Chereads / A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation / Chapter 167 - Operation Snowbreaker(6)

Chapter 167 - Operation Snowbreaker(6)

"Operation Snowbreaker"

Mount Foraker, Alaska, America 

9:40:00 AM 

Mobile Task Force, Omega-141, "Queen's Requiem" 

Agent Lawrence & Agent Thomas Green.


The first thing it shows was Green and Lawrence, all wearing Mobile Task Force armor with a white camouflage hue on them as they were sitting on the edge of a snowy cliff on the south side of Mount Foraker, which was covered in snow and were extremely far from ground level. They looked up to see an F-15 fighter jet flying overhead with the Chaos Insurgency's logo on them.

"I cannot believe we agreed with Amelia and Molly to meet us at the extraction point." Green was first to speak after a brief silence.

"Well we tried to stop them." Lawrence added, "But Molly... can be persistent. "

"Haven't we all been since D4C's attack?" 

Lawrence fell silent for a moment before saying, "...Yeah." he glanced down. Not trying to recall the event before raising his head with a serious expression and saying, "Come on, let's climb."


They then walked along the edge of the cliff, taking caution, until they came to a halt in front of an ice wall. 

Green examined the ice and declared, "All right this wall of ice will do. Follow me."

"Alright." Lawrence said with a nod.

Both of them brought out a pair of ice axes and started climbing the wall of ice with them. After a few minutes of climbing, they reached the top of the wall and looked forward to seeing a gap they could jump over to get to the other side of it. 

Casting a glance at Green, Lawrence asked, "Jump?" 

"Jump indeed." Green agreed before leaping. At the same instant, his Stand appears in the midst of the gap, grabs him, and throws him to the other side safely. 

"Come on, now it's your turn."

Lawrence takes a deep breath and quickly jumps, and in an instant, his Stand appears in the middle of the gap, grabs him and throws him securely to the opposite side of the gap, where Green was standing. Once they all made it, they each pulled out their M4 assault rifles with silencer barrel and laser sight attached, both wrapped in white camouflage much like their armor to blend in with the snowy environment. 

As they advanced, they found a road going up and walked along it.

"Wonder how Rodeo and the rest are doing?"


On the north side of the mountain, Rodeo, Michelle, Evan, Robert, and Spy, who had to replace his original armor silver platings with light weighted kevlar armor platings with a white camouflage color to them, were climbing up the mountain with the ice axes and wearing high-tech armor with a white camouflage color.

As the group continues to climb the mountain, Spy looks at you readers and says.

"I am the Spy, and I'm currently climbing a snowy mountain and freezing his ass off."

"Who are you talking to?" Michelle questioned Spy next to him with a strange look on her face.

"The audience."

"...Best if I don't ask."

"Hey guys, I can just fly, you know." Evan muttered as he stopped climbing.

"And get caught by their radar?" Rodeo immediately responded.

"Ok, I get it."

Robert groaned, "I swear, if we get caught in another full-blown shootout-"

"We won't." Rodeo replied emphatically, "Now less talking, more climbing."

The team remained silent and continued rising for another five to ten minutes till they reached the top and started strolling down a snowy path. Spy retained usual gear, but this time, he carried a silencer glock pistol for more stealth purposes, while the rest of the team acquired M4 assault rifles with silencer barrel and laser sight attachments. As for Evan, surprisingly had an MTs-116M suppressed sniper rifle for long range purposes and combined that with his [Time Stop]. He will be more deadly. Moreover, Michelle had also brought the Blood Makyr spear with her as well.

"These paths we're walking on seemed a little bit shoveled." Robert remarked.

"No doubt for armed convoys to easily move around." Rodeo added, "Gustav's intel was right."

"And I had to re-arm him back with my ability after you de-arm him." 

"I snapped, okay, because he was involved in the crash, so I got serious, and you know what happened next."

"Dude, I know you're mad and worried these past couple of days after D4C's attack, but what you did scared Amelia."


"We need you to keep control of yourself, man. Please, at least for Amelia and the rest of the team's sake. Don't... let the madness take you."

"I'll try."

"Wait, I see something." 

Suddenly, Spy addressed the team, hurriedly moving forward and standing in front of the edge of a cliff. Before long, the rest followed and looked at what was in front of them.

Beyond the large field in the distance was a massive base that spanned kilometers in length, filled with countless CI soldiers, numbering over tens of thousands, and it had a runway for any aircrafts to send them into the air. Dozens, if not hundreds of hangars for storing vehicles and other aircraft in place, watch towers with CI snipers, helipads and a tall radio tower, an air traffic control tower, and hundreds of military humvees, trucks and snowmobiles parked or moving left and right. Some of the base areas were snow-covered, and there were some small square-shaped buildings that were also a bit covered in snow. 

"It's a damn convention down there." Robert whispered with his eyes widening in amazement at the enormity of the base.

"Yeah." Rodeo responded grimly, casting a glance at Evan and saying, "Alright Evan, use the sniper rifle and spot Green and Lawrence for us."

Evan nodded and glanced through the scope and spotted Lawrence and Green on the north side of the base, hidden behind some crates. 

