Chapter 214 - Another New Enemy(4)

*Music Play — Yasushi Ishii - Logos naki World*

Outside the door of the penthouse suite, a squad of SWAT soldiers were waiting, training their guns on the impending target. For a brief moment, the swat soldiers soon spotted Alucard stepping out of the door with a smile and walking past them then into the hallway.

Shortly after, the swat soldiers opened fire at him, but Alucard returned fire and proceeded to massacre the operatives with Casull and Jackal, blasting them as they were getting taken out one by one.

The remaining SWAT soldiers dashed for the elevator, entering it and quickly closing the door, but before the doors could close, Alucard brought his pistols in between the elevator doors and forced them open before entering the elevator, slaughtering every soldier inside as it descended to the lower floors.

Walking out of the penthouse suite, Rodeo lay his eyes on the hallways, which were littered with the bodies of swat operatives scattered all over the area. Clenching his fist tightly, Rodeo sighed and glanced at Seras beside him.

"I'm going after Alucard."

"But he said-"

I know, I'm just following him."

Placing on his helmet, Rodeo heads for the elevator, but the elevator has already reached down the ground floor, so he forces the elevator doors open and jumps down the elevator shaft, landing on top of the elevator's hatch in which Alucard was. Opening the hatch, Rodeo entered the elevator to find more swat soldiers' corpses filling the spaces.

"They didn't deserve this. Millennium... needs to deserve this, I promise you all."

Blasting the elevator doors open with his bomb ability, Rodeo exits the elevator and is now in the ground floor when he notices Alucard using his telekinesis ability to send a couple of swat soldiers flying out of the hotel building through the glass doors and impaling them on flagpoles in front of the stunned crowd.

Alucard strolled outside and revealed himself to the whole crowd of citizens, which included a number of swat operatives and news reporters as he stood in the middle of the stairs with a deadly smile on his face.

"You... are just a walk-loving son of a bitch."

*Music Pauses*

Standing next to the glass doors, Rodeo witnesses everyone stare at the real fucking vampire Alucard. Not before long, a man in a stylish suit walked past the crowd and approached Alucard.

"You know how to make quite an entrance, mister Alucard."


The man stopped his tracks and stood in front of the stairwell. Rodeo immediately recognized the man because he knew who he was. The man was part of Millennium, an artificial vampire, and the one responsible for sending the swat soldiers by manipulating the senior officials by the promise of giving them immortality.

The artificial vampire Rodeo mentions bows and introduces himself pleasantly, "My name is Tubalcain Alhambra. But my friends call me the Dandy man."


"Are you the one who sent these men to their doom?" Alucard asked.

"Oh, you mean those men? Well their senior officials did because I promised them a chance at getting immortality," Tubalcain scoffs, "How easily they accepted."

"There is no such thing as immortality, and yet how unfortunate of them to believe in your lies."


A sudden cry rang out in the area, Tubalcain and Alucard both looked at the glass doors to see Rodeo walking down the steps before standing by Alucard, who gave Rodeo a cold look.

"I told you to stay-"

"DON'T!" Rodeo raised his voice and cut Alucard's word off without a damn before turning to face Tubalcain with a piercing gaze, "You're responsible for this, Dandy man! They are dead because of you and the ones you work with known as Millennium. I will show you pain with these fists and make you pay for manipulating these people."

Tubalcain sneered, "Oh, please boy. Anyone is ready to do anything these days for anything, whether they are good or bad people, so long as the thing they get benefits them, they are ready to make sacrifices, such as immortality for example. There are no good guys or bad guys in this world. There are only those who are ready to do anything it takes to get what they need."

Rodeo rolls his eyes and pulls out his sawed-off shotguns, dual wielding them, "What about you shut with those cliche villain monologues as right now we're gonna stop you."

"All right then," Tubalcain said with a smirk, pulling out dozens of cards out of his sleeves and arranging them in a circle around him. "I'm gonna end your un-life, Alucard, along with that weird cat as well."

"Nope, that ain't gonna happen."

Another unfamiliar voice was heard, Tubalcain turned around, and much to his surprise, he, along with everyone present, saw the news vans, along with the news reporters' cameras, mics, and the swats operatives' guns, riot shields, and numerous vehicles rising into the air.

Standing in the middle of the crowd and hefting the sledgehammer over one shoulder was Karl Heisenberg smiling menacingly. The crowd quickly backed away from Karl in fear as the latter stared Tubalcain through his shades and spoke out.

