After that spirits attacked spirits palace to recaptured it. This time war was different from others. Naahi uses water and tornado and kanu used thunder and fire make the torndo strong. This started killing many evils, but evil commander used his slash and destroyed the tornados. Evil commander and spirit commander were in front of each other.Evil commander ordered his small piece of army to capture magical horse and kanu. But magical horse used his power and suddenly guard occured sitted on horses. They were fighting with evil army. Kanu used his wave of fire and thunder and evil commander used water tornado. The blast occured and in smoke kanu rapidly gone back of evil commander. When smoke removed he saw that kanu is not here, he thougt that kanu is killed, but when he turned back he saw kanu. Kanu immediately used thunder and fire on ground and magical horse used his power and power gone towards evil commander but he used water and tornado. This, time also spirts had to escaped.This time spirit king said "we have to become more powerful. Kanu we are giving you a ninja star. You have to give power to ninja star and then at the battle field fir ninja star then see what happen. We will also train your horse for flying".
Kanu said" ok sir."
Kanu give his power to the ninja star and practiced for flying with horse. After practicing he wanted to train his army also.
Then they attacked at spirit's palace to recaptured it. Then after this evil army was ready and this time they wanted to kill all spirit's. for this they were placed around the spirit's army.