Chereads / Quill Pen / Chapter 22 - Book 2: Chapter 7-Where the Mourners Never Sleep

Chapter 22 - Book 2: Chapter 7-Where the Mourners Never Sleep

#7: Where the Mourners Never Sleep

Eire- Winterwoods

"Look at all this Spruce", Audric was awed as he viewed riding Declan's shoulder. "We're not here for sightseeing, lad", the bald head, Gezer lectured. "The young boy is just attracted to our place. There is no need to raise your voice", Declan's defended Audric. "You are still soft for young children", Gezer laughed. "And maybe that is the proof that he carries the blood of Eire", Noldorin joined the conversation. "So what do we do next, we already divided my men into different villages. If we don't make this fast, they will die in the cold. You know the price if we won't be able to be successful in this plan of yours", Gezer threatened. "Patience, my friend. We will set a camp here", Noldorin ordered.

The night fell on them. Audric sat in front of the fire while watching the other huge men set up what Noldorin told them to do so. The long days and nights following Noldorin's order. Audric shook his head as doubt crept into his mind. He planned to follow Noldorin all the way. "You must have been called Audric. This will be the last night we'd be on this journey. Lad, when the fire is lit up, it will be hard to stop it from burning. I am giving you a choice, you can either go back or stay with me", Noldorin patted his shoulder. Audric looked at the flame. "You are strong. You can live long without food and water, your body can sustain what is missing. You easily form bonds with people. I think, even if you are alone. You can conquer a whole Kingdom", Audric described Noldorin. "The last one is not possible", Noldorin corrected. "Why is an almost perfect man needs a helpless boy beside him?", Audric questioned him. Noldorin was taken back. He paused and looked at the sky.

"Do you really think people can do it alone?", Noldorin asked. "I heard a story from my father. It was a story about an elf who conquered the whole land from the barbarians. That was the reason you were able to live in your Kingdom, right?", Audric validated. Noldorin nodded. "But even if I have that brute strength and unyielding power, I don't want to do it alone", Noldorin smiled at the lad. "Here's a secret I want to share with you, Audric", Noldorin bent to make his voice softer and audible for the boy. "I am scared of no one watching my back", Noldorin whispered.

"It's time", Declan went to fetch Noldorin.

He stood up and saw that the moon is starting to be overshadowed. Soon, it was gone. He signaled for the horn to be blown. The horn is loud enough to be heard since tonight mark a day of mourning for the whole Kingdom of Eire. It was a commemoration of Eire's death as he sacrificed his body to protect Eragon in one of their battles. The signal will be five horns sequentially blown. As the other group hears the nearby horn, they should also blow theirs. The pattern will be counterclockwise. As soon as the last horn blows, they will use burn the spruce trees into ashes.

In a blink of an eye, the whole Kingdom was surrounded by fire all over the forest. The young boy's eyes lighted up but also felt conscience for the trees. It was bright and warm enough to make him forget that he is in the midst of snow. "Are we going to burn it all?", Audric asked with concern. "He's a soft-hearted man after all", Declan said while looking at Noldorin's focused eyes. It didn't last long. He signaled another horn to be blown. This time, clockwise pattern. The fire turned off one after the other using a huge block of ice thrown at the trees. Audric ran towards Noldorin. "Did we fail?", he asked. "Why do you ask?", Noldorin patted the boy's head. "You said, once the fire is lit up. It cannot stop from burning", Audric repeated. "It hasn't stopped, Audric. Inside a person's heart, it is continuously burning", Noldorin held Audric's shoulder and let him face the Cave giants. Their eyes were full of determination, including Declan. "Another question, Noldorin. Why did we use the spruce tree rather than the dying trees?", Audric asked. "Spruce trees are a symbol of life. It also means, exchange. Maybe we have to let something die to let something live as well", Noldorin answered and was heard by Declan and Gezer. Both of them agreed that Noldorin is no ordinary man. No one had ever made them go thirsty and hungry to claim what was theirs.


Road to the House of ROWAN

"Have you ever been here before?", Hick asked. "Never. I have no memory of being in this place", Gilbert answered. "Are you sure? That soldier and that child have the same reaction when they saw you", Hick insisted. "I have never felt such peace in my life which means I have never been here", Gilbert was slightly irritated. He wasn't able to sleep well because the place is giving him so much anxiety. "Hush", Nymeria pushed the two out of the road. They heard horses and people talking.

