Chereads / A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation / Chapter 222 - Vampires, Zombies, and Robots for Days(2)

Chapter 222 - Vampires, Zombies, and Robots for Days(2)

*Music Play — Akuma Stocking*

Through the streets of London, the people who were unharmed or only had minor injuries were fleeing from the Millennium vampire soldiers that were chasing them down. Some Millennium soldiers started cutting them down with their bayonets, gunning them down with their weapons, blowing them up with grenades, biting them in the neck, and absorbing their blood without mercy as the city continued burning and more retrofitted V1's were being launched by Millenniums Zeppelins.

The civilians that were bitten and killed by Millennium soldiers started rising up as the undead vampire zombies known as Ghouls, roaming around the streets and devouring anyone they saw that was human.


"Eliminate. All. Who. Walk. Among us."

The dark aether forces were no different in their rampage. The Manglers were cutting down people with their sickles and blasting them with their cannons, dark aether zombies biting them in order to turn them into zombies and ripping and tearing them until it was done.

Ordas ranging from 40 to 60 feet tall were walking the streets, dragging people out of hiding places in buildings or stomping anything from people to vehicles beneath their feet, Flame Hounds hunting them down like wolf packs and the Krasny Soldats burning anything they saw with their flamethrowers. Dark aether disciples and tempests are meantime corrupting certain people with the dark aether energy and converting them into zombies.

While this was happening, the soldiers of the Wolfenstein Reich were gunning down any people they came across and tossing some captured individuals into the portals to be sent into their dimension for who knows what.

The machines, however, were more deadly. Panzerhunds mauled those it makes eye contact with and use their flamethrowers within their mouths to burn anything to a crisp, Guard Robots and Robot Soldats utilize their laser weaponry to blast whomever they perceive as a threat or crush them underneath their iron foot. Lastly, the Super Soldats used their metallic fists to beat down anyone who attempted to fight their forces, subdued anyone by their immense strength, or blast them with their laser weaponry known as the MG60s.

On the roof of a building, three robot soldats stood there, watching as the chaos in the streets, until they noticed a horde of ghouls walking towards a group of police officers and a civilian firing their guns at the ghouls behind a line of cars, which proved useless in killing them due to the bullets not being silver.

The three robot soldats leaped into the crowd of ghouls and utilized their forearm-mounted blasters to release a storm of red plasma shots at the ghouls, blasting them to chunks or ripping them in half with their bare hands.

While the two robot soldats were slaughtering the ghouls with ease, one of the robot soldats approached the armed police officers and one civilian, which they had a terror cloud on their faces at the intimidating machine approaching them, thus they all fired at the robot soldat, but the machine moved with quick reflexes, motioning across the space at insane speed and avoiding the bullets with relative ease.

As soon as the robot soldat drew close to them, it instantly crushed one of the police officers' head and severed the heads of two more cops with its bare hands alone before punching a hole straight through the armed civilian's abdomen and tossed him in the direction of a horde of dark aether zombies.

The man was caught by the zombie swarm and chewed all over his body, leaving him screaming in excruciating pain. In a span of a few seconds, his entire being from body and mind has turned into a dark aether zombie in an instant and walked along with the hundreds of others.

A Millennium soldier, standing on the roof of a building, was originally planning on killing the group of officers and an armed civilian, but when these robots showed up and demonstrated their power and strength, he changed his plan. Instead of rushing into the scene, he stood there and witnessed the entire thing from a distance.

"Interesting. These robots were very fascinating indeed. As for these zombies, transformation is an instant when anyone gets bitten by them it seems, and unlike ghouls, they are faster and more aggressive. I wonder about the nature of these things and their origins."

As the Millennium soldier watched and carefully scrutinized the third party's onslaught with interest, he didn't notice a Robot Soldat standing behind him, which even his vampire senses couldn't detect. Before the Millennium soldier could act quickly, he was stabbed from behind, prompting him to vomit out blood and glanced back to find the robot.

"What the hell! We bear the same logo!" he cries out to the the robot soldat, but it ignores his pleas and proceeds to rip him into two before tossing his ripped-half bodies to the dark aether zombie horde below.

Prior to the invasion, the Wolfenstein Reich already found out from the Forsaken that the Major had betrayed the Reich in the hellsing universe before he could form an alliance with them and was using his vampire army to fulfill his own goals. Thus, the Wolfenstein Reich will consider them as enemies rather than allies, and all machines and soldiers were given strict commands to execute them on sight.


