Chapter 217 - Trigger Warning(2)

After the death of Wilhelm "Deathshead" Strasse at the hands of BJ and his allies, the Reich were at a halt in technology advancement because now no new developments in machines and other technology could be made at the same level that Deathshead used to do with his intelligent yet insane mind, so there was that. What's worse for them is that BJ and his crew were still out of their hands who had escaped in one of their stolen U-boats, the Eva's Hammer, which happened a month ago.

However, with the Forsaken's arrival after that month and promising the Reich of universal conquering and spreading their reach, which the Reich immediately accepted, obviously.

In a large military base somewhere in Third Reich Germany, a vast number of robots and the soldiers of the Reich were getting themselves ready along with the armored vehicles for the operation that would take place in a few days with the assistance of the Forsaken's dimensional transportation and his cosmic monstrous army.

Forsaken, who was currently in his human form, was sitting silently on his chair, observing the Reich soldiers and machines preparing themselves as well as their vehicles.

"All according to plan." The Forsaken chuckles with a cruel smile on his face," This will be our moment. And Cat, once I found you, I swear in all my existence that you will receive a fate worse than death."


At that moment, the Forsaken noticed a Reich soldier approaching him, dressed in his black armor and wielding his assault rifle on his arm.


"What is it?"

"The general who will lead this assault vishes to speak to you." The Reich soldier said in a German accent.

"Is it Engel?"

"Nein. She's busy hunting down BJ and his allies with the help of the Ausmerzer but no luck still. The one you're meeting is a different one."

With a nod of his head, Forsaken follows the Reich soldier inside an office in one of the base's modest buildings. When they both entered the office, they soon met a woman of German descent in her early 30s.

Currently, she was staring at a clipboard with another Reich soldier standing beside her, discussing what was written on it. She had long dark blonde hair that reached till her back, pale skin, and a very fine physique, as well as a well-endowed and attractive appearance. She was dressed in a black-colored field uniform with a gray trench coat over it.

The most surprising feature though were her heterochromia eyes. Her right eye was a deep ocean blue, while her left was lighter blue as the sky or clear water.

Shortly later, the General finally noticed the Reich soldier standing by the door with the Forsaken beside him and spoke out.

"Du darfst gehen (You may leave)"

The soldier nods and salutes before walking out the office. The general handed the clipboard to the Reich soldier standing next to her and looked at the Forsaken. A few seconds later, she straightened her back and fixed a pair of fiery blue eyes on him.

"So you're the Forsaken?"

With his purple blazing eyes clashing against the General's blue ones, his body emanated purple and conjured a number of dark aether crystals around him like stars.

"Yes and you are?"

"My name is General Lina Heinrich of the Reich and the one that is going to help you with the assault operations that is gonna start in a few days. It's a great pleasure meeting you."

"Pleasure to meet you as well, General. I wasn't told about your arrival, trying to keep things discreet?"

"After Wilhelm Strasses death and other important figures in the Reich, we are trying to keep things as discreet as possible. But anyways I'm here to talk about our assault itself."

"...You just get your troops and machines ready, I'll open the portals and tell you when to go through them," Forsaken explained, "Once you go through, unleash pain on our enemies before they use that on us, nothing more, nothing less. Once we are done with conquering that world and I kill that Cat, I'll destroy BJ and his allies for you."

He continued, "And once this was done, I will find geniuses of great minds from other multiverses to help you in your progress in technology which is halted somewhat because of Wilhelm's death as most of your men mentioned. And just like we agreed, the Reich and my dimension will conquer the multiverse in 50-50 of it. Simple as that."

"You... really want this cat dead, don't you?" General Lina asked, her face filled with a troubling look.

"Very dead. Moreover, during our assault, I will make sure that my army will not attack you and only attack those who are... well not you."

"That's... good to hear."

"Perfect, now I should leave. Good day to you both, and don't try anything on me behind my back... that will cost your life." he said with a threatening tone at the end, "Farewell."

Giving them one last glare with the words he left, the Forsaken opened the door and exited the office. The moment he left, Lina slumped on her chair and groaned.

"Ugggghhh, Warum haben wir einen Deal mit einem kosmischen Monster gemacht, Otto? (Ugggghhh, why did we make a deal with a cosmic monster, Otto?)" she asked the Reich soldier in an annoyed tone.

The Reich soldier who she gave the clipboard earlier now known as Otto replied, "Er ist für die Zukunftspläne und Expansionen des Reiches von Vorteil. Zumindest sagten die höheren Ränge, dass sie das wollen (He is beneficial to the Reich's future plans and expansions, at least that's what the higher ups said they wanted)"

"Nun, sie legen ihr Schicksal auf eine Sache, die uns zehnmal zerstören kann (Well, they are placing their fates on a thing that can destroy us ten times over)"

"Ja. Irgendwas von Rudol? (Yeah. Anything from Rudol?)"

Lina sighed, "Nicht viel. Er ist immer noch auf Burg Wolfenstein, sucht nach Material für die Reichs Forschung und kommandiert dort die Truppen (Nothing much. He's still at Castle Wolfenstein, looking up some stuff for the Reich's research and commanding the troops there)"

"Ich verstehe. Wird das noch umgebaut? Die Maschine? (I see. Is that still being rebuilt? The machine?)"


