As time passed, the speed of the shifting yellow sand escalated, transforming its gentle patter into a relentless rustle...
"This is no mere sand—it's quicksand!"
After meticulous scrutiny, Luo Feng made the unsettling recognition.
The properties of quicksand were starkly different from ordinary sand; it was far more fine and silky, thus offering minimal friction.
This implied a chilling reality — once trapped, escape would become impossible.
The perilous situation was akin to being stuck in a quagmire.
Indeed, the use of quicksand in a trap did not necessitate the flooding of the entire passage.
The mere act of suffocating a victim's airways would ensure a deadly outcome.
One could not maintain a stance atop quicksand, only sink gradually into its deadly embrace.
"Damn! It's quicksand, a tomb of quicksand! The most lethal contraption in ancient tombs!"