Chereads / Crimson Rebellion / Chapter 127 - Turn Back The Pendulum Part 01

Chapter 127 - Turn Back The Pendulum Part 01

An expanse devoid of color, an endless plane of emptiness depicted by a white canvas; that was what displayed itself before the eyes of the Great Beholder. It was an infinite expanse symbolizing the notion of creation and a home to endless stories to tell. The great white page housing all stories rippled with each step taken by its creator. Adorned in a black kimono with a red leather jacket overtop, the beauty known as Kimiko Hanate silently strolled across the domain outside of all names as her long, dark brown hair flowed seamlessly behind her while the crisp, blue hues of her Mystic Eyes were fixed ahead.

Her advance halted before a mysterious entity taking the shape of a tree whose roots were buried deep into the surface of the canvas. Its height stretched upward as well yet the branches were devoid of all leaves, giving its presence an exotic, symbolic aura. The Supreme One reached ahead and touched the trunk of the tree to understand its texture. Instantly, a fragment of her energy flowed into her palm and the construct causing it to uproot itself from the foundational blank page below. Its roots spread apart and morphed into the shape of a giant wooden archway containing a celestial portal. Compelled by the invitation, Kimiko passed through the threshold.

A realm of indescribable structures came within the vision of the Goddess-Above-All as she emerged onto the other side of the portal. Moving blocks of concrete and steel-like objects decorated the domain above, changing forms with each passing footstep that Kimiko took. It was an ever-changing spiral chasm of abstract art that seemed to continue without end while looping into its own cycle of creation and destruction. Nevertheless, the woman continued.

Eventually, she found an area in which a cluster of organic shapes and spherical objects bounced around and molded together like clumps of lava or some form of plasma. Unlike the domain surrounding her, these myriad clusters of forms gathered together in a singular corner of this bizarre expanse as they continuously morphed and rewrote the very foundations of their existence. Feeling compelled to put an end to this anomaly, the woman merely snapped her fingers which instantaneously shifted the atmosphere in the domain.

The totality of the room transformed itself into a proper chamber. At once, Kimiko found herself standing in the midst of what now appeared like a sacred temple; a wide open wooden expanse with piles of holy ornaments and priceless treasures stacked about along the walls. What drew the inquisitive eye of the Goddess-Above-All was a colossal mural that was painted with a rhythmic flow as if it was compiling true reflections of events long forgotten.

At the top of the mural were two distinctive irises of differing colors: the majestic blue eye of Akasha and the volcanic crimson-violet eye of Rakshasa. Beneath the pair of eyes were depictions of Akasha and Rakshasa in regal attire similar to festive kimonos, the former in white and blue while the latter wore black and red. From there, Kimiko's eye traversed its way to a gigantic dragon-like entity adorned in a culmination of hues transcendental of perception. The mystic beast was positioned beneath the two Supreme Ones as its wings were spread from one side of the mural to the other as if sheltering everything that was below it.

Splintering off from this mysterious Great Dragon were two distinctive figures. The first was an elongated form of the exotic Crimson Dragon of great renown whose power and ferocity had begun to manifest in the current reality. Beside the mighty beast was an anonymous white-haired maiden with flowery scarlet eyes that attended to the creature dutifully. Beneath their depiction were other creatures: the Obsidian Wolf, the White Tiger, the Sapphire Phoenix, the Emerald Eagle, the Magenta Wyvern, and the Violet Butterfly.

About the midpoint of the mural following the manifestation of the mystical beasts came the hand of the Goddess-Above-All reaching out and creating the white page of all stories. As the birth of reality, space, time, and all other dimensional constructs and definitive concepts took form, the beloved burst of creation was cut to a scene of a gut-wrenching tragedy. Akasha was seen in dismay as she held onto a male figure adorned in crimson with black angel wings; the name of the being written above his person was merely stated as "Satanael". His blood poured from his corpse bathing the Archaeus in crimson. In front of them stood Rakshasa with three figures in attendance with her. The first was Perdition who was depicted with a smile at his mother's work. Beside him was a giant of fire and brimstone encased in hulking armor of hatred–the gladiator titan, Tartarus. Last but not least was Pariah, who was depicted with conflict in a depressed gaze after witnessing Satanael's cruel fate.

Next came the visage of the Aspects of Akasha, in particular, the events that shaped the current generation in service to the Goddess-Above-All. A long-haired male whose visage was similar to Akaro known by many as Cain was seen killing his brother Abel; the first instance of murder recorded in human history. This inevitably led to the departure of the Primordial Woman known as Eva which would eventually give life to the rise of Akatsuki. The Crimson Dragon loomed over her visage.