"...Fühlen Sie sich nervös wegen dieses Angriffs? (...Are you feeling nervous about this assault?)"

Lina sighs once more, "Ein bisschen habe ich schon früher kleine Angriffe auf versteckte Verstecke und Festungen geführt. Aber etwas von diesem Kaliber, ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie es ankommen wird (A little bit, I've led small assaults on hidden hideouts and fortresses before. But something of this caliber, I'm not sure how it will go down)"

"Ich kenne dich seit deiner Kindheit, Lina und ich weiß, dass du große Dinge tun und im Leben aufsteigen willst, seit du aufgehört hast, Ingenieur zu werden. Dies könnte eine gute Chance sein, in den Rängen aufzusteigen (I've known you since childhood, Lina, and I know you want to do some big things and move up in life ever since you stopped doing engineering. This could be a good chance to move up in ranks)"

"Stimmt, aber du warst in der Schule immer der Faulste, wenn es um die Arbeit ging (True, but you were always the laziest when it came to work back in school)" Lina said jokingly.

"Ich war nicht so faul, ich fand die Arbeit nur langweilig, das ist alles. (I wasn't that lazy, I just found the work boring. That's all)"

Lina let out a chuckle and stood up from her chair, peering out the window of her office, seeing the troops and machines moving around with some of the soldiers performing exercises and speaking with one another.

"Hoffen wir, dass dieser Angriff so verläuft, wie wir es erwarten (Let's hope this assault goes the way we expect it to)"


In the middle of the Atlantic ocean far from the England coast in the Hellsing universe, a British VTOL aircraft carrier ship known as the HMS Eagle was laying in the vast body of water with its crew members on board.

Inside the ship's control room, one of the British sailors that was monitoring the ship's radar detected a helicopter approaching the ship on the radar.

"Sir, an unidentified helicopter is trying to land." He informed his commanding officer.

"That seems odd." The officer says, couldn't hide his questioning look as he stares at the captain of the ship, "Captain Violet, do you know-"

He abruptly came to a halt in mid-sentence when he noticed the captain's skin was purple, including the monstrous jaws and fangs in him.

The captain is shown to be a vampire.

"Oh god! That's why you're purple!!"

The captain, along with two other crew members who were shown to be vampires, ripped and tore everyone on board the ship, until it was done.


On the ship's flight deck, a helicopter, the one spotted on radar, lands on the flight deck. Out of the helicopter came out a woman who seemed to be in her twenties, carrying a long barrel musket rifle. She had blue eyes and long blue-tinted black hair that reached till her knees. She was an artificial vampire and a member of Millennium.

The Hunter herself, Raven Nazi Flat-chested Bespectacled Excel-... ah, excuse me, what I mean is...

Rip Van Winkle.


"And thus the ship came into my possession. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor. My bullet punishes all without distinction."

The captain of the ship and the two crew members, the ones who became vampires, approached Rip and stood behind her.

"Welcome aboard the Eagle, Miss Rip Van Winkle. We and our ship are at Millennium service and are now under your command."

"Ah, danke schoen, Captain! But please, tell me..."

Turning around to face the Captain, Rip let out a cheerful grin, but there was a concealed sensation in her grin that made the captain and the two vampires behind him tremble.

"How did it feel? How does it feel to slaughter your own kinsmen, turning them into ghouls, betraying your family und country, all for the selfish desire to become an immortal vampire?"

"Wow, uh, when you put it like that I feel like kind of a cunt."

"Oh do you?" Rip asks as she smiles cheerfully and pleasantly at them, "Excellent work! Millennium is very happy to have you on our side, and of course the Major, he will be so proud of you, you definitely deserve everything that is coming to you."

"Ah, thank you."

"Well now, the only thing left to do..."

With a nasty grin, Rip levels her musket rifle at the sailors, who gasp in surprise.

"...Is for you to die."


The moment she fired a bullet from the rifle, the captain immediately used his vampire capabilities to vault away from the bullet. The bullet, however, instantaneously killed the two vampire crew members, and it moved in a sort of zig-zag swirl pattern as if Rip was controlling it.

Landing on top of an anti-aircraft gun on the ship deck, the Captain angrily yells, "The bitch set us up! But I only heard a single shot, yet it killed two of them? It's ridiculous!"

"I'm Rip Van Winkle, the Hunter. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor. My bullet punishes all without distinction."

Like a human cannon ball, the captain lunged towards Rip when she wasn't looking. But just as he was about to reach her, the bullet flies back at the captain and shreds him into several pieces, killing him as a result.



In the ship's cargo hold, multiple coffins opened, which had been brought in surreptitiously by the captain of the ship some time ago, and from them sprang Millennium vampire soldiers and officers with weapons as they head for the flight deck where Rip is.


Returning to the ship's flight deck, where Rip had painted the Reich's insignia in the floor with red paint. Shortly after, she noticed the Millennium soldiers and officers approaching her.

"Oh good, you're all finally awake."

"Yes, lieutenant."

"Good. Now then, let us commence our operations."

Unbeknownst to them, a dark aether Tempest was staring at them, lurking behind an anti-aircraft gun. As time has passed, the Tempest opens a portal and enters it before it closes.

"Why do I feel like someone was watching us?" Rip pondered, stroking her chin as she glanced left and right but saw no one, "Naaah! It's probably nothing."