"Now look, Tubalcain, you might have a point. Not everyone is good, not everyone is bad, but that kid over there is the most human guy you can think of. He's honest, he's truthful, he hides things because he has justifiable reasons behind them, understands what others and above all else, he is a person with a human heart hidden behind that monster look of his."

Clenching his palm into a fist, Karl crushed the vans, cars, guns, shields and cameras with his magnetic abilities into nothing but metal heaps and announced to the crowd.

"Now ladies and gentlemen, this is only a fraction of what I can do with my abilities, so-"



In a matter of seconds, the news reporters, the swat team, and the whole crowd were screaming in terror and fleeing away from the scene... never to be seen again.


With the chilling wind blowing the vacant streets that were once crowded not even a few seconds ago now became a desolate area, nothing but silence with a tumbleweed somehow appeared and rolled through the streets of Rio.

"._. That... was not part of the plan." Tubalcain said, couldn't hide his surprised expression on his face.

"So Tubalcain, you got anything to say?" Rodeo asked, "Your audience ain't here to get harmed and Millennium ain't gonna get the show they want."

Tubalcain could only mutter angrily and glare at Rodeo and the rest, "No matter, I'll just send you all to your deaths!"

*Music Unpauses*

Immediately after the music begins, Tubalcain sends his cards at Alucard and Rodeo, but they quickly jump off the stairs, dodging the attack and landing on the ground unharmed. In response to this, the two fired a few shots from their weapons at Tubalcain, who easily avoided the bullets and threw another set of cards at the duo, which they again avoided by jumping in opposite directions.

Karl, who was about to send all of the metal fragments at the Dandy man, noticed a dark aether portal open in the area, and a massive horde of zombies rushed out of the portal and inundated the whole streets in seconds.


Karl groans and mumbles, "Seriously, at a time like this." he then proceeds to hurl the entire metal mass onto the advancing zombies, crushing them beneath. However, an endless number of them were still coming and once again flooded the streets with a significant number racing at Karl, who began hammering the zombies with his hammer and taking them out.

Meanwhile, Alucard manages to shoot Tubalcain in the neck, only to be suddenly dissolved into a jumble of cards.

"Card clones."

At that moment, an explosion erupted behind Alucard, sending him flying and crashing against Rodeo as the two fell face first to the ground.

Tubalcain, who appeared out of the cloud of smoke created by the explosion, spoke out.

"You activated my trap card."

Then he snapped his fingers.

"Wait, is that a Yugioh referenc-?" Rodeo's sentence was immediately interrupted when multiple cards materialized and formed a circle above the two before exploding.

"Ehehehehe!" Tubalcain laughs, thinking he might have killed the both of them.

"Hey Dandy Dick!"

Suddenly, the same voice from the cat man was heard, Tubalcain turns his head around and finds Alucard standing on the side of a building, defying gravity, with Rodeo standing with him, who had anchored his grappler hook to the very top of the structure where the railings are.

"You missed."

Giving him the middle finger, Rodeo uses his grappler hook to reel himself up to the very top of the building, while Alucard merely races up the building. Tubalcain chases them up the building by defying gravity and walking up the skyscraper.


On a helipad at one of the towering buildings, the same corrupt pricks that sent the Swat teams rushed into the helicopter accompanied with guards to evacuate from the area that has become a warzone.

"Can't believe Magneto is actually real," Said one of the senior officials as he sat on the helicopter's seat with the others. "Do you think Alhambra can take them?"

"Calm down, man, it's fine. I'm just focused on what I'm going to do with my immortality!"

Pip, disguised as a B.O.P.E Officer, dressed in black uniform and a gas mask walks into the helicopter, about to do some Vigilante Justice.

"Joke's on you! I'm getting double immortality!"

"Morons," Pip chuckled to himself as he sat on the pilot's seat, his sudden presence caused the passengers in the helicopter to turn their face to his direction in confusion.


"Hey guard, why are yo-"


Interrupting the men's words is when Pip shoots the corrupt official without a moment of hesitation, starting with the one who spoke out, then moving into the second, and so on, while counting up to seven in French.

"No, no, no, no, no-... Argh!!" The last corrupt official cried as he got shot in the head. If it hadn't been for the helicopter's rotors producing loud noises and the silencer on the pistol Pip carries, he would have alerted the guards outside.

After executing the corrupt officials inside, Pip steps out of the helicopter humming the French national anthem: La Marseillaise. The helicopter explodes from a C4 the moment Pip lit a lighter to smoke some cigarettes, killing or at least wounding many adjacent guards.

