Containing the festive atmosphere this December 25th is a festive diner restaurant in Sakuragicho, the heart of Saitama city, each interior wall draped in the colours of green, red & gold. One simply can't throw a stick in this crowded place without hitting some kind of retro Christmas décor, this set up is too vast & expressive like the smiling faces of all the customers.
a sea of people populating most of the tables, ages ranging from high school to retirement as friends & even lovers find the time to spend amongst themselves on this joyous day. From pairs to groups of smiles & laughter, unlike the frigid tundra of Kanto's Winter season on the other side of the windows, this establishment bustles with the warmth of Christmas.
???: *soft groan & sigh*
However, one of the many tables sits a solitary customer peering out of the window & hoping to avoid eye contact with the others as she sighs with acute discontent. A woman wearing a coconut knitted sweater matching the lack of colour in her bleached blonde hair & pale skin, the only colour she has on her are the wine-red lipstick & her yellow-green eyes which longingly stare out into the compilation of vibrant lights & dark grey asphalt outside the window. "Even people out there are so happy, how can they be when they're wearing shorts in this weather?" Haru obnoxiously asks herself as a couple of bubbly youngsters stroll past her view, out of the two guys one of them appeared to wear shorts at the low temperature of 3°C.
Meanwhile, Haru adorned her thick black jeans & walking boots in anticipation for the frigid air. Such jeans tightened by her brown belt causing mild discomfort can only increase her vexation as she sits on the spruce shaded blue restaurant sofa, she rests her head on her hand as it held up by her elbow situated on the emptiest table in the diner. However, this is soon to change.
???: "Okyakusama…"
Just as she was lounging in her solitude the coolheaded voice of a woman calls out to the lonesome customer, reacting to this breach of subdued stimuli she turns to see a short waitress possibly college age with short raven hair & falu red eyes peering back with raised eyebrows. In return Haru gives her wide eyes & a straightened back.
Haru: "Yes?"
Hastily responding with an acknowledgement of her presence & attention, following this she pans her eyes down to see that the waitress wearing a long sleeve white shirt under a black waist coat & skirt carries with both of her dainty hands in her hands a circular trey. On said trey sits a tall cabernet glass only 1/3 filled with luscious red wine, "only that much? Is she being funny with me?" are the questions that jump to Haru's mind when looking at this disappointingly lacklustre amount of wine.
Haru: "Oh thank you"
Nevertheless, she thanks the waitress with a candid bow before she reaches her arm out only for the waitress to pick up the glass & place it on the table.
Waitress: "Douzo"
She says softly as she makes her own bow before using one foot to rotate & charge into the crowd, amidst this Haru looks on in bewilderment. Her jaw drops somewhat as she attempts to picture what could have gone wrong when suddenly, she flings her left arm upwards in a fit of pure reflex, without even thinking she places her hand on her forehead then runs her fingers through her hair. "I'm still Human" sooner than her anxiety could build up she is shaken with relief as her fingers reach the back of her head uninterrupted by a horn protruding from her skull.
This relief allows her lips to rise somewhat & form an unlikely smile, though small it does set a change in her attitude as the gleaming red wine reflects the lights of the decorations beckoning her to take a sip.
| ススル | sipping wine
A couple of gulps later, she feels the strong & sweet elixir trickle down her throat. Closing her eyes & lightly licking her lips, as her fingers gently rotate the glass, so the lipstick print is turned away a thought pops into her head. "A grossly inadequate amount to get me tipsy".
Haru: "Mediocre"
Accompanying that thought is a hushed whisper of single word which she could utilise as a quick review for this wine, despite this judgement she continues to take sips until the red fluid shrinks to a pitiful portion at the bottom of the glass. "But it's not overly tasteless" finding some compassion to give one complement in her head before placing the finished glass onto the smooth wooden table, she turns right to face the heart of the diner.
A rare move for Haru as her eyes trace the layout of retro decals of the bar area, now surrounded by a dominating rowdy crowd drinking with the colours of Christmas on display for them. "Why didn't I know this place existed? I should come more often…just not on Christmas" after this thought she turns back to her drink, as she holds the round glass she stares into the calm red fluid & watches it rapidly flow as she ever so slightly rocks the glass left & right. As she maintains her focus on the crimson whirlpool the distant chatter of lively customers fills her sensitive ears with loud cheers & singing, with this rush of sensations her rate of breath picks up only for it to abruptly drop to a normal level right when someone approaches.