Next was the depiction of a masked samurai whose journey was one veiled by time. All that was noted down was a revolution that took place in a foreign kingdom of another age where few stood against many, and rebels sought to bring freedom to a populace ruled by tyranny. Over this individual loomed the gaze of the White Tiger.

Then came another image of a girl in priestly garb held in the arms of a boy spurred by sorrow and a desire for vengeance. The image then transitioned into her body being burned on a funeral pyre before she could be seen rising from her death in the afterlife with a gun in hand as the Obsidian Wolf walked by her side; this was the story of Assana.

After her was a long-haired girl traversing along a solitary path leaving a trail of fallen foes in her wake. She was burdened by something unbeknownst to many as she continuously fought and clawed her way through every obstacle to obtain strength and break free of the ties to her past. As the Phoenix loomed over her, the sheer willpower emanated by the girl caused the beast to evolve into a larger, fiercer beast—the Sapphire Griffin.

Lastly, a veiled feminine figure was depicted crawling along the floor with a faded book in hand as a purple butterfly touched her shoulder. This left the remaining sacred beasts with no depiction of any Aspects to their tale. As the story of the Aspects ceased, a new break in the mural created a top-down reading structure of four particular sections forming panels that created a timeline of sorts.

The first image was labeled as the 'Pathfinders'. In its framework were the various wars waged during the Age of Gods. From the first conflicts involving the early years of The Architect to the rampage of the God Eater; the Arcana War and the battles of Ragnarok involving the deities of many different faiths and their dark counterparts and spawns of Inferno. The bloody routes of Armageddon were on full display; but amidst the battlefields were the images of two prominent heroes: the first was the woman titled the 'Sword of Akasha', Morana–also known as Reina Arashi. The second was the man who became the King of the Gods and was famously known as the God Hunter, Alexander Mercer.

The second image was labeled 'Trailblazers'. In this visualization, there was the Red-Eyed Hero whose earliest days were spent toiling away in the lonely streets of the city until a certain sword came into his possession. It was then that he would strive to become an instrumental figure in overthrowing an empire which would eventually pave his way to becoming a symbol of peace through many battles. From civil war to battles across different worlds and eras in history; even fighting alongside the God Hunter himself…the story of Akaro was a grand tale that withstood the test of time as it passed along a narrative of heroism and virtue.

The third image was labeled 'Stargazers'. In this depiction, the story of the Godsbane was illustrated. From his inception as an assassin to the day he became more than he ever imagined, the visage of Raizo holding onto the sealed scroll called the Golden Sonata with his many allies looming over him like stars in the night sky was seen. Behind him was a red-headed female often nicknamed Benihime, Adena Zao-Long. She was one of his greatest anchors of support instilling him with the drive to keep going. In addition, the girl was notably carrying the other Stormbringer, Vesta, over her shoulder.

Lastly, there was a final image concealed by red fabric. Its veiled depiction meant that it was of events to come. All that was manifested before the Goddess' eyes was a singular title: Scions.

Having received her fill of observation, Kimiko turned away from the mural, thus dismissing the structure. In response, the mural broke down into tiny blocks and folded inward over itself before disappearing from sight. As Akasha walked away, another figure appeared from the shadows.

"Welcome to the Oldest House, Great All-Mother," a feminine voice called out to the divine woman. As Akasha turned on her heel, she saw a young girl with short brown hair and yellow eyes decorated in a midnight-colored gown with a yin-yang symbol adorned around her neck. Atop her head stood a matching top hat with four golden disks on the surface.

"Statera, my beautiful daughter, I am pleased to see you are doing well for yourself. I see you are diligently performing your duties," Kimiko smiled joyously whilst opening her arms. The young girl approached the welcoming divinity thus allowing the parent and child to embrace lovingly.

"Being the Hyper-Archetype of Balance within the Archaeus and this house can be quite lonesome, but I make the most of it and do what I must at all times," Statera responded as they separated.

"I know, but there is no one else better suited for this role. You have a higher understanding that makes you simply perfect for it."

"Well… yeah, I mean I am your kid after all," the girl cheekily remarked.

"You definitely caught the smug side from me," The Goddess-Above-All politely nudged.

The two began walking side-by-side down the hallway as the architectural structure of the complex shifted in kind. The walls around them evolved into widespread, high-vaulted ceilings decorated with numerous murals and portraits depicting various stories recorded throughout the Archaeus from its blank pages. The halls stretched into elongated archways with patterned wallpaper leading the sides while innumerable lanterns stretched as far as the eyes could see thus illuminating their path.