"I hope I get paid after this job is done."


On the rooftop of the building, Alucard was seen bleeding out terribly as he lay on the floor, while Rodeo was continuously firing at Tubalcain with his shotguns, while the latter deflected the shots with his cards with no difficulty.

Slowly rising up from the ground with his regeneration used, Alucard spoke out, "Young man, I know what Millennium is. The one leading it. The Major. The Last Battalion. He knows very well that you're a nuisance to his show. His so-called war, and despises your ideas, but perhaps you know but don't care,"

Alucard sighs with a smile, 'You really are a one-of-a-kind one, much like Seras.' he thought.

Deflecting another shotgun shot with minimal effort, Tubalcain mocked, "Guns were futile, strange folk, I can do this all day!"

Knowing he was right, Rodeo put his shotguns away and shouted.

"Sheer Heart Attack!"

Tubalcain was puzzled, "Sheer what?"

As the Dandy Man was confused by what Rodeo meant, Sheer Heart Attack pops out from Rodeo's hand and races towards Tubalcain's direction at astonishing speed.

"Kocchi Wo Miro!"

Sensing a greater danger from that mere toy, Tubalcain proceeded to send hundreds of cards at Sheer Heart Attack. Much to his shock, his cards were all deflected off of the sub-Stand, which unfortunately received no damage from it.

"Impossible! No one can survive my cards that can cut through steel like butter!"

"Fool! Sheer Heart Attack... has no weaknesses."

In an instant, Sheer Heart Attack exploded in front of Tubalcain but he managed to avoid being reduced into atoms by jumping away from the explosion before it could touched him.

While avoiding the Stand, Tubalcain witness Alucard releases Cromwell Control Art Restriction, Level 1. A sense of dread began to crawl on Tubalcain's nerves, prompting him to instinctively pull out another set of cards to strike him with, but a sniper bullet shot them out of his hands.

"Que Merda?! (What the shit?!)"

In the distance, Seras sends a hail of 12.7mm rounds at Tubalcain with her rifle continuously along with Rodeo as he does the same with his shotguns. In the meantime, Karl reached the roof and launched multiple metal shards and his hammer at Tubalcain, who was desperately trying to parry all of their attacks with his cards at extreme speed, nearly reaching his breaking point.

"Damn you, sons of bitches!"

While Rodeo and Karl continue to attack non-stop, Seras ceases firing before bringing out the Hallconnen rifle and blows her load with a deafening boom at Tubalcain, who tosses a card at the incoming bullet and chops it into two. Both halves of the bullet flies past him and exploded on the floor behind his back, creating a cloud of smoke.

"I am really getting tired of this shit!"

At that very moment, he felt two menacing presences behind him.

"You and me both."

Turning around after hearing a menacing voice, Tubalcain was met with Alucard, who was in his restraint level form, grabbed his right arm and kicked Tubalcain's left leg with force strong enough to severe it while Rodeo karate chops his right arm off, causing Tubalcain to scream out in pain and pure agony.


"Now let me hear you squeal!"

Reeling one of arms back, Alucard increased its mass, his muscle significantly grew and sends it towards Tubalcain at blinding speeds while Tubalcain wailed and tried the same trick twice, this time countering Alucard's arm!

Well… to no avail.

When both of their hands collided with each other, Alucard rips Tubalcain's entire arm in half in response.


As Tubalcain squealed like a pig, his eyes widened when he noticed Rodeo galloping towards him. And before he could react in time, Rodeo unleashed a barrage of punches at him at machine gun speed.


Seras screamed, "Oh my god! He's not stopping! He's going full beast on him!"


Delivering a powerful hook to Tubalcain's face, it launched him flying towards Karl, who sprang into motion and flung out one arm to the side, reaching out with his magnetic powers once more, and seized a metal sledgehammer that had been laying on the ground in the distance.

As the hammer spiraled across the clearing and smacked into Karl's hands, he whirled just in time to deliver a thunderous blow to Tubalcain's chest as he spun back towards him. The force of the impact caved in his ribs with a sickening crunch, and he was hurled across the clearing and back into Alucard, who easily caught Tubalcain's face before he could crash onto him.

As Alucard brought him close to his face while Tubalcain could only whimper and stare at him fearfully, he mumbled.

"Now... let me begin my interrogation of you, but in this case, your blood will do the talking."

*Music Stops*

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