On another street in the city, three Millennium soldiers were firing their assault rifles on a horde of dark aether zombies that had recently fought against the horde of ghouls. Minutes had passed between the battle of two zombie hordes engaged in a brief skirmish, the dark aether zombies effortlessly decimated the army of ghouls the three Millennium soldiers created and assimilating them into their own, and they were now moving for the trio of vampires.

Seeing their undead army were easily slaughtered by another undead army, the three Millennium soldiers raised their guns and unleashed a stream of bullets at the horde. Despite their best effort and no matter how many bullets they fired, the horde seemed endless.

"They just don't end!" One of the three Millennium soldiers shouted.

"Who cares! I'm getting more zombies to headshot with my gun!" Said another three Millennium soldiers, grinning in amusement.

The third Millennium soldier sighed, "We are wasting bullets."

Right at that moment, a Panzerhund came jumping out of the zombie horde, which it hid between them. Lunging at one of the Millennium soldiers which caught him completely off guard and was unable to react in time when the Panzerhund bites his abdomen with its metal jaws and tore his entire upper body before tossing at the dark aether zombie horde to be devoured by them.

"Kill it!"

Under a moment's notice, the two remaining Millennium soldiers raised their rifles and released a barrage of bullets at the Panzerhund.

That seemingly had barely any effect on the robotic dog. In response to this, it opens its mouth and breathes out a stream of fire that burned the two vampires as they started flailing around to extinguish the fire on themselves. This provides the dark aether zombies with the perfect opportunity to pounced on the two millennium soldiers and started shredding them apart.

"Bark! Bark!"

Barking like a dog, the Panzerhund continued to roam around the desolate streets in search of a new target to prey on.

If one were to describe the situation that was happening right now, they would say three words.

True Absolute Chaos was the answer they would give and that is exactly what this situation was.

*Music Ends*

Out of thin air, a portal appears and somebody falls out of it before crashing on top of the car with a long rifle landing next to her.

"I've been falling... for thirty minutes!!"

Groaning in pain, the person who fell twenty feet from the ground was Rip. Rip got to her feet and looked around her surroundings, only to find dark aether zombies charging in her direction the moment she appeared.

"...No! To hell with that! I'm not wasting my bullets on fodders like them! I'm out of here!"

Then she quickly runs down the street with the dark aether zombies chasing her down.


In a bird's eye view of the burning city of London, where the endless noise of gunfire and bombs exploding, the Major had observed everything from his commanding chair with his usual cruel smile on his face.

"Ah yes, the flames of war are burning brightly...

...Und so are my loins~"


Interrupting his weird arousement, the Major turned to face Zorin Blitz. She had orange hair, green eyes, and a slightly muscular frame. Her right arm and right half of her face were covered in numerous tatoo symbols, and she carried a scythe as a weapon. She is as well as an artificial vampire much like anyone else in Millennium.


"Ah! First Lieutenant former Olympic Bodybuilder Zorin Blitz. Sorry, I vas caught up in ze moment."

"You finally have orders for me, Major?"

"Ah indeed, my dear Zorin. You have a very specific target."

"Where shall my scythe be pointed?"

The screens all over the room they were in displayed images of the Hellsing manor which is the Headquarters of the Hellsing organization.

"The Hellsing Organization Headquarters."

The Major's words delighted Zorin as she widened her eyes in excitement.


"And you…"


"...Shall provide reconnaissance."


Dropping her cigarette whilst her lips open wide, her expression is filled with incredulity and dismay.


In the middle of the city streets, a Panzerhund was continuously barking at a cat with blue fur and yellow eyes, sitting on a balcony and lazily looking at the Panzerhund, not giving a damn about his constant barking.


…Until they heard a piercing scream coming from the Deus Ex Machina in the sky.



"Okay, Zorin, Zorin. I need you to bring it back to me, take a deep breath and calm down."

Zorin seemed to ignore his words as she began to experience hyperventilation.

"Contain ze calamity within your angry soul."

The Major's words once again appear to fall on deaf's ears as Zorin grunted furiously, trying so hard to contain her anger.

"Look Zorin, you will not attack them until the rest of our forces arrive there."

"But without Alucard they are vulnerable!"

Major shook his head, "No. Do not take them too lightly, especially Integra, Seras Victoria, and last of all, Herr Rodeo."

Then he started explaining, "Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. The current head of the greatest family of vampire hunters in history and she is the only authority the vampire Alucard recognizes. Then there is the police girl, the vampire Seras Victoria. She is perhaps... a miracle or something of a joke. I suspect that she hasn't fully understood her true nature yet."