"You seem pleased about something," Kimi remarked, noting the smile on her daughter's face had already perceived the cause.

"Indeed. I got a chance to speak with Mother. You should have seen the look she gave me. There was so much genuine joy and happiness in her eyes that she was unable to hold back her tears," Statera explained.

"Yes. She never really knew about you after you were taken from her arms. Because of the role I tasked her with, she was unable to see you grow up and live your life in Final Heaven. There was so much going on during those times."

"War was a constant thing during the Age of Gods. We all had our parts to play…even now. Nevertheless, I never thought ill of her. I never blamed her for not being in my life. I knew in my heart that I would see her again when the time was right. As much as I wanted to reach out sooner… to save her from her imprisonment in Purgatory… I held back."

"That you did, and I could not be any prouder of you for your self-restraint. We will be a family again soon enough."

"Yes, it would be nice to have my Mother and…hmm, you know. Come to think of it, how should I address you? Saying 'Mother' and 'Mother' would be redundant. I could say Mother Reina and Mother Akasha, but that sounds like some weird religious title thing. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and call you Father."

"Do we have to turn this into a weird parallel of the Pendragon Family? It's not like I was enchanted with a rod for a quick shot you know."

"Whoa…too much information."

"Oh please, I'm sure you have seen much worse."

"Well…I try not to look at what goes on in the Ryu-jin Kingdom during mating season… that is… something else."

"It's in my Records, I already know."

Statera then nudged Kimiko on the shoulder, "Jeez…really? Maybe I should just call you Pervy Momma then."

"Call me whatever you wish. However, Father is out of the question."

"Heh, yeah because we both know a certain little tsun would get extremely confused if it was otherwise."

"Goodness, the smugness in you is real… I could never deny the fact that you are my daughter," the Goddess sighed.

"Anyway, I'll just go with whatever feels natural then," the Balance Keeper shrugged playfully.

As the two continued onward, the hallway seemed to stretch like they were walking through the long corridor of a luxury hotel. With each door passed, the thresholds had various images and unknown symbols etched onto the surface thus solidifying their roles as pathways to unknowable realms. They perused casually in silence for a few paces until the ever inquisitive daughter broached a new subject.

"Allow me to inquire something of you, Mom…will you aid the crew aboard The Last Word? The Abyss Order is a group unlike anything any one of them has ever faced before. They are unified, focused, and equally destructive in their ways. They far outclass any threat that has come before," Statera observed.

"A story development like that can't be rushed out the door," Kimiko responded vaguely, her calm demeanor never wavered over her words.

"Cryptic response… alright then, I'll bite. How come you have returned to the Oldest House then?"

Kimiko's face went from a focused gaze into a relaxed, peaceful expression unlike any she normally showed before.

"I have come to retrieve something that belongs to an old friend."

As soon as the women continued ahead, one of the doors they passed not even two paces ago slammed open. A strong gust of wind burst out from its embrace. An intense howling noise echoed through the corridors which drew the ire of the mother-daughter combo. As they stood before the threshold, the eerie sense of something crawling and craving their attention reached them. They cautiously approached and saw something slithering around just within the embrace of the doorway.

A flash of light billowed from within revealing a dark, twisting mass of tendrils wriggling about inside the space coiling into a colossal mass of meat and teeth. Along its slimy surface and deformed skin were slits of hungry maws filled with countless rows of razor-sharp teeth itching to devour anything that drew close to it. Its innumerable mouths opened along the elongated tentacles as piles of miasma and acid leaked from its embrace, thus burning away the air around it. Poisonous gasses erupted from within, mixing an air of toxicity with the stench of death and decay.

As it opened its various maws, it was as if the jaws were forming various, twisted smiles while its hissing turned into screeches that would shatter the fragile mind. Its writhing, tormentous shrieks possessed the means to warp one's perception of their identity. Its aura generated a current of strength that far outclassed the Guardian of the Abyss at his maximum power within Cocytus. In fact, the Old One's inducement of fear was naught more than a child's figment of imagination compared to the very essence of this creature's existence.

Powerful was just an elementary term to describe the threat this beast posed. To say it would give Team AKARA a challenge was an understatement. It was as if the very worst of Legion's destructive impulses manifested and evolved over and over again across the pages of the Golden Ark whilst being birthed by the concept of History's Evil trapped by Pandora's Box. It was a being that transcended the Astral Plane and the realm of dreams, an existence that was indescribable by any given text recorded throughout the annals of human history.

