A few months before the time for college applications, that was when Kai started being strange he was always deep in thoughts (spaced out). Ray thought it would eventually stop happening and didn't mind it that much, but it kept happening for days. Ray finally decided to come front Kai and asked "what is bothering him" Kai immediately said "nothing". Ray got suspicious and insisted that he should tell him, then said "You can tell me anything I will always be there for you, as a friend who supports you. I know it is not just 'nothing' but I can see you are not comfortable telling me yet. Don't forget you can contact me anytime you want when you have problems and need someone to listen to you or when you need help with school like to the exercise/essay we have to hand in tomorrow"(Ray said changing the subject) (Kai was a bit hesitant since he never felt comfort before) It was silent for a while then Kai finally spoke up. He said: "Thanks, but really it is not that big of a deal, but if you really want to know that badly I will tell you tomorrow at my place after school."
~At night with Kai~
Kai went to bed but couldn't fall asleep because he was thinking about the incident with his family and what Ray said. He wasn't sure if he should tell Ray about it, but his planning on doing it anyways, also panicking of what Ray would think and doubting himself at the same time. While he was scared of telling Ray and sad about the incident. Kai could not stop himself from tearing up. He had tried his best for the past few weeks and days, but couldn't stop himself now since he got overwhelmed and overthought things so his emotions took over. He cried himself to sleep.
~With Ray~
He thought to himself for a while about how much Kai has been trough he must have had a difficult past. Anyways I'm going to find that out tomorrow maybe it is the cause for him being spaced out. After thinking about stuff he went to sleep
~The next day~
Kai wore a mask and sunglasses to school to hide half of his face and eyes because of his swollen eyes. He avoided Ray and everyone else for the rest of the school day.
~Later at Kai's place~
Kai was trying to pull himself together and stay strong. After a few minutes Kai was somewhat okay again, but still a little freaked out, then suddenly there was a knock at the door. Kai opened the door (It was Ray). He let him inside and they went to the living room