just stay down and ignore it.

Integra immediately use 'shave' and in an instant he arrives behind the gray haired boy, Bete. He lower his head a bit so his mouth is near Bete's ear, since he taller than Bete, and said,

"You know it's not a good thing to mock someone else behind their back, right? And I'm a man." he said with his usual tone but he put some pressure into it.

They, who suddenly hear Integra's voice, surprised and immediately jump to take distance.

The dwarf and the blonde-haired girl draw their weapon, ready to fight. Bete who doesn't have any weapon with him take a stance, and the elf also prepare her staff and ready to chant magic.

Integra straighten his body and smoke his cigar. His left hand is still on his katana.

"'Word' is a scary thing, you know? They can bring you happiness but they also can bring you despair. They can save you but they also can kill you. Even when you use your magic, you need to chant right? Short or long, it is still a chant. And 'chant' is a bunch of word that become one. And the magic that you use can kill you and other people."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Bete said while glaring at Integra.

"Bete!" Said the dwarf, "This person is bad news!"

Right after Integra suddenly appear behind them, he already feel that Integra is strong. He, the dwarf, didn't feel Integra's approach. He have confident with his experience and he never lowering his guard, but even that, he couldn't feel Integra's approach.

"What are you saying, Gareth? Are you afraid with this weirdo?" Said Bete.

"BETE!" This time, the elf warned him.

Integra sucked his cigar and blow it.

"Two times." He said.


"Two times you call me 'weird'. And I don't like that." Integra tosses his cigar to the ground and stomps it. He draws his katana and releases his bloodlust.

The 4 people in front of Integra stunned with his bloodlust. Sweat starts coming from their face. The back of their body becomes cold from fear. They ready to fight or run, or at least let the 2 young members run away while the dwarf, Gareth, and the elf block Integra. Bete and the long-haired girl can call the other member of their familia while the remaining two can buy some time. But suddenly the bloodlust that comes from Integra disappears.

Integra felt a vibration from his soul and took the paper from his pocket. What written on it was,

[Don't kill them or do anything that can make them lose their spirit. They are important characters for the world's fate.]

"Tch." Integra clicked his tongue and put his katana on the scabbard.

Integra turn around and ready to walk while trying to take the cigar from the box on his left chest. But he stopped after he heard Bete say something.

"What? You gonna go just like that? Are you scared or something?"

(A/N : I know it's weird for Bete to taunt him any further, but let's say that he is still immature.)

Before the other can say something, Integra suddenly disappear from his spot and suddenly appear in front of Bete while already draw his sword. He slice Bete on his chest from bottom left to top right. He didn't cut too deep so Bete will not die, but it's enough to make Bete lost a lot of blood. While Bete can die if they just leave him like that, Integra is sure that his comrade will not let that happen. And look at their armor, he knows that they are pretty rich, so they should have a potion with them.

Bete, who get sliced, fell to the ground with his bloody chest. He is still conscious but the pain from his chest makes him scream. The elf girl take a potion from her pocket and give it to Bete.

The blonde-haired girl stunned on the spot with her eyes widened. The dwarf, Gareth, keep looking at Integra with wary eyes. But the movement that he saw made him doubt if he could stop Integra or not.

Integra swing his sword to the side to clean his sword from blood, but there's still some blood on his sword so he take his handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned the katana. He put his katana to the scabbard and say,

"Next time, be careful with your mouth, punk!"

He then turns around and leaves the place.

After walking for around 5 minutes, suddenly a massive pain came to his heart. It's like someone or something grip it with so much strength.

He clenched his left chest and fell to the ground with his knee. His cigar fell to the ground from his mouth. His grip on the left chest becomes more tighter, hoping it can decrease the pain but in vain. The pain continued for around 2 minutes.

"Is this warning?" He said with heavy breath. His whole body is sweating but his clothes keep clean as new.

He took one cigar and lit it up. He sucked it and blew it.


He then smokes it a few times, to calm himself.