"Fiyahbolto!" chanted the nonchalant mystic known as Statera before she simply lifted her hand and unleashed a ball of obsidian flames. The handful of pyroclastic energy immediately grasped the beast's flesh and instantaneously stretched within its domain to encompass its entire body.

Its writhing in agony and warped aspect of suffering caused the room to quake from within. Then, the beast began to fragment and break down as reality collapsed around it. Eventually, it was as if a black hole of conflagration spiraled uncontrollably within thereby sucking the beast up along with the doorway that contained it. As a result, the very notion of the domain was unmade and erased from the hallway as if it never existed in the first place.

"Was that a serious chant just now?" the Goddess-Above-All questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"About as serious as that threat was to us," the guardian shrugged.

"So you were taking out the trash then?"

"Or ordering some barbecue, I mean the jokes just write themselves here."

The mother and daughter duo shared a brief spat of laughter before continuing on their path. Eventually, the pair reached a doorway that had a radioactive hazard symbol engraved on the front of it. Upon inspection, Statera discovered the reason why her mother came into this realm.

"I should have known that you would want to retrieve his Idem Arma after all that happened. You were even taking your time reminiscing over the Mural of Truths. No matter what, your heart remains true," the daughter mused as her mother pressed her palm onto the door enabling the pair to venture inside.

A domain of overpowering crimson awaited within. Across the empty void of red was a reversed, black pyramid looming over a lonesome katana with a golden blade of light stabbed into the blood-colored reality. The cloud of red was not just the color of this expanse or merely the perceived shade received by the information processed by the retinas of the eye; it was an actual entity, a formless abomination known simply as the Hiss. This was the first time its malice was invigorated for all to witness but was something that made its debut by affecting the consciousness of the Crusader when he ventured into the True Void above the Tower of Heroes. It was a mass of incorporeal eldritch horrors escaping all conceptions of story and all existence. Like history destined to repeat, it went for the daring move of attacking the two goddesses.

"YOU ARE A WORM THROUGH TIME!" howled the formless Hiss as it attempted to invade the minds of the divinities before it; the domain pulsating into deeper shades of ruby as it did.

"Having performance issues? How utterly anticlimactic," Statera sighed with disappointment as the effects of the assault did nothing to the girl or her mother. She once more reached out with her hand and flared up a strange black flame that caused the formless crimson to break away.

"REEEEEEEE!!!!" the entity shrieked in excruciating pain.

"Oh come now, surely you cannot be scared of a little fire?" taunted the Keeper of Balance. With her other hand, she whipped up a new flame basked in a shade of white.

"Now riddle me this: In my right hand, I hold a black flame that represents the chaotic, pure potential of the unactualized creation that existed prior to the touch of the Supreme One against the canvas. In my left hand, I hold a white flame that represents the finished act after such an event occurred–completion itself. What do you suppose would happen if I bring both together?"

"EiD oUy tBciH!" The Hiss continued to spout unintelligible words.

Annoyed with its tantrum, the daughter of Akasha proceeded to unleash the combination of black and white flames upon the realm. In a brilliant twist of light, The Hiss was devoured by breakdown phenomena that degenerated its identity, reducing it to a state untouched by the All-Mother whilst simultaneously forcing it to a point of completion. It was an infinite loop that caused the formless red light to be and not to be, simultaneously; made and unmade via the whim of Statera.

"Maybe I should strike a pose or something," the girl smugly expressed whilst recalling the wonky exaggerated poses of the characters in a manga she liked to read from time to time.

"You really are my daughter," Kimiko smiled with a soft sense of pride over Kurai's smug attitude.

The Keeper of Balance shrunk the Hiss into a red orb to a point where she could crush it with her bare hand. As a result, the domain lost its crimson luster and returned to an immaculate glow similar to the Archaeus. Now liberated from the threat of the foreign entity, the two ventured toward the black pyramid where the golden katana awaited.

"This blade has not moved from its station ever since the God-King of the Lost Future sacrificed himself to banish the Seven Aspects of Rakshasa. Entities like the Hiss were commissioned by Rakshasa to guard the blade in honor of the one mortal who earned her respect," Statera explained.

Kimiko reached the weapon and grabbed its hilt firmly before raising it above her head like a flag representing the totality of her beliefs. Immediately, the golden potency contained in its magnificence fired off like a colossal beam of light that obliterated the black pyramid above before spreading throughout the whole domain and basking it in the unrivaled luminance of true gold.

