The Bathroom, The Peterson Residence, Fallon Creek, Michigan...
A series of soft moans filled the bathroom as well as a good deal of steam as Casey Allen Peterson found himself pressed between the slick cold tile that lined the shower wall and his handsome brooding lover as their naked bodies collided amid the rushing sounds of the shower while the warm water cascaded down their collective bodies. The sloshing of the water in junction with the slapping of slick flesh against slick flesh had also echoed in the bathroom as Rick held Casey's smaller but well-defined young pale body up by way of his immense strength with little to no effort as he repeatedly drilled his massive cock inside the younger lad's sodden hidden sex relishing the sweet friction that had been their union as he had ever since their first encounter in the middle of the woods.
Deep and rapid breaths had been between them as neither had been willing to give an inch in the wake of their lust-fogged teenage minds getting the better of them. Their frequent series of shared kisses were filled with heat and a lasting hunger that only they had known as Rick continued to pump his hips in between Casey's thighs at a swift pace. Before when Casey had been a mortal, he would have been unable to take Rick's constant need to shove his massive cock inside him and pump until his legs gave out. The soreness alone would have made it impossible for him to move his legs after such a night, but his rapid healing ability ensured he could take a pounding or two now and again despite still feeling a bit of a sting.
Casey knew all too well that Rick had been looking for a distraction of sorts, following his bout of sleepwalking and the terrors it had revealed to him. He had been of the same mind after the dreams and visions that flooded him since he'd been able to tap into the powers of the dormant wolf that dwelled inside him while in human form.
Neither of the wolves had taken their eyes off each other, the intensity of their glowing eyes never faltering as they stared in longing while their bodies collided in the most intimate of ways. Rick continued pumping his well-toned hips into the pelvis of his younger lover making him moan amid the sound of the rushing water from the shower. He had not cared that Helen Peterson had been home after a long shift that night, nor the fact that she might have been able to hear them, it wasn't as if she hadn't seen them going at it before.
Rick simply grunted as he gripped Casey's slick body ramming his cock deeper and faster inside his sodden sex loving each and every thrust that made the younger lad clench harder around him. He'd always been tight around Rick's massive thick cock and the sensation of it expanding deeper inside him only intensified the sensation as his pace continued to pick up. More resounding smacks of their water-slick skin filled the bathroom amid the grunts and moans and splashing of water from the showerhead.
Casey bit back another moan as he groaned in the wake of Rick's increased thrusts and the splashing of the warm water that had been on the verge of turning cold the longer they'd been at it. The heat between them still intoxicating as their act continued as if nothing else had mattered outside of their frantic coupling. The younger lad had been lost in the sheer pleasure of intense sensation as he continued to cling to the brooding older teen who had been drilling his insides with reckless abandon.
From the first moment he'd taken the older boy's cock he'd found that he had been weak for it, weak and craved being pounded by it like nothing else he had ever known. Rick made his breath hitch, his knees weak, and his hidden sex damp with just his rippling baritone voice alone but when his massive cock had been plunged deep inside the younger lad's sodden hidden sex, he'd done things to him that Casey could scarcely describe.
The added bonus of them being given to Wolfblood had only made their encounters all the more vital and intense.
"Fuck....fuck...fuck me...just like that...oh fuck...oh fuck baby..." moaned Casey nearly forgetting that his mother had been home.
"Shhh!," growled Rick still pumping his hips harder and faster. "You wanna wake your mother up so she can walk in on us, because even if she does come bursting in I'm not stopping."
Casey moaned again despite trying to keep from doing so in the wake of Rick changing the angle of his pounding and hitting along a few bundles of nerves that made the younger lad's toes curl and his eyes roll into the back of his head. It wasn't long before his pinked cock throbbed and spurted all over them coating their chest and abs as it continued to pulse long after he'd already sprayed them.
"So fuckin' good," growled Rick a bit annoyed that he had only been able to take Casey in a certain angle due to the limitations of the shower.
Frustrated he pulled back allowing the younger lad to get on his feet as he turned to stop the water and motioned for him to join him. Casey slowly attempted to get some feeling back into his legs as his cock flopped still semi-erect against his water-slick thighs, Rick's cock had been flaring and looked to be quite angry given the level of arousal he'd had without getting off in the shower.
He swiftly lifted Casey up once more as the younger lad wrapped his arms around his neck and slowly impaled the lad's hidden sex once more causing them both to moan in each other's mouths as Rick carried Casey still bouncing on his impressive cock out of the bathroom and toward the younger lad's bedroom where he had planned to get a bit more out of his night with him before the sun came up and Mrs. Peterson had been any the wiser as to what they'd been up to while she slept.