A king often never starts out as an emperor. He starts out as a clergyman, an aid to a minister! He starts out with his eyes firmly on the ground, taking one step after another with care. A true king does not start out riding horses and waging wars. Nor does he start out swimming in gold coffers or in eyes of jealousy. He starts out in the fields, working hard day in and day out! He does not hear words of praise, but only the scorching heat of the sun! A true king does not have horses trained by another, that he rides on! He does not get to sleep in the princes quarters with silk sheets and pillows. He often spends his nights on straws sleeping next to the horse in the barn. A true man does not run away from his troubles, he faces them head on! He protects his family and people against the enemy often leading from the front!
So wrote Burokin, the dwarf hidden in the caves of Plithir. Burokin the teller, so he was called by the people who did not know him personally. And Burokin the allseer, by the people close to him. He etched away his writings in the dimly lit caves. He was writing furiously this time, and with great vigour and most surprising of all with a smile on his face! Aurokin his brother came to him and sat beside him as he often did when his brother was writing the future, the past or the present! And he kept his words to himself as he often did, so as to not irk the ire of his brother. He very well knew that the smile can turn into a volcanic anger is just a second!
He will rise from the flames, continued to write Burokin. The true king , he shall be! And the enemies shall run for their lives when his eyes meets theirs! His sword would be enough to scare his conspirators away! Just the mere sight of his sword! Emphasised Burokin. First he will rule over his home planet and then slowly he will rule over the galaxy! He shall give light to the places that are shrouded in darkness! And remove all evil that surrounds this once glorious galaxy.
Burokin had to stop now, as he heard a once familiar voice! It was the carrier dwarf. He was called the carrier dwarf because there was a luggage always attached to he shoulders which he carried! A valiant fighter he was. Nowadays not so much, as he has got older. But nonetheless he and his luggage were formidable for anyone! Their blows usually ruptured the bones of the opponent. Aurokin stood up in respect and welcomed him! How are you old friend! he asked him. Good, always good, he replied as he usually did. What brings you here to these parts of the caves? asked Aurokin. Oh, it is nothing. Just here to meet an old friend! He replied looking at the allseer. Burokin closed the book he was writing in and kept it on the ground. The book magically disappeared. There my friend, greeted the allseer. Still not aging like the rest of us, he complimented the arched dwarf! I think the dim lights are fooling you my friend. I have aged very much, indeed! And my backs have started to hurt me! He said. My time is near, he said with much happiness in his face. Indeed so! agreed Burokin, sympathising with his friend.
Suddenly Aurokins ears widened! His body conducted electricity and lightning sparks started to pour out of him everywhere! His eyes went blank and in its depth you could see the great seas of Plithir and lightning striking in the water. Large ships swaying up and down! What is wrong ? asked Burokin. There is someone around, said Aurokin! Someone who spells danger, he said turning back at Burokin. The white sparks illuminated the whole place. I need you to go away brother, he said to the alseer. Burokin slowly walked away. The arched dwarf and Aurokin stood facing imminent danger. Footsteps emerged from the darkness, yet no one was seen! There was a smile on the face of the arched dwarf! As though he had missed it. The footsteps began to draw closer! Aurokin clenched his wrists. From the darkness, a Hylin emerged! You again! Said the arched dwarf as he sneered and inches closer to the Hylin. A half dozen of them then alienated from behind the head hylin. You think you can get away plotting against us , she said in anger as her eyes turned to a degree of purple that was not seen before! Aurokin ran towards her and tried to punch her. But she evaded! The arched back dwarf did the same! and was met with the same result. The head hylin charged at them with the bow in her hands and dealt a blow to the both of them. Not again! Shouted the arched dwarf. He bent down and lunged at her with the luggage. He got her and she fell down. And as she was about to get up Aurokin leapt up a few feet above the ground and punched her back into the ground with such fierceness that she could not get up. The rest of the hylin howked in anger and surrounded the dwarves. Some even had swords on them! Time to bury some Hylin, said the arched dwarf and swirled into a hurricane. The wind was so strong that it swung all the hylin away! They could not see anything at all. But the turbulence and the wind made the caves look like another planet . Like there was a sun that shone. From the turbulence emerged Aurokin as he hit everyone of them, whoever came up on his way. And he became faster as well, like the speed of lightning. He circled around the turbulence as he hit them again and again. The hylin were broken. They had no choice but to run for their lives! We shall return! Shouted the head hylin as they scampered away! Good ! Said the arched dwarf.