The second I woke up I saw an unfamiliar room surrounding looked like one of the rooms from my favorite webcomic angelic lover it seemed very familiar hmm what could it be? oh well, I'm probably dead by now why would an angelic lover matter right now I can't believe I made it to heaven, after all, I did NO let's not think about that "think happy thoughts think happy thoughts" I quietly repeat to my self then suddenly the door opens "oh your awake now" a person dressed in a what seemed to be a maid outfit "HUH WHO ARE YOU?" I recently said out loud "it seems the fall must have been quite bad," the stranger said in a condensing tone "umm sorry about that my words just came out and I didn't mean for them too you know when that happens right it's kinda annoying when that happens isn't it" they stare into my soul with what seems to be an annoying face "sorry I did it again" "yes you did" they seemed pissed I would too so I don't mind I'm used to this stuff happening to me.