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Deep in the castle walls, in a dark room

A young lady whose skin is as white as snow and has a blonde long hair turned on the light switch and the room immediately brightens. The young lady name was known as Queen Azura.

Underneath the big bed sheets there was a 16 year old whose skin was as brown and chocolate. And her hair was black and curly her name was Aurora.

Queen Azura said

"My sweet child why are you still awake?

you know your coronation is tommorow"

Aurora said

"Mom can you please tell me a story"

Queen Azura laughed "but you know you are no longer a six year old anymore"

Aurora said " But mom ..."

Queen Azura replied

Alright, let me tell you a story that is well known across the kingdom"

"..... Long Long time ago deep in the forest of Shadow Grove. The kingdom of Thera resides unknown to the people of the outside world, protected by a strong barrier which anyone who is not from the kingdom of Thera can enter..... "

Aurora interrupted " but mom is Thera not the name of our kingdom"

Queen Azura laughed " yes my child"

Azura continues

" A place filled with magic, dragons, elfs, Fairies, humans all lived together in peace and harmony. The kingdom was ruled by three powerful...."

Aurora interrupted " Mom what happened to all the fairies and elfs"

Queen Azura said "be patient my child the story is not over yet"

Queen Azura continued

" The kingdom was ruled by Three powerful gods which was also considered as the protectors

Sol- the sun god, the most powerful god of all.

Elora - the god of nature, she watches over the people of the kingdom

Lucius- the elemental god, he controls the four elements (air, water, fire and Earth) "

Queen Azura paused and took a deep breath

"They protected the kingdom and all the people till one day"

Aurora said "one day mother "

Queen Azura replied " Yes one day my child"

" A young wizard entered into the kingdom with the hope of being the chief wizard of the kingdom. He said they called him Lazar. He met the gods of Thera and his request was rejected.

Due to the thirst of power he practiced the most forbidden magic of all dark magic. Then Lazar decided that he doesn't want to be the chief wizard but he wants to control all of thera."

Aurora asked "mom, mom what happened I am really curious"

Queen Azura continued

" Then Lazar came and reintroduced himself as the wizard of darkness. He summoned the most powerful dragon of all pheonix which was sol favorite pet. He used his black magic to control him"

Aurora "Why mother"

Queen Azura answered "AURORA"

She knew that if she doesn't finish the story early Aurora won't get enough sleep for her coronation tommorow

"Aurora let me finish the story"

(A single word did not come out from aurora lips, the room was very quite )

she continued

" The pheonix dragon is the most powerful dragons of all. With a burst of flame the dragon came out and immediately turn black when Lazar used his magic on it. There was no way they could stop Lazar. Sol, Elora and Lucius combined their powers together and created a power sword which was able to trap Phoenix. They defeated Lazar and He was on his feet before they could destroy him completely he disappeared. No one knows where he his legend had it that he is still hiding inside the dark forest waiting for the right time to strike"

Aurora asked " But mother what happened to pheonix"

Azura replied

" The gods tried to release her from the sword but she never came out. The gods kept the sword in a Forbidden room. No one goes in or out .

You see why it is forbidden to go there? Huh... Aurora"

Aurora answered " Yes mother"

(Aurora was already sleepy she was closing her eyes little by little)

Queen Azura said " well then my child, go to bed, sweet dreams and don't let the bed bugs bite"

Queen Azura gets up goes and turns of the light switch. she looks at Aurora one more time and she left her room.


The next day........

The whole castle was in disarray. every single maids, guards were all over the castle. It was princess Aurora coronation ceremony. people from far kingdom and every citizen of Thera will be attending the ceremony

( Aurora still sleeping on her bed)

The total of five maids came into the princess room, One of the maids holding her dress and another holding her shoes. The other two maids were to assist them. They all put on blue dresses and a white apron .The chief maid came in. she was putting a green dress, her hair was brown with little strands of grey hair. it was styled in a bun. She was known as chief maid Benecia. she was a fairy .

Madame Benecia " Your highness it is time to wake up"

Madame Benecia said " you open the curtains "

The maid replied " Yes ma'am"

( with Aurora refusing to wake up, the maid went and open the curtains of Aurora's room)


The chief maid replied " No your highness , it is your coronation day and the king would be furious if you don't get to the ceremony early. You know how the majesty the king is"

The chief maid ordered the other maids to get Aurora out of the bed.

Then Aurora said "I am your princess and your future queen and I order you to let me sleep"

They replied " I am sorry your highness but the queen has given us strict orders that we must follow"

... Meanwhile in the castle ball room preparations

Every single maids the kingdom has were all busy with the preparations. The queen came in and she was being accompanied by the chief guard Duncan . he was on a low cut and his skin was very dark, his ears were very pointed. He was an elf

Then queen said "Duncan"

he replied "Yes your majesty"

the queen replied " I want you to guard and protect the forbidden room make sure no one gets in or out most especially the princess"

Duncan said " Yes your majesty I will guard the forbidden room with my life"

The queen replied" Thank you so much the kingdom owes you one "

Then a very young man came into the ballroom his skin was as brown as chocolate, he had curly hair, He was on a white suit which has gold embroidery of flowery design on it . he had a gold crown which had gems of rubies , emerald and sapphire which represent the sun, nature and sea.. was the king of Thera ... King Sol

The Sun god accompanied with him was his sister on the right hand side was a very beautiful woman who was light skinned and has a dark long and sliky hair. she was a green dress which had a very long train she had butterflies around her. She was the god of nature Elora .