"Such a mighty light show for just the mask hiding its true beauty underneath," commented the Goddess-Above-All.

"So you mean to tell me…that fireworks display was just the sheath?" Statera inquired.

"Yes, the blade was never released from its cage even when the God-King laid claim to it."

As the light faded away, the true blade of the katana was unveiled to be a mixture of black metal mixed with a flowing red river of energy embodying its eternal connection to the Ryu-jin Lifeblood. Its essence is unmatched, the flowing red of its blade was the crystallization of integrity itself, the source of heroism from which the indomitable heart that awakens the human spirit and the ferocity of all dragons is made tangible. Whereas the Golden Sonata and Soteria are the eternal eulogies to the liberated wolf that conquered bitter destiny and forged his own fate—the Dragon Sword was the ode to the Forger Of True Manhood And Virtue that always brings together and elevates the world around himself. An apt description for its splendor would be to call it the Source of All Heroes.

"It truly is a work of art…" the daughter of Akasha remarked, however, the marveling over its beauty was soon interrupted.

The purified expanse that once housed the Hiss and the Black Pyramid showed cracks in the fabric of the blank page surrounding the goddesses. In reaction to the Hiss being removed and the resting place of the Idem Arma being disturbed, a failsafe security measure was triggered in response. The air around the women boiled as black clouds and mist poured out enveloping the area in that next instant.

Tendrils of hideous forms littered by eyes and twisted mouths began to spawn. Giant winged, avian beasts whose skeletal frames were decorated in pulsing, grotesque forms of muscular tissue and eyeless skulls circled the air like an insect swarm. Other disgusting creatures that limped around walking across the empty domain followed suit. They were humanoid creatures whose bodies were seemingly bisected down the middle with giant maws of teeth opening up to reveal deformed eyeballs and disjointed limbs waving about from within. This horde of horrors spread out across the blank canvas faster than a highly contagious plague infecting mankind. The sheer visage unfolding before then was a nightmare that'd scar even the strongest mind. In fact, Cthulhu's terrors could be considered dreams of bliss in comparison.

"Quite the elaborate security force going on here, guess it's time for another magic show," Statera sighed whilst cracking her knuckles with a smile pressed upon her lips; however, her mother merely reached out a hand to stop her daughter's advance.

"I'll do it myself," Kimiko elected whilst stepping forward with intense focus in her eyes.

Amidst the chaotic display unfolding before the pair, the Goddess-Above-All inhaled a calm breath and closed her eyes. A waft of her divine aura welled up from under her feet as her power slowly flared up in the shape of a flaming red lotus. Her train of hair shifted to a deep shade of crimson reminiscent of Benihime. As she opened her eyes, her irises dyed in a shade of gold symbolizing the presence of Akasha's sacred weapon: Gungnir.

Kimiko raised her arm with the Dragon Sword in hand as if she was bestowing it to someone during a ceremony. Appearing before the Goddess was the imposing stature of the greatest hero, an ethereal incarnation of the great God-King himself clad in Draconian Gold armor. He took the blade from Kimiko's possession and yielded a silent nod. With a swift turn on his heel, he maintained a firm grip on the Idem Arma and swung the blade in tandem with his motion.

A rift of pure crimson energy cut through the domain as three other presences joined the battle. The first was the famous assassin and goddess of death sporting a black plated battle dress reminiscent of her classic, iconic uniform supported by black and red steel gauntlets, a crown with a pair of crimson horns, and black angel wings sprouting from her back. The second was a shapely woman dressed in black and gold robes with matching plates of armor, a cloak of vermillion flames wafting from her back mingling with her long train of red hair and cobalt blue eyes.

Finally, there was a man in black and silver armor with red accents reminiscent of the original armor design when he was lost in the multiverse; his glittering red eyes, iconic black hair with strands of white, and an aura comprised of crimson and indigo bolts of lighting spiraled around him. Now beside the Goddess, the vestiges of Akaro, Akame, Adena, and Raizo stood with Kimiko thereby reuniting the original lineup of the Legendary Team AKARA.

The five legends of yore stood in the face of the Eldritch Horrors battle, hardened and ready for combat. The sheer culmination of their auras was enough to dramatically halt the advent of the terrifying atmosphere generated by the beasts.

The God-King, Akaro, was the first to make his assault as he channeled a small portion of his energy into the Dragon Sword of legend and swung the blade down in a crescent arc. A waft of crimson energy reminiscent of the Lifeblood's flowing red ocean bisected the oncoming onslaught of creatures thus dividing their forces in half. From there, Adena took the left flank and Akame took the right.