???: "Exkyuse me, is this seat taken?"
A serene & whimsical voice seeps in despite the ruckus of people surrounding the bar, with key syllables pronounced in a very familiar feline way. The Oni now Human sitting at the table knew exactly who would be asking.
Haru: "I'm surprised you're on time"
She answers before turning to meet this person, as she angles her gaze a sea of pink & white fill her view. She sees a young woman wearing a pink Christmas hat over her tilting head as she raises her left cheek & furrows her eyebrows to give a snarky look in response, tilting her head enough to shift the pompom at the end of her flimsy hat to the left. Haru keeps her eyes on this hat which exquisitely suits her conventional pink & white checkered jacket, "I've never seen her wear such a hat or anything so seasonal" Haru points out to herself as she stares silently.
Haru: "Is that a new hat?"
She bluntly asks, such a down to Earth & straightforward question causes Neko to blush & snicker slightly. Her condescending grin evaporates & a placid beam takes its place as she puts a couple of large white shopping bags onto the sofa in front of Haru.
Neko: "I just gyot it yesterday, this season is syo great for shopping. Don't you think?"
With a cheer she leaves a statement followed by a question to Haru on shopping before shoving the bags to her right so she can sit down with the Oni on the other side of the table, she even checks how much space there is between her rear & the of the seat as if making sure there's room for her tail which isn't present due to being in Human form.
Haru: "Well the discounts certainly don't hurt"
Affirming with the thought, "I love how cheap things get this time of year, best thing this ridiculous ritual has to offer". Jumping in to interrupt this thought is Neko.
Neko: "Hyave you ordered?"
Haru: "It's order at the bar, I only started with wine to calm my nerves"
She answers, seamlessly sliding the menu to Neko with two fingers, the Catgirl in Human's costume sees the charcoal black retro design of this large leaflet & drags it closer with her soft wrist.
Neko: *cat-like humming*
As she makes slight meowing noises, Neko traces the foods on offer like a feline hunter. Despite being in Human form she can't help but behave naturally, "in time she will be licking her hand after spilling some sauce" Haru bets after making this observation.
She takes the glass to her lips for another sip, she puckers the rim & tips the glass back only to find a tiny amount of wine dripping into her mouth. "I may need another glass" she concludes, setting the glass back on the table before directing her attention back to Neko who's still examining the menu.
Haru: "What would you normally get when you eat here?"
Neko reads the menu attentively, tracing her index finger across each item as she searches for a single meal special to her. She quickly raises her finger before softly slamming it back on the menu in roughly the same location she lifted off from, her eyes appear big & warm like a beggar spotting a gold coin or a cat finding a dancing mouse.
Neko: "This one most of the time"
Bringing her head back up to face Haru & nonchalantly announces her desired meal with a soft voice contracting the energy she had when seeing her go-to on the menu, fried Yakitori (skewered chicken) served with Edamame (immature soybeans in a pod) & a small Salmon salad.
Haru: "Fine choice"
Intrigued, Haru makes a comment with raised eyebrows as she leans in to see the menu closer. She takes her right arm out to hold the large pamphlet prompting Neko to take her attention off the menu & face the Oni now Human again, the two make brief eye contact before Haru turns right & Neko her left. What awaits between their table & the bar they must order from currently buried in people either ordering or loudly chatting amongst themselves, such a ruckus would make any excursion difficult.
With both holding the pamphlet menu they turn to face each other once more, as Neko gives a look of concern at the prospect of snaking through such a crowd with out clawing like a drill Haru gives her a determined look that says "it's fine, I've done this before" along with an assured smile.
