The Dwarves of Plithir - Part 5

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Chapter 1 - Xeltar

We take what is ours, and we take what we want! and most importantly we take what the others want the most.

Xeltar laid out the plan in front of the crew. Everyone listened carefully to the plan and were confident that could execute their parts. Good! said Xeltar. He looked at Borin! You know what to do, he said to him. Borin nodded. Good! he said again.

Elsewhere, Tektron was briefing his crew about the same plan. Someone interrupted him "Are there people there we should be afraid of ?" Tektron caught him by his throat and choked him to death. Anyone else got any questions? he asked the crew. There was silence. Good! he said. We leave in an hour! he said.


Philippe was in charge of the day to day running of the kingdom while the queen was overseeing all the matters. Alguran was head of the army. The feeble army that remained. Ardvan and the goblins were long gone. Kurkin was dead and Isis charted the seas at will. As the empires hands began to cover the whole planet, it seemed more of a diplomatic move than that of a move of force and power. Everyone was aware that the kingdoms army was a fraction of what it was, but they played along. Some happy, while some were biting their tongues and smiling at the queen. After all they had the dragon who could wipe them out in a jiffy. And the Brok was getting strong and older, whose allegiance stood with the kingdom. The forests of Algried and the people of Darticus stood alongside the kingdom. Neandrin roamed across the halls of the kingdom with much more frequency as the chief Wilmo had decided his services belonged there more than at his home. The districts and Yondrin complied with the tax systems of the kingdom and poured in revenue at will, and how they got so much was still mysterious. Their factories barely ran and even if they did, were plagued by problems, one after the other. But the Queen nor Philippe care, about it as long as they got their coffins rang in from time to time. They needed the money too, as the army that they were building did not come cheap. The soldiers were recruited far and wide, all across the planet and had to paid a fair sum to their families, in return of their services.

Do we go visit the dwarves? asked Philippe to the Queen. That would not be wise, she replied. And Philippe took it at that and did not further probe further on that matter.

That night...

There was a spaceship that hovered above the kingdom, completely invisible to the naked eye. Scan the kingdom completely, said Tektron. It is going to take a long time! he said "This place is huge" he said. Do it! he said to the crew member and walked away, Tektron. Elsewhere beneath the ship. Xeltar and the crew staked the place. Noting down the number of guards and the best place to enter the kingdom and steal the precious metal. Borin, said Xeltar. "There will be Archimedes and couple of others who will give us a tough time" said Xeltar. We can beat them! said Borin confidently. No, we won't, said Xeltar. Borin was stood there perplexed. There is Tektron hovering his ship above us as we speak, he said to Borin. Borin grinned. "Why stop a fool from abiding us" said Xeltar. The crew was rounded up by Xeltar "everything is done?" he asked them. Yes boss! they replied to him. Good! lets go he said to them. Xeltar popped his scanner to see if the spaceship hovered above him. It was gone, and his crew left the palace as well.