The strident blazing advent of Benihime consumed the darkness in a blinding immersion of flaming brilliance. She grasped a colossal broadsword that seemingly pulsated with the breath of fire and held it at the ready. Pointing the weapon forward, her body seemingly morphed into a giant, winged beast that soared forward in light. In her wake, the mighty inferno consumed the abstract creatures instantly thereby destroying their identities and reducing them to something so insignificant that no word or ideation can now express their worth.

On the opposite side of the battlefield, Akame transformed into a raven of black lightning that nosedived into the arrangement of beasts. As her wings flapped in the wind, the horde was caught in an updraft of black electricity that disintegrated their husks to be banished from the domain, nay all of existence given the total destruction of every facet of their Identity.

Identity in this case refers to all facets of one's worth. The Body, mind, Soul, existence and nonexistence, their concept, their place in the narrative as envisioned by Akasha, all ideations related to them as well as any lingering philosophical extensions of their "self". The vestiges of team AKARA were more than capable of erasing such entities of untold potential with the utmost ease, and as Akame and Adena traversed the battlefield on their respective sides before crossing over together towards the frontline the hordes couldn't help but be instilled with terror.

Even though the ranks were cleared along the left and the right, the makeshift security force was far from over. Another wave seeped out to replace what was lost in a vain attempt to bolster the numbers. However, that replenishment would not last very long.

Akaro and Raizo took up arms and stood back to back honing their energy together at the same time. With their hands coming together as jaws, the duo released giant chasms of crimson thunder at the same time setting up the combination art of Unyielding Finale. They dragged the beam of energy across the landscape leaving clouds of explosive force in their wake. The annihilation of their foes was guaranteed.

The hordes were wavering, but they were not relenting in the fight as the eldritch horrors continued to spawn. Kimiko's eyes flared with a subtle glow as her gaze seemingly encroached upon the endless spawn of terrors. As they spread out like the evening tide, their movements were halted by an unknown force. The creatures screeched in a unison of audible confusion as a result of this awkward phenomenon. The collective frustration of the abstract spawns was like a predator unable to catch its prey as the mark stood before them helplessly.

Much to their dismay, the Goddess captured each and every single creature underneath the weight of her authority of vectors. Therefore, they were forced to gather according to her will at a singular point in a giant orb of flesh and darkness.

"Vega…" she uttered, invoking her Art of Wind: Gale of Descending Demise. In response, she waved her hands through the air like a conductor before an orchestra. The "air" in the domain peeled away like shards of glass before a torrent of invisible blades fell upon the concentrated mass.

From there, the other members of Team AKARA poured in with one move after another. Akaro unleashed his famous Crimson Dragon Flash while Adena released her Pyroclasm technique. Akame followed suit by channeling the lethal curse within Murasame and releasing it in one fell swoop in the form of the Poisonous Wave technique and Raizo finished it off with Kieru-sen. Even paratextual entities such as these beings could not withstand the rainbow-like blast of combined might that obliterated them.

Writhing cries of agony and frustration poured out throughout the realm. The culmination of eldritch beasts was furious yet unrelenting. They were compelled to keep going, to protect that which cannot be removed; however, their terror was nothing compared to the strength of the vestiges of Team AKARA.

"Time to end this…" Kimiko uttered as she spread her arms wide open. The ethereal incarnations of Akaro, Akame, Adena, and Raizo came to her call instantaneously. In that following instant, the legendary team of five came together in a hybrid of crimson, amethyst, and black energy. When the swirling phenomenon ended, a singular figure emerged. An entity draped in crimson robes with black angel wings—the same entity that faced off against Sakinah Vashti whose glorious appearance was dubbed as 'Ties of the Storm'.

The fused figure of Team AKARA grasped the Dragon Sword Akaro as their combined force was poured into the blade. The figure held the weapon high above its head as the Eldritch beasts attempted to make one final assault. As a spiraling chasm of rainbow emanated from the glorious Idem Arma, a dome of purifying light was emitted by the divine hybrid thereby cleaning the entirety of the domain at once.

After the briefest moment of respite in the battle—the presence of the horrors contained in this realm was cleansed. Team AKARA then separated into their distinctive forms with the Dragon Sword Akaro resting in Kimiko's grasp.

"Later sis," Adena remarked with a smile before fading away.

"The path is now clear, march ever onward Kimiko," Akame stated before also vanishing into sparks of crimson.

"Make sure you get that sword where it needs to be, yeah?" Akaro playfully nodded before it was his time to fade away.