They hid behind the trees. "Why do we need to hide? We can talk to them like what we did in the village", Hick said in a whisper. Nymeria furrowed her brow and shook her head. "My lady, we're already near the House. Would you like to take a break? There is a nearby river. I shall go and fetch water", Dillon asked. Gilbert peeked and saw a familiar face. "Don't mind Dillon. I can go by myself. You should stay here and watch over her highness. She seems to be a nightmare", Zefania said as she watches Reinys sweating a lot. It seems that she's having a bad dream.


The three followed the lady and hid behind the trees. "Is it me? You seem to have the same eyes and hair as hers", Hick noticed. Zefania reached out to the river to get some water. Her arms aren't long enough. She tried to move closer. "Don't do something unnecessary", Nymeria sighed and tried to grab the brown-haired man back. Gilbert stormed and grabbed the lady's waist before landing in the deep water. "Than-", Zefania was expecting to see Dillon but it wasn't him. She saw a pair of emerald eyes. Gilbert lets go of her as soon as she made a stable place to stand. "You were about to fall on the water", the man gulped and looked away. "Thank you", Zefania said and looked around. She saw two other people wearing foreign clothes. It was the group of suspicious people Dillon was dealing with the other day. "Are you travelers?", Zefania asked. "See? I said we could just have a good talk", Hick stepped closer to them. A sword was thrown in the middle. Gilbert held Zefania's hand and led her behind him. "I was wondering why she is taking it slow", Dillon glared at Hick.

"Seems that we cannot please everybody", Hick held unto his spear. "Hick, enough. Don't cause a fight here", Gilbert tried to convince him. "You are the one who trespassed in our place. Get lost and go back to where you belong", Dillon took another sword from his side. "You got some spare. That's nice. Unfortunately, there's nowhere else we can return to", Hick thrust his spear at Dillon and he, fortunately, evaded it. "Hick. I said, enough. If his reinforcements come, we're outnumbered and dead", Gilbert tried to go in between them. Nymeria looked at Zefania and ran toward her. She held her hostage and pointed a dagger at her neck. "Let us go and I won't do anything to her", Nymeria negotiated. "Don't you dare point a dagger at her", Dillon felt a rush on his body and pushed Hick away. A gust of wind went in between them. Dillon was pushed away by the great strength of the wind. Their eyes widened to see such an unknown creature. It was a female human with huge wings attached to its back. "It's our chance to escape", Nymeria lets go of Zefania and assisted Hick. They were about to run but they were surrounded by soldiers riding horses. "The house of the Rowan. How can we outrun such horses?", Nymeria raised both of her arms.

"What do we have here?", Mance looked around and saw a messed-up situation. Dillon is on the ground, one of the most respected young generals. Zefania is being held hostage by a beast. Three foreigners had been caught up in the incident. "Make sure no one gets to escape. Deal with the beast first", Mance ordered. "No! Uncle, she's my friend. I will take full responsibility for her", Zefania held unto the bird lady's clawed hands. "Why are you here? I told you that you are free", Zefania said with worried eyes. "Mo..ther", the bird-lady verbalized. It startled everyone. "Take everyone", Mance trusted his niece. She is really the daughter of his father. No matter how hideous, they have the ability to accept the hideousness of a person or a creature.


Prison Cell

"We saw them on the way headed here. They also weren't participative when I tried to interrogate them. According to their feature, the long-haired man is a Bithenian. The lady seems to be from the Southern Land, might as well be a pirate", Dillon reported. "That was because you were looking at my friend as if you were trying to devour him", Hick held unto the bars. "Hick, enough", Gilbert said with his head bowed low and his hand tied. "Are you telling me to accept being tied up in a cell like this? Dark and cold?", Hick asked. "Bear with it just for a while. Please, if we prove our innocence, let us go. We don't mean to bring harm to this place. I am quite aware of how much you had been working to make such a peaceful place", the man raised his head. Lester was taken aback by his stares but maintained his composure. "What were the things you saw in their clothes?", Lester asked. "I will bring it for you, my lord", Dillon brought items.

"The sigil of Oneison. I knew it, she was a member of the pirates", Dillon furrowed his brow. "That's not all", Mance held up an important heirloom. "All of you, leave the room", the eldest brother commanded.

