Chereads / CLAMANTE LUPUS / Chapter 102 - Chapter 101: Embittering Rage

Chapter 102 - Chapter 101: Embittering Rage

Ridgecrest High School, Fallon Creek, Michigan...

Alarick Michael Channon had been ins something of a foul mood ever since the newcomers had invaded Fallon Creek. His beast blood boiled more often than not and he was disgusted with the scent of them amid his all too familiar trees. He had not been able to get the trembling whelp Maddox Daly off his mind and it was made even worse when Maddox suddenly showed up with his idiotic brother Lewis as new students at Ridgecrest High. Casey had taken notice of Rick's rage and embitterment and said little to nothing aside from ensuring it had not gotten worse. He knew firsthand how territorial Rick could be when it came to other werewolves and he considered Fallon Creek to be his and his alone, only tolerating Casey due to being his mate of all things.

Rick's complaints about Maddox's "stench" reminded him of when Rick first encountered Casey when he first moved to Fallon Creek.

Lewis and Maddox more or less had been the sheepish versions of werebeasts and mostly kept to themselves feeling more than a bit out of place as they took their seats in class, classes that happened to be where Casey and Rick or one or the other had been in.

Casey watched as Rick gripped his pencil tightly, as his chaotic dark eyes glared rather murderously in Maddox's direction. The sheepish-looking young werewolf whimpered and tried his best to focus on his work and keep his body from trembling. Casey had not known how to feel about it, knowing all too well what it had been like to be in Maddox's position but Rick was his mate and he knew it was a matter of time before he'd given in to the urges of The Rut that had come over him and plunged his massive cock into the pale blond werewolf putting an end to their collective misery once and for all.

The bell rang and everyone filed out of class, Rick had been the first one out trying to put as much distance between him and Maddox as possible. Casey sighed and followed after him catching up to him at the lockers. He happened upon an enraged Rick slamming his locker and shoving his backpack and books inside. The visual of his massive cock twitching in reaction to the scent of Maddox had not been lost on Casey.

"Rick..." he began.

"Leave me alone Case," growled Rick in a rather dangerous tone. "I ain't in the mood to be social."

Rick took off for his next class snarling despite his best efforts to conceal his beastial urges. Casey had been rather concerned for him. Ever since the Daly brothers arrived in Fallon Creek, Rick had been on the warpath and their showing up at school had not made his experience any better.


The Courtyard, Ridgcrest Highschool, Fallon Creek, Michigan....

Casey had been rather concerned with Rick's new measure of aggression as he seemed to be spoiling for a fight and it didn't matter who had been the target. His hyper arousal had not done him any favors either as he stalked the halls expressing how he hated the smell of the mortals and the Dalys alike. Once the bell rang for lunch Casey found himself searching for Rick who had left school due to the overwhelming urges causing him to shift in midday. Maddox Daly had slowly made his way toward Casey's table unsure of how he'd be received despite his true nature being evident to the former new arrival.

"S-Sorry," he said his voice shaken and his blue eyes filled with tears.

Up close Casey could see he'd been possibly just as miserable as Rick had been due to his heat cycle and rapid arousal with no relief in sight. His messy blond hair was wild and curly at the same time and he seemed to have a good deal of freckles and his clothes weren't the most ideal in terms of appeal. Maddox wore a long sleeve dark brown jacket with faded dark jeans, and dirty white trainers that had seen better days, he also wore a rather dingy white t-shirt that looked closer to a light grey than intended. He smelled like sweat and dirt as he sat down beside Casey his blue eyes meeting the other boy's as he attempted his best shot at socialization.

He'd been rather uncomfortable around anyone else, but given his status as both intersex and a werewolf, he seemed to gravitate toward Casey Peterson the most when Rick Channon had not been around. Maddox feared Rick and all he could do to him but his heat-driven body craved being taken by the massive brute of a teen's thick cock and there was little he could do to ignore it. Biting back a whimper when he caught the scent of Rick wafting off Casey, Maddox tried his best to eat his meal in peace.

Lewis seemed to skip out on lunch not at all liking the stench of mortals as he huddled in the back watching his younger brother from afar in case he needed to put someone through a wall. He'd been plenty of a match for just about everyone else at the school aside from Rick Channon.

Casey sighed recalling just how out of place he'd been when he first arrived although he had not liked the idea of his mate being even remotely attracted to another werewolf. Rick banging Rachel Dawson was one thing, but his being inside another wolf was another. Sadly, knowing his mate and his tendency to be driven to madness by his primal urges when it came to The Rut, he knew it was only a matter of time before the scent of Maddox drove him to take the younger lad by force.

"Me too," replied Casey eating his food along with Maddox.

He had known all too well that there was no escaping Rick once he's gotten your scent and he was none too nice about it once it happened.

Maddox offered up a sad smile and went back to finishing his cold baloney sandwich and a carton of chocolate milk.

Having new wolves in Fallon Creek was soon to be quite the test of all of their collective patience.