With a cold frown on his face, the Major continued, "Then there are the oddities that are Herr Rodeo and his friends. Rodeo is a good-natured humanoid cat but his powers, mind and skills are something to be admired but feared as well and the unique abilities of his allies, especially Karl Heisenberg's magnetism, are something we should not take lightly because, from what we have seen so far, they seem to be holding back some of their deadlier abilities rather than going all out, and it can catch us off-guard. They are people worthy to be called our enemies. So I say this again Zorin, do not attack the Headquarters yet until our main forces arrive to support you. Do you understand my orders?"

"Crystal clear." Zorin responded unenthusiastically.


All of sudden, a Millennium soldier walked over to him with a grave expression on his face.

"Sir! One of our forces reported me through the radio and found something odd about the city."

"In what way?"

"How do I say it? They were looking through some buildings especially in the most populated areas and where the V1s hit, but they were well... very empty. No bodies or anything."

Major froze, "What?"

"And some of our soldiers reported sightings of a fish monster and… a Fallen Angel, as they put it, guiding some of the city's people out, a hundred of our men that were attempting to take them out were reported to be killed by the two, with only a few managed to flee and survive. Furthermore, another report said that some of the men smelled floral scent in the air, and soon started having nightmarish visions of their past, which either haunting them or drove them insane.

"That's absurd." The Doctor muttered with a frown, but it was until he heard laughter coming from the commanding chair.

"...Hehehehehehehehe, hahahahahahahahahaha! Of course!"

"What is it, herr Major? Do you know the cause of this?"

Major was unable to contain his laughter and replied, "Yes... Herr Rodeo. He used the powers of his allies to evacuate half of the city before we bombarded it with retrofitted V1'S. Unfortunately he was unable to do so for the other half in time once we began our attack. Nevertheless, this will not have any bearing on our plans anyway to eliminate Alucard and the hellsing organization. Speaking of hellsing..."


In the city, a Millennium soldier was standing atop a wrecked building, observing a car in which Walter and Integra were in was driving down the regent street.

[Sgt. Klaus, have you spotted Sir Integra?] The Major inquired from the other end of the radio.

"Ja Major. They're driving down Regent Street and heading for the hellsing manor."

[Capture her. Also, is that street on fire?]

"It could be more on fire."


With Walter and Integra, the two were in a car and driving down Regent street. Walter was driving the car while Integra was sitting on the backseat, surveying outside the window at the numerous butchered corpses of people laying lifeless on the streets, the burning and torn-down buildings.

"They will pay for this dearly."

Suddenly, the radio in the car came to life and Sir Penwood's voice could be heard from it. Walter proceeds to adjust the radio's tuning until Sir Penwood's voice comes across clearer.

[Attention all soldiers. Attention all soldiers. This is Vice Admiral Penwood speaking from the special British security command center. If anyone is receiving this message, the facility I'm in will soon fall. The monsters are almost upon us and through the last line of our defenses.]


Sir Penwood was transmitting the message to other radios in the city through a radio's microphone, sitting in the blood-soaked remains of the Security Council room, where his men lying lifelessly in the room after succumbing to the first wave of Millennium soldiers with the doors barricaded by every single piece of furnitures in the room, and Sir Penwood being the last man standing.

"I now deliver the final orders from this facility to whomever is listening to this transmission. And I know things seem bleak to those who are still alive, but stay on. We are still fighting; each and everyone of us. We shall defend Queen and Country against this decades-old barbarism!"

In the following second, the barricaded doors get blasted open and a Millennium officer along with a dozen Millennium soldiers stormed in the room wjere they found Sir Penwood seated on his chair.

"How valiant of you Sir Penwood, you put up quite a fight and defended your post down till ze last man," The Millennium officer laughed as he pointed a luger pistol at him, "But I'm afraid this is the end for you," he said with a maniacal smile.

Expecting him to feel fear or despair, instead Sir Penwood began laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Well that's where I must rebuke you, because you might see one man in front of you... but I see four."

"See four?"

Suddenly, the Millennium officers and all of the soldiers sensed a greater danger. As they looked around the room, they all discovered that C4 had been strapped across the entire space with the detonator on Sir Penwood's hand.


"Farewell Sir Integra, It was an honor. And Sir Rodeo, if you're out there, do not let some cosmic creature take our world. And good luck to you and your friends."

With his final words, he pushed the button of the detonator.


In a split second, the entire room and the headquarters entirely exploded along with everyone within, leaving nothing or no one behind. Sir Penwood made the ultimate sacrifice, giving his life in the most heroic way possible to prevent the enemy from taking the HQ and bravely stared death in the eye with honor and with no fear. His sacrifice will never be forgotten and his final stand will be remembered for a very long time.

In the end, even the most afraid and nervous of people like Sir Penwood can ultimately turn out to be the bravest of them all.