"They made it before us." Evan chuckled, "Hey Rodeo, I found them, they're on the north side of the base."

Knowing they are in place, Rodeo looks at the group and begins to explain, "Alright, this is how we'll do it. Me, and Michelle will go into one of the buildings and search for the crystal there. Spy, you take the C4 and plant it on some of the hangars and jets to cover our escape. Robert, meet up with Green and Lawrence. And Evan, you cover us with the sniper rifle and use your [Time Stop] when needed in the base and when I signal you with hand signs, take the shot."

"Got it man." Evan gives him a thumbs up.

"All right team. Move out."

Following his words, the team split up and headed for the base as a snowstorm started to gather over the base. Perfect for using as cover, and it seems like fate is on their side this time...

However, they were unaware that fate had other plans for them as well. 


In the seaside close to Alaska, an elderly man dressed in winter attire was fishing in a yacht, taking his time and waiting for the fish to take the bait off the hook of his fishing rod, despite the fact that the area was a bit foggy, so visibility was a bit poor. 

As he was having a peaceful and quiet time, he suddenly felt the yacht shake as a result of multiple small waves hitting it.

"That's strange, there should be no storm or tidal waves today judging by the winds."

Curious of what it might be, he suddenly noticed something emerging from the fog. It was massive and was marching along the water with its lower half submerged and its upper half above water as it was heading towards his direction.

Staring at it with wide eyes, the old man exclaims in horror.


In a state of panic, the old man maneuvers the yacht away from the massive entity by steering it away and manages to succeed to avoid death. He glances back and watches the massive entity continuing walking and heading towards shore, luckily not hitting him and narrowly avoiding his fate.

While his expression was filled with fright and confusion, he wondered, "I could have sworn I saw a skeleton with cannons on his shoulders standing on the top of that thing's head and yelling something out." he glances at the coffee cup in his hands and thinks, "Maybe I've had too much coffee."

Like nothing ever happens, he continued his fishing. 


Back at Mount Foraker, the Chaos Insurgency base was now completely covered in the snowstorm, and the base had to put on its lights to at least partially illuminate the area, but they still had no idea about the intruders lurking in the storm. 

These intruders were Green and Lawrence, who exploited the storm to their advantage, and used it as a way to camouflage themselves and stealthily move around the base by hiding behind containers and parked vehicles. They came to a halt and crouched behind a few crates when they noticed four CI soldiers approaching their direction. The four CI soldiers went on, oblivious of Green and Lawrence's presence. Once they were gone, the two swiftly moved out, but then hid behind a humvee as they noticed a watch tower with a CI sniper on it twenty meters away from them. 

Peering from the side and raising his gun, Green was preparing to take a shot on the sniper, only for the CI sniper to get head shotted by someone else.


Looking through his assault rifle scope, he soon spotted Evan on top of one of the hangars, who was staring back at him and giving him a thumbs up. Green also gave him a thumbs up, but then noticed someone approaching them in a crouching position, which turned out to be Robert. 

"So everyone is in the base I presume." Green said.

"Yeah. Rodeo and Michelle are heading for those buildings to look for the crystal. Robert replied, "Evans covering us and Spy is backstabbing everyone in his path and planting C4 as an escape in case things go south."

"I see." Lawrence uttered.

As they were about to advance, Green paused as he sensed something, "...Hey, do you guys feel that?"

Lawrence responded, "Yeah, Stand presence you call it, right?"

"I could feel it as well, and surprisingly, it's quite close." Robert stated, adding, "No doubt it might be the Stand user who stole the crystal."

"Seems like we've got our own mission." Green said as he readied himself, "While the rest are doing their jobs, we take out the Stand user, the less problems we get out of the way the better."

The two nodded and moved in the direction of the air traffic control tower, where they detected the presence of the Stand user.


In the meantime, Rodeo and Michelle were stealthily approaching the two small buildings, taking out any CI soldiers and hiding their bodies while receiving sniper support from Evan, who was using the storm and his [Time Stop] to his advantage. The two sought cover behind some barrels and were now close to the two small buildings. 

"Ok, we can't just go one building at a time and search for it, so we'll split up." Rodeo stated to Michelle, not leaving his eyes on the buildings, "You take the building on the right and I'll take the one on the left."


Rodeo was about to move when Michelle interrupted him.



Unexpectedly, Michelle immediately removed his helmet and kissed him on his cheek.

"Just stay safe and good luck." She said with a smile. She hurriedly puts the helmet back on his head and heads for the building on the right with a red blush on her cheeks, buried beneath her helmet.

Meanwhile, Rodeo was... well, confused and embarrassed, to put it mildly.

'...What the hell? I know she's worried about me at times, but that was just... unexpected.' Rodeo reflected with visible confusion and embarrassment on his face, flushing with a light red blush on his cheeks.

However, he quickly shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts and made his way to the building on the left. 

Unbeknownst to the two, Evan witnessed the entire thing through the sniper rifle's scope.

"😭 👍 My man, you earned my respect, and I accept myself for being a failure at getting a girl." Evan said quietly, crying like an idiot beneath his helmet.

Suddenly, the mountain slightly shook. 