Neko: "I'll do it"
Haru: "Allow me"
Neko's faint attempt to volunteer herself to order was met with Haru's stonewall insistence on going, with a cool grin & easy-going display she pulls the menu to her, stands then promptly steps out from the sofa & marches towards the bar only to disappear into the crowd like a rock in the ocean. Witnessing this Neko began to stroke her luscious pink hair, waiting for her return.
| ズルズル | slurping
The young woman with long pink hair slurps her cola, wrapping her lips around a red & white striped paper straw as she gazes at the dark frigid atmosphere outside the window from the comfort of her warm sofa at this restaurant. In her boredom those taffy-coloured eyes closely follow the trails caused by the rear red lights of traffic speeding passed, these as well as the shiny décor of store fronts contract the gloomy skies & murky roads.
Neko: "Heow long has it been?"
As the time marches so does Neko's patience, inquiring like a bratty teenager on a long car ride she tenses her shoulders & inclines her back until it contacts the sofa's aft.
Haru: "It's only been 20mins"
Miffed by her question, Haru gives a sour answer while lightly swirling a new glass of Syrah wine. Noticing this Neko's nose twitches at the scent of the powerful elixir
Neko: "What dyoes the wine taste like?"
Like a curious cat she watches the drink dance inside the glass, the liquor inside appearing like a fountain of red.
Haru: "Bold & rich, how I like it"
She chuffed while looking into the crimson whirlpool she created in the glass by gently swirling it, she stretches her arm towards Neko with the wine in hand.
Haru: "Want to taste?"
Neko: "Oh nyo I'm good"
Haru's enticing proposition is rejected by the girl in pink who shakes her head & waves her hands in tandem.
Haru: "Well you're missing out, I can't wait for the day you're old enough to drink wine with me"
She says in a soft & sluggish tone as she sets the glass back to her side of the table.
Neko: "I'm 20 years old you knyow, that is the legal drinking age"
Haru: "Regardless I never see you drinking, I bet you save it for time with your friends"
Haru adds with a somewhat patronizing tone as she brings her limbs & the wine glass closer in a huddle, "Neko probably has a whole other side she shows her friends" an array of dreadful thoughts fill her mind causing her to grip the wine even harder. "I never get invited to parties or events anymore", she rests her head on her right hand as her elbow supports them.
On the other side of the table, Neko's lips tense up as her knees begin to wobble.
Neko: "Anyway I need to use the girl's ryoom neow, see ya later"
She announces while urgently pouncing off her seat & dashes to the toilets, individuals as familiar with this place as she is reaching the WC rooms would be a breeze however with the current capacity at the bar area exceeding the average weekend, the trip could be more arduous than usual.
This causes a break in Haru's distressing train of thought, she follows Neko as she leaves the table trusting her to reach the bathroom without a hitch.
"Would this crowd be overwhelming for her?" Haru wonders, "maybe I should check on her" with that thought she turns to the direction in which Neko raced through only to see the access ways between tables completely clear of customers. The tables themselves remain full but this is not the swarming site she expected to see, the blue & pink signs for the toilet are even visible beside the entrance. With this side of the room being somewhat unfilled Haru gives a tiny smirk as she turns back to her half-finished wine, "she'll be fine" her mind concludes that dilemma.
???: "Hyello Hyaru"
Out of the blue, a soothing voice hit her like a swift brush on the cheek. The way those two words have been pronounced it is as though Neko has returned to the table, "that was quick, not even a minute…"
Haru: "Did you forget you phone again…oh"
Believing Neko was standing beside her she begins to ask while gradually lifting her head but before she could finish, her question was stopped dead in its tracks as she makes a sudden realisation when seeing a bundle of green fluff taking up the far-right side of her view. "No Shika what are you doing…!?" assuming this fluff is Shika's signature feathers she instantly zooms into a panicked frenzy, decerning she was in her Monster form in public. Turns out to just be a bright green fluffy jacket slightly resembling feathers from a certain point of view, this fills Haru with relief as she can take a few deep breaths to calm her nerves.
Haru: "Hello, I thought you were Neko"
Shika: "Haru-san! That only happened once, stop shaming me for it!"
She cries, frustratingly waving her featherless arms around like a child before parking her behind on the soft sofa bench across Haru & crossing her arms in a huff. This stiff phase she finds herself in quickly dissolves as the crowd by the bar & Christmas decorations all over the walls catch her attention, her teal blue eyes investigate the commotion of laughter & cheers. Her cheeks rise as she longs to be with them, however having Haru solemnly sitting in front of her puts this short-lived desire to rest at least temporarily.