"Who else has seen you, child?" Lester has his eyes focused on him. "Few villagers near the dock", Gilbert felt obligated to answer. "Where have you come from, child? What brought you here?", Lester bombarded him with questions. "I can no longer return to that place so I find no reason to tell you", he bit his lower lip. "Then, would you want to stay here, child?", the leader of the family asked. "Stop calling me child", Gilbert raised his voice and gritted his teeth. Nymeria saw him raise his voice once again. "Then answer my question", Lester didn't lose hope in getting answers. "Do you know where your roots are? Or who might be your father, mother-", Lester wasn't able to finish his question. "I am Gilbert Waters, I know not of my roots and I have no plan of knowing. I am an orphan. The only House that I had known of was the House of Oneison but I am not also a part because I was never a pirate. I belong nowhere", Gilbert answered continuously almost losing his breath.


Abandoned Castle

"Audric, would you mind picking some berries for this fella here", Declan was referring to Noldorin just staring at a large lump of meat on the table. "We'll both go", Noldorin sighed and accompanied the little boy.

They walked outside. "You could at least take a bite of the deer. It's really juicy", Audric described. Noldorin messed with his hair. They looked in front of them and Audric was terrified. He hid behind Noldorin. "This is His Grace's lair, are we not mistaken?", the huge men anticipated a quick answer. "Who's master do you serve?", Noldorin draws his sword. "The true King of the North", they answered. He let the giants pass through. "He's been waiting for you for more than two decades", Noldorin said while they made their entrance and kept his eyes on the group of giants.

Noldorin and Audric walked towards the berry trees. "You don't really eat a lot", Audric noticed while Noldorin picks the berries. "We're descendants of elves, Audric. Elves were known to be immortals. Thus, we acquired some of their long tolerance for hunger", Noldorin answered. "Then, if there were known to be immortals, why is it that there's no one left?", Audric tilted his head. The question made Noldorin pause for a while.

"Riverdell's, from the moment he existed never ceased to exist. Year by year, he watched his friends die. And soon, his wife also did. Because he can no longer contain the sadness, he went to make a pact with the deity of death. He pleaded for a way to get rid of his immortality. The deity of death was greedy. He tricked Riverdell. He made a blood compact with Riverdell for the spell not get broken. Soon, all the elves started to feel odd about themselves. Some had rapid aging and some never changed at all. Riverdell never got the freedom that he desired and even allowed his fellow people to be inflicted with the curse of being a defect. All the other elves died in old age and some retain their youth even after many years. Until now, no one knows where Riverdell is ", Noldorin narrated. "It must have been a lonely life for Riverdell, wherever he is right now", Audric felt bad about the story. "That death god is a fraud!", he commented and broke the twigs. "Maybe he wasn't that lonely all the way. The Riverdellian understood the sadness it must have felt to be living for hundreds and thousands of years. That is why they mastered the art of harp as an offer to him who took the burden for himself", Noldorin smiled and looked at the sky.

"How about you, Noldorin. How long have you been living?", Audric asked. "I have stopped counting since I was 50", Noldorin laughed and started to pick out berries again.


Middle Tower

"Witches. They have been spotted roaming around again placing talismans on our trees. The animals are starting to get sick", Lindir, the new Captain of Haven informed. He is older than Noldorin. Unlike having a long life, Lindir is a defect which means he matures faster than any of his fellowmen. He is already in the middle of his twenties. "Have you captured one of them?", Vaeril asked. "She is held captive in the dungeon, Your Grace", Lindir answered.

Faelar entered at the same time that Lindir exited the throne room. "Any signs?", Vaeril looked at his friend. Faelar dropped a letter on the table. "The new king of Andor sends his regard", Faelar informed. "One by one, Kings are being replaced. When my time comes, Faelar, I cannot think of anyone more deserving than you are", Vaeril had a short laugh. "You and I know it for sure. I am the most irresponsible person. I even let my son wander alone in the wilderness. I sent him away in the unknown to survive on his own", Faelar admitted his actions. "You've trained him enough to withstand the insanity he might have gone through. Do you know how many young men we sent to the Sanctuary to regain their sanity? A hundred who need to replace him. A hundred young Riverdellian cannot withstand the pain and horror that your son has gone through", Vaeril tried to raise his friend's morale.

"You might consider building another tower in the east", Faelar suggested. "Are you trying to run away from the praise I am giving you?", the High King sighed. "No, I am serious. I am telling you to prepare", Faelar left the room.

He walked downstairs and picked up something in his pocket. It was a wood-carved to be a leaf. It was beautifully made.

"When I grow up, I will drag Mom back here so that you don't need to be saddened anymore. You said she left in spring, right? Since she's not yet here. Hold on to this leaf".