"What the?"


Inside one of the hangars, Spy was using his disguise kit and invisibility watch to stealthily plant the C4s on all of the jets inside the building as well as near some explosive equipment. When he was finished, he hurriedly exited the hangar while remaining undetected in his invisible state and stood behind a truck. 

"Perfect. Maybe things will go according to plan after all." He laughed, "Hohohoho *snort* *snort* and they will never see it coming."

As he was preparing to leave for another hangar to plant additional C4s, he stopped himself when the mountain trembled again. 

"What the hell? This is the second time." 


Rodeo was inside the small building that he decided to search for and was presently within the vents, which are loaded with dust and are a little bothersome, but he opted to pay it no mind as he was heading for the security room to find the crystal before disabling the cameras. Then he stopped in front of a vent gate when he noticed a CI soldier looking at multiple TV displays on the wall. Without a doubt, this had to be the security room. 

Slowly opening the vent gate, Rodeo enters the security room with a low thud, quickly but quietly stabs the CI soldier in the neck, killing him, before checking through the screens and finding what he was looking for. 

The Argent crystal, which was held in a lab and was being examined by several scientists wearing biohazard suits.


After disabling the cameras, Rodeo locks the security room door and heads for the lab. 


While Rodeo was doing his objectives, Michelle was searching for the argent crystal inside the second small building, not realizing that Rodeo had already found it. As she was crawling in the vents, she chose to open a vent gate that leads to a security room, which surprisingly had no one in it.

"Must be on a break then." She reasoned as she examined the TV displays on the walls, showing various camera footage until she found one of them has something... surprising. 

"Is that what I think it is?" Michelle asked herself, her eyes widened as she stared at the screen where a peculiar object was placed.

It was the Stand Arrow. 

The same one that the Chaos Insurgency took from Nicolas and Washichi from a Serpent's Hand base in Ukraine. Although Michelle does know about this, the arrow appears to have been kept in a square pedestal in a chamber filled with laser alarm triggers. 

"I'm not sure how they got this, but it seems like fate is on our side."

Michelle was about to head to its location when she heard the door opening. With a quick reaction, she swiftly stood next to the left side of the doorway. 

When the door opens, a CI soldier arrives with a cup of coffee, and as he puts the cup on a table and proceeds for his duty, he is immediately stabbed through the neck by Michelle's Maykr spear, and he goes limp after that. After killing him, she disabled all the cameras, locked the security room, and headed for the room where the arrow is being stored. 


Back at Rodeo, he was continuing crawling down the vents until he finally reached the vent gate that leads to the lab. Opening the vent, he instantly shoots both CI scientists in the legs,.and they collapse on the floor, grasping the bullet wound on their leg in pain. As he approaches one of the scientists, he knocks him out with the butt of his rifle before pointing his gun at the other. 

"Stop! I'm with the science team!"

"It's quite obvious actually." Rodeo replied to him deadpanly, "Now what were you doing with the argent crystal?"

"The Colonel wanted us to find a way to create weaponry out of the crystal's powerful energy, which can power things for years rather than your usual energy sources... and perhaps dimension opening capabilities."

"Uh huh. Next question, whose Tartarus?"

"Wait! How did you-"

"Answer the question or I'll blast your head off with this rifle." Rodeo said to him coldly.

"He's the colonel as I mentioned, and he's here... with his Stand."

"...Oh no." Rodeo's eyes changed when he heard it. 

"And you're all gonna die here at his hands... Killer Queen!" Exclaimed the scientist maniacally.

Rodeo knocks him out by punching his head into the floor. After obtaining the argent crystal, he enters the vents and tries to contact Michelle. 


With Michelle, she was inside the vents and was in front of a vent gate that leads to the chamber where the Stand arrow is and opens the vent gate which was connected to the ceiling of said room. Then she converted her armor and her own body into rubber and stretched one of her arms in order to grab the arrow, but she had to move her rubber arm carefully in order to not touch the red lasers in the room. which would set off the alarm.

'Don't mess this up. Don't mess this up. Don't mess this up.' She continuously repeated herself in her mind.

As her stretchy arm finally reaches the arrow, she immediately grabs it and carefully reels her arm back. With this, she has now the Stand arrow in her possession

'Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!' She cheers in her mind. But her joy was cut short when she received a transmission call on her helmet from Rodeo. 


[Michelle, I got the crystal and headed back outside.] Rodeo said, [Found anything?]

"Yeah, guess what, I got a Stand arrow from this building." She said with a smirk.

This caught Rodeo by surprise, [What?! Seems like we are lucky. Ok fine, but meet up outside. Tartarus could be the Stand user who stole the crystal... and he's here.]

"...Oh boy." Michelle's smug expression changes when she hears it. So without wasting time, she rapidly crawls down the vents and attempts to meet up with Rodeo. 



















While everyone was focused on their mission, the massive entity was climbing up the mountain, trembling the entire landscape every time it seized one portion of the mountain with its enormous hands. On its back, it carried an axe the size of a huge building, and the blades of which flashed with crimson light that increased the temperature of the cold environment drastically as it continued climbing up the mountain.