Shika: "Neko chose a good restaurant, I like how they have sweet potatoes here"
Haru: "You've been here too!?"
Shika: "Umu"
Quickly responding with a nod of her head, Shika sets her bags down besides Neko's & reaches for the menu pamphlet & begins to read. Her radiant teal eyes journey the large thick paper pamphlet in pursuit of her most desired supper, noodles with a side of sweet potatoes & Tsukemono.
Waitress: "Here is your Hibachi Steak"
She announces with a touch of elegance as she places a large plate onto the table in front of Haru.
Waitress: "& here is your Karaage chicken with lettuce & noodles
Using the same tone of voice, she gently deposits a plate of Chicken Karaaga on the other side of the table, at Neko's seat which is currently occupied by the Parakeet. The strong scent of fried chicken makes its way to her nose causing them to flare up, because of this she hastily drops the menu to see that a small chicken meal has crept up on her. She straightens her back to create distance between the food on the plate & herself, her lips retreat as if having just eaten a sour lemon.
Shika: "Umm this is Neko's, isn't it?"
Haru's attention is taken to Shika, seeing her somewhat shaken & slowly pointed at the Karaage the Oni immediately recognizes the issue.
Haru: "Oh yes, let me move that for you"
With a stiff grin she rectifies the mistake by passing the plate slightly down the table & away from the Aves in disguise.
Haru: "Neko just went to the bathroom, she will be back shortly"
She states, returning to her exquisitely sliced medium rare sirloin steak with faint columns of steam gently ascending until they reach Haru's nostrils. That faint yet warm scent almost resembling the smell of fresh grass, just a few seconds of this is enough to make Haru's mouth water with a lust for red meat. Along side such a gorgeous slab of meat is a small pile of vegetables & a handful of rice shaped like a dome, all members of this hefty meal beckon her to dine with their exquisite scent & slimy textures.
Not wanting to get in the way of Haru & her date with the Hibachi Steak, Shika gets out of her seat to head towards the bar. Taking the menu pamphlet with her.
Shika: "That's fine Haru-san, I need to take my order to the bar anyway. Catch you later waiter"
She gives a brief wave goodbye as she marches towards the sea of people engulfing the bar with a high enough level of confidence to rule the club, Haru now sat alone once again. Left to ponder about that phrase Shika had used as she walked off, "see you later waiter. What is that?" She briefly thought as she sat with her nostrils hovering over her meal & taking in all the delightful fragrances steaming out of the meat one whiff at a time. Each whiff filling her chest with warm comforting air & nose with dazzling flavours, "if this place was devoid of other customers this would be the most relaxing place to dine in Saitama".
It's not long after this when her time of peace is interrupted by the roars of men deep in their nominication ritual, "see that just about ruins the atmosphere" she tells herself while looking that way with a short glare of distain.
Shika: *shrieks aloud*
"Wait that's Shika" upon hearing that screechy laugh she feels compelled to pay closer attention to this crowd, in a torrent of the black & white office suits of men in their 30s a green fluffy ball of jubilance & excitement stands at the bar raising a glass with them. Furrowing her brows to focus on this fluffy figure, without a doubt that is Shika in her element. Chugging a glass of what appears to be a colourful fruit juice heavily contrasting the basic blacks & dandelion yellows of the men's beer, "just as I thought, Shika has never drunk alcohol before. Oh, I dread that day, she's enough of a handful while sober". After reaching that conclusion she takes her cutlery to make for the first bite of her awaiting meal.
Neko: "She's truly in her element when with other people nyah"
Hearing a soft feline voice, Haru opens her ears & perks up like a meerkat with a mouthful of beef. After making this comment on Shika's state, Neko stroll back to her seat only to see a pair of unfamiliar bags sat very close to hers.
Neko: "Oh nyo my bags hyave moved"
She blurts out upon seeing them, despite the same shade of red they are different sizes & shape. As she retrieves her spot at the table a tide of curiosity builds inside her causing a great desire to see what these bags carry, unable to quell such a tide she gradually buries her right arm into one of the bags & begins to rummage like a lynx.
