Archimedes was on his feet as the fiery blades of fire hung around his neck and crushed him. Arienne was helpless as the hylin held her and taunted her. " This is your saviour" they laughed and tried to grab her baby! She did not let go that easily. " Please help me" she shouted and no matter how hard Archimedes tried he could not get up. He was about to give up as his eyes were about to shut completely!
It was Thronir and Kamarir who leapt at the hylin and released Arienne and her baby. Then they went and tried to remove the fiery blades from the neck of Archimedes! The. Hylin were not ready to give up and hit the dwarves with the blades as well! They tried to defend themselves but the blades were too strong for the dwarves. By now, the eyes of Archimedes shut down completely and seemed unconscious. " These blades have been gifted to them by the sun god himself" said Thronir. No wonder they are so strong and dangerous, replied Karmair as he deflected the blades with his axe.
"Archimedes went in his dream state to when he was a kid" he was barely 10 years old and he and his father were riding to the township to run some errands. As they rode some thugs stopped them and taunted and threatened them with guns! We don't have anything, said the father. The thugs laughed and continued to taunt them. A thug went in and caught the young Archimedes and choked his neck. As his father, tried to save him. He was hit by the back side of the gun and rendered unconscious. Archimedes he himself was about to be choked to unconsciousness. He knew what was going to happen after that! They would leave with their horses. A prized possession, and a strange thing happened then. Something that he can't remember clearly. All that he could remember was the thugs running for their lives.
Archimedes opened his eyes, and it was green. The mountain gods took charge. Whether they summoned him or he then, was still a mystery! Dark green eyes just like Alguran had. He caught the fiery blades with his hands. The fire did not burn his hands as it continued to grow large land hairy. His own size was starting to increase and he was about 40 feet tall now. He caught the hylins and flung them one by one!
Furin himself was getting large and was about the same size of Archimedes now. The dwarves were now helpless now. Even Borvin was about half the size of Furin. Furin was surrounded by Agrin, Borgin , the arched back dwarf and Aurokin. One by one, they went and hit him and was hit back even harder. Even the Kaze was doing nothing to the large polar. Furin caught Borgin and choked him with his claws slowly killing him!
Archimedes caught the large polar and flung him. Furin was hurt and he called out the sun!