Alas, Raizo, the same man who fell in the Lost Future created by Rakshasa or at least a vestige of who he was before the Chaos King took over, stood in silence as he faded away.

"Onee-sama… tell him that the future he saw back then is not the only path. Shield him from doubt and show him that the true path lies ahead. After alI… Who the hell does he think we are? It doesn't matter who stands in our way or what came before… AKARA will never fall," the Stormbringer of a Lost Future relinquished a faint smile before disappearing. The Goddess-Above-All yielded a satisfied smile upon her gentle features in response.

With the battle coming to an end, Kimiko and Statera exited the domain and were back in the hallways of the Oldest House. Kimi's appearance reverted to its state before the battle began as she held the blade firmly looking at it with a sense of joy in her heart.

"That…was…" the Keeper gasped, still processing what she witnessed within the domain.

"This is just the beginning. That feeling that you have in your heart right now is what this sword represents. The ultimate crystallization of the true Hero-King and all that he inspired… hope in its truest and purest of sense and so much more," The Goddess explained.

"Now then, as much as I have enjoyed our time together, I must continue with my task."

"Yes All-Mother, I understand. Even though it was brief, I am truly glad to have shared this time with you," Statera nodded, albeit a bittersweet feeling swirled in her chest.

The mother and daughter embraced one another for a lasting moment before parting ways. The Keeper continued with her solitary watch as the Goddess-Above-All made her way towards the next destination in the establishment. As she journeyed through the halls once more, she came upon another door. With no hesitation, she opened it and stepped inside the threshold.

An elongated space opened up revealing a widespread area that was about 50 feet by 50 feet in size. The flooring consisted of tightly packed and reinforced rush grass packed overtop of pure cotton giving it a soft yet firm foundation. The plain white walls were segmented by wooden beams spaced approximately 10 feet apart on each side. Between these beams hung portraits depicting the artistic vision of the Aspectral Beasts. At the head of the room sat a rack full of weapons in a variety of shapes and sizes, some of which were wooden intent to be used for practice while others were forged with steel. Above that display hung a banner written in eastern letters reading: Honor, Discipline, Strength.

The All-Mother gently traversed the length of the dojo and came upon a singular figure sitting in a meditative stance. The individual in question was a slender and well-endowed woman with dark skin. Her long black hair waved behind her back in an endless flow as she was currently wearing a white and black karate gi that perfectly balanced the appeal of her mature beauty with the fitness of a trained warrior. Sensing the Goddess-Above-All standing before her, the female opened her eyes revealing their crimson luster brimming with strength and pride.

"Great One, always an honor to be in your presence. Is there something wrong that warrants such a surprise vi-..." the female was about to ask until she looked down and noticed the Dragon Sword Akaro in Kimiko's hand.

"Akatsuki, by your expression, I trust you already possess an inkling as to why I have come with this weapon in hand?" the Goddess-Above-All inquired.

"To an extent I do… but perhaps an exact explanation is in order?"

"Be at ease, my Aspect of the Crimson Dragon. The time has come. The crisis to unfold warrants a great awakening beginning with your son. You must deliver this blade to Akaro. The truth must be unveiled to them," Kimiko explained whilst revealing the blade to the woman.

Akatsuki sighed and stood up with a smirk on her face as she reached out for it, "Well hot damn, I didn't think I'd get to reunite with my little twerp so soon. Guess it's time to get ready to school the kiddos then?"

Despite being before the Goddess-Above-All and a pillar of discipline, Akatsuki possessed a very relaxed attitude especially when she's told to "be at ease" by none other than the All-Mother herself. With the presence of the great divinity circulating throughout the entirety of the dojo, a door located off to the side of the head mantle slid open as two more figures sauntered into the room.

The first was a tall, imposing female with a rugged edge about her. She wore a black, tattered trench coat-length gakuran with a tall collar covering a series of white bandages that wrapped around her bodacious chest that cut off just above the mid-riff of her stomach. She cared not about her stomach being exposed as she proudly displayed her rock, solid abs that were chiseled from countless hours of training. A matching pair of slim-fitting black trousers covered her legs as she wore tengu-like, tan clogs over her feet. A matching black hat with a golden emblem displaying the head of an eagle etched onto a badge pinned to the surface was cocked to the side while her train of wild black hair trailed behind her. Despite her rather soft feminine face, her red eyes carried a fiery intensity that would shake any onlookers to their core.