Haru: "Neko"
Seeing this, Haru merely calls her name & gives a look of discontent with her piercing yellow-green eyes, even with round Human pupils she's able to intimidate Neko into pulling her arm out & leaving Shika's newly bought things alone as if by mind control.
Neko: "Sorry Hyaru-san"
She responds almost instantly in a polite manner & a timid tone, she places both arms straight on the table like a felon turning themself in. yet this action is immediately followed up with intense pink eyes glaring at the plate of Karaage on the far-right side of the table, being illuminated by the lively lights from ceiling fixtures & contrasted by the dark exterior shown through the window behind. To that she uses her arm to pass the plate to her & proceeds to eat with her hands, much dissimilar to Haru with her grace of the chopsticks, Neko even resorts to licking the grease off her fingers with her smooth Human tongue.
"Does she know we're not at home?" Haru asks in her head while checking the coast for prying eyes only to find not a single person concerned with Neko's table manners. This fact brings a subtle frown to Haru's face as she looks at her sliced medium rare continuously enticing her as if being in public is what's stopping her from digging in like Neko has to her Karaage.
Still there is something else plaguing her mind.
Haru: "So what did you mean by Shika being in her element?"
She asks genuinely as the Human Catgirl across the table remains licking her fingers, but without a doubt this garners Neko's attention. She returns to the façade of a 'normal' Human by pulling her tongue back in & coupling her fingers to create a stoic thinking stance.
Neko: "Do you nyot see how she acts in social settings like this?"
As she asks such a question, she extends her left arm out somewhat to discreetly point at the crowd of men & women at the bar, Haru follows the trajectory of her dainty finger to see that they seem to orbit around Shika like satellites around a planet.
As the new nucleus of the mass Shika somehow manages to entertain the attention of everyone using her bold energy & authentic charm, all while smiling, waving her green hair & telling jokes good enough to make the room laugh. Haru continues to look on with admiration as well as apprehension, "I hope she's careful with who she talks to in these places, men can be disgusting".
Haru: "Should we get her out of there?"
After chewing a thick & juicy yet modest sized cube of steak she suggests rescuing Shika from the masses, Neko on the other hand shakes her head in disagreement while putting a crunchy piece of Karaage back onto the plate.
Neko: *clears her throat* "Let's nyot, it's nice that Shikya-chan is hyaving such fun in the Hyuman World"
Without looking at Haru, without even looking at Shika entertaining the crowd of men, women & even children. Neko puts her focus towards the food on her plate as she declares her decision for leaving that girl alone, she gently flings some of the crunchy batter off her fingers before reaching for her drink.
Haru: "If so, what if the Masking effect wears off in the middle of that crowd of Humans?"
To such a compelling question Neko simply hums before shutting her eyes & taking a long sip of her drink.
The Oni finds herself looking at Shika with a greater level of concern as she slowly approaches, waving to the many friends she made along her journey to the bar. The gracefulness of her stride gets brighter as she reaches their table with a beam of energy.
Shika: "I didn't think I'd see so many regulars today, so slay!"
She came to sit next to Haru as oppose Neko with glistening eyes & electrifying grin, placing the glass of fruit juice on the table before shifting herself closer to the Oni who takes quick glances at the Parakeet.
Haru: "Hang on young lady"
Before Shika is allowed to come any closer Haru gently grabs hold of her shoulder with her right hand & takes the glass with her left hand, hastily bringing this Sing glass filled with a vibrant set of colours & a green-white striped straw to her nose she takes a few quick sniffs of the juice. "No alcohol" she concludes.
Haru: "You're good"
She softly announces, she hands the glass back before returning to her meal, hoping to brush this off she takes another chunk of steak with her chopsticks & begins chomping.
Shika: "Yh thanks…"
The radiant girl in green responding with a tense frame as she turns to her drink for another taste of those rich fruity flavours, luckily it only takes a single slurp to bring her out of that semi-frozen state as she springs back into action like a Shounen protagonist.
