Chereads / A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation / Chapter 204 - A Real Fucking Vampire(4)

Chapter 204 - A Real Fucking Vampire(4)

Later this morning, Rodeo was still lying in his bed, checking his phone and again trying to make contact with the foundation to see if it works for an organization that dealt with anomalies and monsters, including dimensions, but as expected, no luck has been made like before, so he just sighed and put his phone back in his hollow stomach compartment before rising from the bed and carries his armor on his arms before leaving the room. 

Down a hallway on the ground floor of the manor, some of the hellsing staff members were carrying a very large bed towards Alcina's room. Rodeo, who was currently walking down that same hallway, watched the staff members stroll past him while lifting the large bed with difficulty.

"Good grief, Alcina." Rodeo let out a sigh, "Always demanding something big."

"Good morning, Sir Rodeo."

Looking ahead, Rodeo spotted Walter approaching him as he said, "Good morning, Walter. Sorry if I walked out of my room myself without you checking on me."

"No, it's quite alright, hope you rested well."

"I did rest very well actually, even though I don't need sleep, but my body does need to rest itself to prevent exhaustion."

"I see... so regarding your armor?"

"Oh yeah," Rodeo says as he raises his armor with both hands and hands it to Walter, "Here you go."

"Thank you," Walter responded gently, staring at the armor he is carrying with interest, "Now I just need Sir Heisenberg's help."

"Hey, dickheads."

Just in time, the two soon noticed Karl approaching them with his hammer perched over his shoulders as always. 

"Good morning, Sir Heisenberg." Walter said pleasantly, "We were just talking about you."

As Karl stopped his tracks in front of them, Rodeo spoke out to the two, "So look, I want to add two new features to the armor. One a grappler hook that can be fired from the palm of both of the armor's gauntlets. Two, I need hidden wrist blades, composed of high-quality steel on both the armor's gauntlets that can pop out from the wrist part of it through a small rectangular slit."

"Seems simple enough." Walter said with a nod.

"Fine," Heisenberg said, "But we can't risk harming the armor's other features while adding these new modifications, but I can help you with that part."

"Very well then," Walter said before turning to face Rodeo, "Also Rodeo, if you want to do some training, we have a shooting range and a fencing room, do you want me to guide you to them?"

"Thanks, but I'd like to explore the place and find them myself, if that's okay with you?"

"Hmm… Alright then, but don't wander off anywhere too far, especially into the important areas of the manor."

"Got it."

"Very well then," Walter gently said as he returned his gaze to Karl, "Sir Heisenberg, if you may follow."

"Yeah, yeah." Karl mumbled lazily as he and Walter strolled away, leaving Rodeo who is watching them leaving before starting looking for the shooting range while exploring the manor. 


In the lower levels of the Hellsing manor, the Hellsing staff members were finally able to bring the bed to Alcina's room while the latter herself observed them. 

"This is the bed that Sir Walter requested us to bring to your room." One of the Hellsing staff members stated, "It's made of the best and strongest wood available these days."

"And the bed has a Victorian era design and style to it." The other staff member added.

Alcina smiled, "I'm impressed, please give Walter my thanks."

"We will, lady Dimitrescu." Said the third staff member.

"Good, now you all may leave," Alcina demanded coldly. With a shrieking noise, she brought out one of her claw-like blades, "Or do you intend to stand there all day and stare at me?"

"Yes, ma'am!" exclaimed one of the Staff members as he and the rest immediately dashed out of the room. 

Watching them flee in terror, Alcina retracts her claws and sighs irritably, "A lot of attention on me."

"Well, when you're tall and have such otherworldly beauty in people's eyes that can rival every other lady in the world, I'm sure you'll draw a lot of attention to yourself, Lady Dimitrescu."

Alcina froze as she heard a voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere, shifting her gaze to the left side of the room where she saw Alucard phasing through the wall. Currently, he doesn't appear to be wearing his usual orange shades and red fedora. 

"Hello there, Mr. Real Fucking Vampire~" Alcina whispered seductively with a charming smile on her face as she slowly sat on her bed, crossing her legs the moment she realize it was Alucard.

Alucard's expression shifted to an odd look, "Are you seriously gonna keep calling me that everytime I show up in front of you?" 

"I'm just teasing you, Alucard, no need to get annoyed~" 

"I'm not annoyed, just find it childish when I hear it from you."

Alcina couldn't help but chuckle, "Think what you may, Alucard, but now that is going to be your nickname from now on."

Alucard scoffs, "Whatever."

A charming smile on her face, Alcina slowly stood up and walked over to Alucard, "But still, what brings you here, Mr. Alucard?" 

Alucard merely shrugs, "Nothing really, just following master Integra's orders to check up on all of you and to report back any suspicious activities."

"Still don't trust us?"