Then by the left was a young man with long and gold hair holding a Tridant on his right hand he was also on a royal outfit and a black robe he was the elemental god Lucius. Lord Lucius could not speak. Because he has always been like that since childhood.

The king said "My love I can see you are working so hard to make our daughters coronation a success"

The king hugged his wife the queen

Queen Elora said " where is Aurora?"

Queen Azura replied "she is getting dressed in her room"

Elora said "Ohhhhhh Aurora she always seems to find possible ways to amaze me"

Azura replied " what to you mean? "

Elora said " look behind you "

Aurora was in an off shoulder white ball gown dress with gold flowery embroidery all over the dress. Her hair was decorated with pearls and jewels

she was looking so beautiful

She was accompanied by the Benecia and the other maids

They are bowed and said

"Your highness"

King Sol said

" Wow you look like a precious gem my fearless warrior"

Aurora said smiling brightly and blushing quietly

" Oh dad, I am always a fearless warrior regardless of what I am wearing"

Queen Elora replied

" we know but don't try to enter the forbidden room okay ?"

queen Azura replied

"i agree with you", dragging Aurora's ear.

Aurora said

" yes aunt and mom stop dragging my ears I am no longer a child"

Azura said

" I know but you will always be a baby in my eyes"

Aurora moved towards her family members and collected blessings from them.

After that all preparation for Aurora coronation ceremony was done

Everyone gathered from far and wide. Fairies, elf and other magical creatures they were all seated at the Royal cathedral waiting for Aurora to come in

The cathedral was decorated with gold and silver. The walls were made of glass

the seats were made and crafted from The tree of prosperity.

The ceremony started...

The gods of Thera went in along side queen Azura. Then it was time for Aurora to come in . Then two large door opened and Aurora came in with her royal robe and her dress. Everyone stood up to pay respect to her

Everyone were shocked and surprised to see how beautiful Aurora was. They were all stunned by her beauty . Aurora walked in slow and steady in the cathedral

She looked straight and she found her father and the other gods at the end of their cathedral. She got to the end of the cathedral. The king asked everyone to be seated.

Then King Sol said

" we are all gathered for the coronation of my only daughter Aurora.

I know that every magical creature of Thera is here to witness the coronation of my daughter "

King Sol took the crown and was about to place it on Aurora's head. Then might wind rushed in turning every magical creature into stone

The a very evil voice said " I told you i will be back for my revenge"

Then King Sol said

" Who are you?"

"how dare you?"

Then the voice again laughed

" have you forgotten about me ?"

" The prince of darkness"

"The father of black magic and now blood magic"

" it is I Lazar"

Everyone said " Lazar "

Then a man with a pale skin, black hair and purple lips showed up putting on a red robe now said

" Yes it is me Lazar and with all the power I have drawn from every magical creature here I am more power "

The king said to Aurora

" You know you are a very fearless girl"

" God into the forbidden room and protect the pheonix sword with all your might "

Aurora said " Yes father I will"

The king order the guards to protect the queen and his daughter. He called Duncan and said

" My daughter is in your hands now"

Duncan replied

"I will protect her with my life your majesty"

Then Duncan and the other royal guards follow her to the forbidden room.

Elora laughed "how can you defeat us alone"

Lazar said "who says I am alone"

Then Lazar turned all the stoned magical creatures to his own evil army and he said

" I am here to take what is mine and kill every single member of the Royal family"

King Sol said Not when I am still alive

Queen Azura came in and said

" I will fight with you"

"you are not the only god around here "

The queen insisted that she needed to fight.

Then the fight between gods and the wizard begins. Sol used is sun power and summon his thunder bolt. Lord Lucius used all his elemental powers to fight. Queen Azura tried using her frozen powers. Elora summoned the power of nature but all was not enough to stop Lazar and his army. The people of Thera was turned into stone

Elora could not take much of the dark magic again her powers dried out


At the forbidden room with the pheonix sword Aurora was holding the Phoenix sword. Then the guards had to leave to protect the king. Duncan told Aurora to stay put that she should not go anywhere. she did exactly what he said then Duncan left.

Back at the cathedral....

The Azura and Lord Lucius was injured. wounded Sol fought with all his might

But Lazar Stabbed him with the sword of darkness

Queen Azura screamed crying


Upon hearing her mother calling her father name carried the pheonix sword and ran to the cathedral and saw Lazar trying to take the gods powers from them

Fearless Aurora went and said

" leave my family alone "

Before she could get to Lazar is he had use it powers to carry Aurora and threw her towards the wall

Aurora who was starting to get unconscious said

"is this the end for me?"

"is this the end for my family?"

" Is this the end for the kingdom of Thera? "