Shika: "That guy at the bar said he'd get the food to my table as quickly as possible"
She brags while twiddling her thumbs & rocking her legs under the table but after saying she takes her teal blue pearls away from the bar & towards vegetables resting beside the steak. Only a quarter has been eaten as Haru digs into the juicy medium rare, she could feel a call beckoning her. With her stomach empty & those vegetables glistening like diamonds, Shika feels the urge to swoop in like a bird of prey.
The velocity of her hand rapidly increases until it's suddenly stopped by something as tough as a brick wall, appearing in its trajectory is Haru's right arm blocking her attempt to snag those veggies. Like a branch hitting a speeding Sparrow Shika's pursuit instantly ceases, leading to her eyelids to tense up & for her arm to swiftly recoil.
Shika: "Owie!! That's not fair Haru-san, it's Christmas"
She childishly cries while firmly holding her wrist, Haru's arm gradually descends back to her plate to reach a piece of vegetable with her chopsticks.
Haru: "Don't use Christmas as an excuse to take other people's food without asking"
Firmly laying down that directive before chomping on a succulent green vegetable, giving Shika more grief in the process
Shika: "But they look delicious & I'm tired of waiting for my meal. The bar guy said it would be fast"
Shika's back falls to the back of the chair as she crosses her arms in frustration, she puffs her smooth cheeks out like a pouting child. Observing the behaviour from both, Neko puts her last piece of chicken down & licks her fingers before raising that hand to grab their attention.
Neko: "Don't take it personally Shikya, Hyaru-san is just salty about the whole season"
Immediately after suggesting such a notion, both Haru & Shika turn their eyes to the girl in pink. Haru stares sternly with furrowed eyebrows while Shika wide teal blues anticipate more information to quell her confusion.
Neko: "Be honest Hyaru, you hyaven't seemed hyappy since this season began. Are you alright Nyah?"
She faces Haru only when asking this question, directing her posture towards Haru's yellow-green eyes sharply staring back in displeasure. Taking a firmer grip of her chopsticks Haru straightens her back & gives a big sigh.
Haru: "Don't be absurd I'm fine"
She answers while lowering her head, looking to get on with her meal she reaches for the final slice of steak & brings it closer to her mouth.
Haru: "I'm the picture of a perfect Human"
Neko: "Except you are nyot though"
Leaving no time for breathing room, Neko promptly pushes against Haru's statement before she's even able to dig into her slice of steak.
Haru: "Pardon?"
The medium-rare stops its advance dead, with her anticipation for a delicious bite delayed by Neko she aims her eyes back to that meddling cat & proceeds to stare her down with her heat vision.
Shika: "Umm can we change the subject, like are we up for Karaoke after this?"
Sensing the hostility build up Shika comes in by tapping the table for their attention & attempts to alter the mood by suggesting an activity for them, this unfortunately is met on deaf ears as the two girls maintain their guarded stance & offer no cheer upon each other. This only causes Shika to pout even more.
Shika: "I want to go back to the bar"
She quietly mumbles to herself, despite Haru & Neko having excellent hearing they both fail to pick up this whisper or perhaps they choose not to react as they continue their beef. The results are the same.
Neko: "You usually aren't a fan of Christmas but this year you are shyowing a lot of hatred, what's really going on nyah?""
She drops her defensive posture to humble herself & ask directly in good faith, as her shoulders gently drop & her eyebrows soften, she begins to relax with deeper breaths.
"She really is a sweet girl for caring so much" Haru thinks to herself, seeing Neko compassionately show concern like this makes her think differently about maintaining such a façade of being the perfect Human & for what. "Why do I keep doing this?" She keeps asking herself.
Haru: "Fine, if you must know I'm tired of pretending everything is alright purely for some corporatized holiday"
Just like that, the sculpture of a model Monster citizen comes crumbling down like boulders. She even lowers her arm which still carries the steak, showing more vulnerability by letting go of the resentment she eases her tense body while looking both Neko & Shika in the eye.
Neko: "But we never told you to do this"
Haru: "I know that but, it's like I try to be the ideal role model for you two. Without even asking if you need me to be. I choose this all on my own"
Hearing the truth coming from her heart, she feels someone tenderly holding her right shoulder. Turning to see who she is immediately met with Shika's big teal blue eyes twinkling as if they are about to water up & down pour.
