A few weeks after Riona's birth, her mother, Izel Corvina Deveraux, left. Izel didn't even linger like smoke after a burnt-out fire. That was what Riona assumed had happened, that Izel didn't love King Vailant, so she left the castle and her child. Countless times the young princess wondered what her mother was like but no one of the castle staff would tell her.
There were whispers though. Silent mutters of the runaway queen. Some gossips assumed that perhaps there was a feud between the first wife and second, so the second one left. Perhaps, people thought, Izel had secrets.
Riona's handmaid would drop subtle remarks about Izel. She called her a "rotten apple", a "snake" or at seldom times, a "wench".
As a young girl, Riona didn't know what that horrid word meant, so she kept silent. The adults used countless bizarre words in their everyday vocabulary, "wench" could have been one of them, concluded the young princess. The day Riona did come to discover its meaning was no less than outright revolting:
She had been on a stroll in a village with Vance. It was late after training as it was the only free time they had to appreciate. They had walked close together, laughing at random things, when a middle-aged slob stumbled from an alley. The two teens thought non of it and continued their walk. That was until the obnoxious man spat the most repulsive insult: "What do you pay that wench?"
"Excuse me?" said Vance, turning towards the obvious drunk.
The man repeated his words, adding, "I can pay twice that."
Riona's expression was confused at that time. Her young innocent mind couldn't fathom the situation so she pulled a fuming Vance by the arm. The teen boy clenched his teeth, his eyes scowling hard at the drunk as he gritted, "He insulted you. Such words should not go unpunished."
Much to their luck, Knight Radan himself showed his face. "Why are you two taking so long? Your mother has dinner set and we are waiting," scolded the Knight with little knowledge of the current happenings. Vance pointed to the drunk who swayed on his feet. "That man insulted Riona, father, with the most despicable name he could call her," affirmed Vance, his face red with anger. Radan raised a brow, his eyes inspecting the drunk from a threatening angle. "What did he call her?" asked Radan, his tone incredibly low. The hairs on Riona's neck rose with unease. Vance still glared at the drunk unfailingly. "A wench..." said Vance as if the word was a poison on the tongue, never to be uttered.
Radan sucked in a deep breath, "Take Riona to the house. Apologise to your mother on my behalf that I'll be a bit late. No need to wait for me either."
Vance did as told, his hand gently taking Riona's in his. "I'm sure you're famished, let's go." If Riona was befuddled before, she was even more confused now. "Vance," she mumbled as they hurried off, "What does that word mean?"
Vance frowned, tightening his hold on her small hand: "It is a person without dignity. A person who offered themself countless of times to others for an unspeakable service that should only be between two."
At that exact moment, it dawned on the princess and her cheeks flared rosy pink. "That is discourteous..." she rumoured, mind running.
Back to the present, Riona's knees were weak, her body petrified. "I... I must speak with him..."
"What?" whisper yelled the Shadow man, "Are you insane? Speaking with the enemy?"
"Am I not one of them?" she said hoarsely, her eyes glistened over with tears.
"No. Your bloodline is irrelevant to your value. You are still a butterfly at heart. Do not allow this to interfere with your judgement."
"My judgement is that I want to talk to Zagreus."
"You can converse with him when we are not outnumbered," argued the shadow but a moment too late and she stood, exposing their position to the Moths.
The dark eyes of the Moths slowly turned towards her. Her lungs lost all function. She held her breath. The nerves pulsed through her as she took a step over the branch. The Shadow flinched deeply, his jaw clenching remarkably with annoyance. He didn't even contemplate reaching for Riona to yank her away to safety. He merely allowed her to walk into the lion's den.
She gulped, her focus fixed on the king, who sat back, raising a brow in question. To her, it was nerve-racking. Why were they not attacking? Why were they not standing? Why were they just watching? It frustrated her not to reach for her sword.
The Moths permitted her to walk till she stood before Zagreus. Suddenly all of them stood. Her body tensed. The King rose ever so slowly, his heavy frame towered over her tiny one. He was mightier than the Butterfly king. Her jaw dropped slightly, her mind struggling to form an introduction. Instead of politely informing him of who she might be, she asked without properly thinking through anything, "Was Izel Corvina your wife?"
King Zegreus' expression widened in disbelief. "Is this the princess, Alaric?" he laughed. Riona frowned with a questioning look. The situation was even more puzzling when she heard a man awkwardly admit, "Yes sir... That is her." Her head spun around, searching for the man who spoke. Her jaw dropped because it was no other than the Shadow man. "You brought me here on purpose?" she yelled.
"Yes, child, Alaric has been of most help but do not punish him, he still works for the Butterfly Court," answered the king. She whipped her face back towards the king, snapping, "How do you know of me?"
He laughed, "How could we not? News about a fierce princess travels far in these woods. It isn't just any day a royal is born with the hunger for power. At least not from a Butterfly."
A type of panic enveloped Riona which made her feel faint. She pressed a shaking hand to her chest, desperate to calm her thundering heart. No effect took place and with that, she sunk to the ground, her lungs hyperventilating. She had been set up but the real query was, by who?
"Was it Drystan?" she hicked, her throat tight, "Did Drystan hire you to bring me here?" The man presumed to be Alaric shook his head. "No, but other things are for you to ask him..." he hinted. Zagreus hesitated but he leaned towards the crying princess, his face soft as he spoke, "All truths are piecing to the heart. One way or another, they must be discovered."
Riona raised her eyes to meet the similar ones of King Zagreus. Her face was turned with pain as she asked, "Did you suffer when she left?"
"Somewhat," said Zagreus, "But I did not miss her. I was solely offended that she took you with her."
Riona squeezed her eyes shut and with the most hurt she announced, "I need to return home. I need to talk to Drystan."
"Why? Your family is here," said the King.
Riona shook her head. "But he is still my brother."