"My master has her reasons not to trust any of you, and the fact that not all of you have demonstrated your powers to us, you are still a threat we can't ignore, but she does trust the young cat a bit."

"You mean Rodeo?"

"Yes, he seems ready to do whatever it takes for good to succeed, but judging by what he said in his stories and the fights he has been through, he is still a long way from learning the bigger things in life."

"And what would that be?"

"Making the choices that require certain sacrifices to be made, and what war really is." Alucard said, "He is not experienced in them yet."

"...No, he hasn't."

"He must learn them sooner or later, otherwise he will fall behind."


Just as they continue to converse with each other, the two notice a swarm of flies enter the room and watch as it morphs itself into Bela, Cassandra and Daniela.

"Good morning, mother." The Dimitrescu Daughters both spoke softly to her.

"Morning my dear daughters." Alcina replied back as she embraced her daughters. "What brings you here?" she questioned, breaking away from the hug for a brief period.

"We want to explore outside." Daniela said with a beaming smile.

"Unfortunately you can't go outside the manor premises or beyond that for exploration," Alucard refuses from the side, "But the manor itself you can."

"But we wanna..." Both daughters mumbled sadly.

"Now, now, Mister Alucard is correct," Alcina continued, "We are still new to this place and its people, and we are still unfamiliar with this new world, so please bear with us for the time being, okay?"


"Good, now what I want you to explore the manor, but promise me not to go outside while I finish my conversation with Mister Alucard here." 

"Yes, mother." The three daughters gave a nod one more time before transforming back into a swarm of flies and flying out of the room. 

"Your daughters seem to listen to you everytime," Alucard remarked as he watched them leave.

"I've raised them as their mother for years and taught them what they need in order to fight and survive," Alcina said as she drew her gaze to him, "I just want to see them safe, even if they're adopted."

Alucard grinned, "...I think you've done a great job at being a mother." 

"Was that a compliment?" 

"Depends on how you want to see it, Lady Dimitrescu," Alucard shrugs as he turns to face the room's door, "I'll be heading off then, and also lunch is being served at the dining room."

"Then are you going to guide this lady there, Mr. Alucard?" Alcina asked with an attractive and elegant smile.

Alucard chuckles, "Why not? Follow me."

And so, Alcina followed Alucard as they left the room. 


Somewhere in the Hellsing manor, Rodeo was in the shooting range and taking out a pair of human silhouette targets while dual wielding his double barrel sawed off shotguns. Currently he is the only one here present.

"These shotguns are useless for long range, but at close range they can decimate anything," Rodeo remarked as he closely inspected his two shotguns, "But what should I do about this universe's events?" he wondered.

Rodeo was still thinking whether or not he should change some of the events of the hellsing universe and prevent some people from dying, but again this could affect or have an impact on Alucard's growth in both character and power, especially if he doesn't acquire the cat boy.

"...Damn it! Why can't I get past these conflicts in my mind?!"

Rodeo was fully aware that if he had these types of problems in his mind, if he returned to the Scp universe and was in a scenario where he felt conflicted, it may lead to consequences, such as his allies dying on him. Rodeo again began to see flashes of the crash and the D4C incident, not noticing his hands started trembling again. 

"Mr. Rodeo?" 

Snapping him back to reality, Rodeo instinctively whirled around and pointed his shotguns at the one who called his name, only to discover that it was Seras. 

"Wait it's me, Seras! The girl who you saw in the office last night! Chill!" She cried in a panicked tone with her hands raised up upon the two guns directly pointed in front of the blonde British girl that caused her eyes to widen in surprise.

Knowing it was just Seras, Rodeo directs his shotguns away from her and apologizes, "Sorry, just going through my usual training, that's all."

"Oh, sorry if I startled you."

"It's alright," Rodeo said as he concentrated his gaze at her, "So you're Alucard's student?" he asked, even though he already knows who Seras is, he will just play along.

"Yeah, but a vampire student."

"You're a vampire?" Rodeo felt surprised… fakingly.

"Well yes, but a very very low ranking one since it's only been weeks since my master turned me into one," Seras stated, before asking, "Do you want me to talk about it?" 

"No need if you don't want to, I'm not forcing you, but again, it's up to you."

"No, it's best if I tell."


Seras then started explaining about the vampire she encountered in Cheddar village when she was still a human and a member of the police force, her first meeting with Alucard there, and how she became a vampire, as well as the encounter with Alexander Anderson of the Iscariot organization in Ireland, which almost ended in a bad way if Integra hadn't intervene.

"Woah! Crazy few weeks you had, sorry if you had to go through that much."

"It's okay," Seras smiled, but then she glance down with her lips lowered into a sad frown, "While I'm still trying to be a vampire, it's still kinda hard to do, knowing full well you're sacrificing your humanity just to become something entirely different, but again, it was my choice... to take master's offer because I wanted to live and not die. 