Shika: "I'm sorry, Haru"
She expresses her apologies along with the radiant glow of her smile & cheeks, all it takes from her to warm Haru's restrained soul. Managing to respond with a smile Haru turns to carry this infectious joy to Neko.
Neko: "Syo you've been focused on appearing perfect for our sake that you didn't realize Hyoshi-san is in Europe right neow"
Blurting out such a bombshell piece of news with her smile growing into an awkward grin as she caresses her hair with her left arm & shuts her eyes, only to open them after a few seconds to see Haru steaming by how shocked she is. Her eyes as wide open as wide can be, her jaw so stunned by the announcement it dangles exposing her tongue & she was in Monster form her horns would certainly be flaming.
Haru: "Hoshi is in where!?!?"
With more noise coming from these three girls, the table they sit at has been filled with plates of food. Naturally most of them surround Haru as she chomps down on another steak meal & raises a large glass of beer.
Haru: "To you both for trying to help me feel better tonight!"
She makes this toast with all the cheers she can muster however, this ultimately ends in futile as she lowers her half empty glass & faces the centre of the table with a look of concern. "Should I really be loosening up like this? In public with Neko & Shika right there" she ponders with the beer in her hand.
Shika sitting beside Haru munches on a thin sweet potato slice while holding her plates of noodles & Tsukemono closely senses the dread within Haru & offers her helping hand.
Shika: "But we still have time to get you into the Christmas spirit"
She proudly proposes but nonetheless not a single reaction from Haru who takes slow sips from her beer as she blankly stares at her food, the only person eager enough to interact with this proposal is Neko sitting with an oval shaped bowl of pink & black ice cream.
Neko: "That sounds like a plot to one of those Western myovies"
With a long spoon she twirls in her hand, Neko points out the similarity between Shika's plan & many Christmas movies from the West before preparing to list them out in her mind.
Haru: "Well I'm going to see if the Christmas spirits in this place are any good"
Finally speaking Haru gives her witty one-liner just after picking up the menu pamphlet & turns it around to browse the drinks section, purely checking the sub-division containing spirits like vodka or Sake. Hearing this Neko cups her mouth & starts giggling.
Neko: *soft laughter* "Getting even myore drunk isn't going to increase your Christmas spirit"
Haru: "Who said I was already drunk?"
Haru's blunt response only caused a greater batch of laughs to come out of Neko as a part of her cat side began to show in her tone of voice.
Neko: "Nya hya hya hya hya!"
Although this becomes short-lived as she gets her composure together once again by taking several deep breaths to deliver her closing argument.
Neko: "Remember, you only need our love to keep you warm"
Finishing such a saying with a pristine smile from her silky lips accompanied by her calm & friendly eyes, seeing this look of genuine elegance Haru struggles to respond with pure kindness. Preferring to let out a soft yet comforting chuckle while asking herself "isn't that from a song?"
Haru: "That's so corny"
She replies after chuckling, her prideful smile gradually becomes a humbled one as she lifts her glass of beer up to Neko prompting her to do the same with her cup of black tea.
Shika: "Are we still on for Karaoke after this?"
In the distance of their moment together, Shika faintly reminds them of her earlier suggestion as she casually swoops in with her glass of fruit juice.
It is at this moment that all the girls including Haru can fully enjoy their Christmas alongside one another.
???: "God kväll"
The three girls at the table hear a mild yet soothing voice hit their ears out of nowhere, they all turn their heads to the end of the table to find out who in the World would come greeting them in such a foreign accent.
standing at the end of the table is a short girl, a child in fact wearing a yellow puffer jacket, a thick blue scarf & what appears to be a white beanie with straps on each side covering the ears. With bright golden hair reaching the top of her neck & two large orange eyes deep enough to get lost in, the three girls stare at this familiar girl as she extends her left arm up. Holding in her left hand is a glass bottle of cola with a red label stuck around the belly of the glass.
Hoshi: "God Jul"
Spoken with a smile under that thick scarf, Hoshi has returned to Omagi