"...So you're questioning your choices?" 

"Maybe a little, I'm not sure," Seras said with a complicated expression before raising her head to face Rodeo, "Do you think I made the right choice?"

"If you wholeheartedly believe that what you did was the right thing since you had no other options left on the table at that time and that it was the best course of action, then you made the right choice, but again that depends on the person who made the choice."

"Perhaps you're right," Seras smiled, then again her expression shifted, this time awkwardly, "Rodeo, can I ask you something?"

"Tell me, which I'm pretty sure your next line is gonna be, "Can I pet your cat ears?""

"Can I pet your cat ear-"

Realizing what he just said, Seras loudly gasps, "How did you…?"

Rodeo smirked, "It's the most powerful and infamous ability called, "Guessing your next line"!"

"...That sounds neat!" 

"Thank you," Rodeo said as he turned back to face the shooting range, then returned his focus to Seras and asked, "Want to join me in target practice here?"

"Sure." Seras said with a warm smile.

Until then, the two started doing target practice on the shooting range with their weapon of choice while continuing to chat with each other casually, not noticing Alucard was peeking at them through the ceiling with his faze through ability.

'...Seems like they're getting along well.' he mused with a small smile on his face.


In an office where Integra watches the morning sun over the horizon and illuminating the lush grassy fields surrounding the manor through the window. As she continued to observe and admire the beautiful scenery and hear the sound of birds chirping, she suddenly felt a presence and turned around to see Alucard phasing through a wall. 

Laying down on one knee, Alucard greeted Integra, who then asked him nonchalantly.

"How are our guests doing?" 

"They are up and awake, and surprisingly haven't done anything suspicious while most of them are having their morning lunch."

"I see," Integra says as she closes her eyes and slowly ignites a lighter to light her cigarette, "Alucard, do you ever get the feeling that their presence here might be a plan by someone, or something?"

"It's hard to say whether being here is a good or bad thing because that said someone or something but they are here either way. Does it concern you?" 

"Indeed it is," Integra nods, pulling the cigarette from her mouth and sighing out all of the smoke, "Because first these constant attacks of vampire and ghouls being related to these metal chips in their heads by some group, then the young man and his allies show up out of nowhere and claim themselves to be from another world... makes me worried that something big is going to happen."

"Do not be concerned, my master. I have faced greater challenges in the past and crushed them without mercy, just as I have done until now before I met Van Hellsing, and after you found me when you were just a little girl." Alucard said with a massive grin on his face. "I will not fail you, master Integra. No matter what the threat is." 

"I know you won't," Integra said as she turned to face the window again, "Head back to the sub-basement, get some rest for today."

"Yes, master." Alucard replied as he rose up and turned around to phase right through the floor and left. 


In Walter's room, Karl Heisenberg and Walter were currently adding the modifications that Rodeo requested to his armor, which was currently laying on a table with its components out.

"This armor's wiring and components are quite advanced," Walter said with a hint of astonishment in his voice as he continued to inspect the mechanics of the armor, "This Scp foundation that Rodeo works with are quite the genius craftsmen."

"Yeah, quite the geniuses." said Heisenberg, a little envious.

Looking around the area, Heisenberg soon noticed another table, where lies a black-colored pistol and a cannon of some sort that seemed to be almost ready. 

"Who are those for?" Heisenberg asked, pointing out the weapons on the table.

"Oh, those my good sir are for Alucard and Seras," Walter answered without leaving his eyes on the armor's mechanisms, "After their encounter with Anderson, they needed... Well, let's just say more powerful firearms for themselves."

"...Give also the tall lady bitch a cannon as a weapon." 

"Why?" Walter glanced at Heisenberg, puzzled.

Karl smirked, "Because bitches love cannons."

'...Why do I feel like this is a reference to something that I'm not too familiar with at all?' Walter pondered this in his thoughts.

"But anyways, how long have you been working with this organization?" Karl asked.

"For a long time, ever since Sir Integra's father used to be the head of the organization, and I've been a father figure as well to Sir Integra when she was just a little girl after her father's passing and discovering Alucard." Walter explained, his lips curving upwards as he remembered Integra's younger days, "But at the end of the day, my role is still that of a butler to the hellsing family and the organization."

"And what about you and Alucard?"

"Back in the day, we fought each other when I was still a vampire hunter and worked together when it came to helping the hellsing organization." Walter explained once more, and his smile faded as he remembered the times, "We're like brothers-in-arms as you would say, especially during World War II, but that's a story for another time."

"Understood," Heisenberg said as he continued his work, only to get his finger zapped by one of the wires, "Ow!"

Walter chuckled, "Careful now."

*Timeskip, brought to you by Chibi Alucard and Chibi Karl trying to find some lucky charms from Leprechauns.*