The second female was a considerably shorter female standing only up to about the bust line of her companion. She had aqua blue eyes, and pixie cut short, dark blue hair. She wore a sleeveless dark blue shirt and matching mid-thigh length skirt, paired with thigh-high, steel-toed, midnight blue boots and matching gloves. Her shoulders had a variety of tattoos, but the most prominent was the symbol of a black wolf on her left shoulder. Despite her slender, yet muscular build, the girl maintained a much softer and kinder demeanor on her face.

"Big Boss, what's going on? Who do you need me to eliminate?" the giant, muscular female asked whilst cracking her knuckles as she approached.

"I believe what she means is, it's a pleasure to see you here Akasha-sama," the blue-haired female remarked with a delighted smile.

"Marayah, Assana, good to see you both," Kimiko acknowledged with a pleased expression.

"Lady Akasha here was just telling me of a new job we gotta handle," Akatsuki noted as she pointed to the Dragon Sword Akaro in Kimiko's grasp.

"I see…so it's getting serious now," Marayah observed.

"It was just a matter of time…well, considering the way the celestial energies are churning lately," Assana pondered.

"Oi, oi, no need to get all broody and junk Aria-chan, Sana-chan. It'll just be a big ol' family reunion," Akatsuki playfully winked at the girls.

"Yeah, that means you can bond with your little sister at least!" Assana clapped her hands together whilst looking at Aria.

"Tch, that weakling? As if. She's still got a long way to go before she even thinks of standing toe-to-toe with me. And besides, don't use my sister as a pretense. You know you just want to see your little love interest again," Marayah shot back in reference to the nun's relationship status.

"Oh yeah, you did take off a while ago. So you went to see Raizo-kun, eh?" Akatsuki said as she placed a hand on her chin.

"W-Well… there's not like a rule or anything that prevents us from seeing someone…" Assana expressed as a slight shade of red dyed her cheeks.

"Oya? You did come back with a pleased expression on your face if I recall correctly~"

"A-Akatsuki-sama, please stop!"

"Oh, now she wants to play the part of the holy maiden. So…did he grab that ridiculously meaty ass of yours or did he straight up slap it around good?" Aria raised an eyebrow choosing to tease as well.

"Excuse me? Since when did that muscle brain of yours decide to take interest in any matter that remotely involves the opposite sex? Let alone mine?" Assana mused with her hands on her hips.

The tall powerhouse felt her eyebrow twitch from the subtle insult.

"Oh? I actually decided to give a damn about your frivolous triflings for five seconds and you want to mouth off at me like that?"

"Yeah… you're damn right. Are you just jealous because someone is interested in a body like mine and not a pile of stacked stone like yours?"

"Okay, you little shit… you are asking for it now," said Aria with audible tension building up in her body as she cracked her knuckles. A boiling aura of volcanic orange energy circulated her body causing the ground to shake underneath her.

"Bring it on you big oaf. I've got a bullet with your name on it," Assana shot back as a bright cerulean shade of energy wafted around her in response.

"Oh boy…here we go with these two. Forgive them, Akasha-sama. Maybe a quick sparring match will allow them to settle their little feud if that's okay?" Akatsuki subtly pleaded on her subordinates' behalf.

"It won't take long so I'll allow it," Kimiko politely shrugged.

"Welp, guess it's time for a little extra hospitality for the coming show," Akatsuki shrugged while snapping her fingers. Instantly, a small circular red table popped up with a golden teapot and matching cups oriented neatly atop its surface. The legendary swordsmith sat down while pouring tea into the two cups.

Assana and Marayah stood face to face with a gap of maybe 10 feet between them. Both of their auras leaked from their bodies indicative of the frustration they were feeling towards one another. It was rather commonplace for them to squabble like this, they were completely opposite personality-wise. The former was the ever-dutiful, kind-hearted, gentle maiden who seldom showed a side of seriousness or anger unless provoked to do so. The latter was an abrasive, rash, and often harsh-toned, cold individual whose reasoning was best left to her fists; her kindness was rare. They shared little in common outside of their devotion to Akasha and commitment to their roles as Aspects. Any other time, the slightest provocation could get both to fight.

"Alright you two, keep it clean… strictly combative prowess; no over-the-top moves and obviously, no use of either of your Laws. Try not to take too long either, or else I'm dropping you both," Akatsuki directed with a sip of her tea. The woman snapped her fingers signaling the match to begin.

Marayah was the first to take initiative by rushing her opponent immediately. The martial artist knew that allowing any form of distance between her and the gunsmith would invite disaster. Therefore, she planned to overwhelm her opponent with brute force that would keep her on her toes and unable to summon any of her guns at any given point.

The Marshal of Power threw her first, seemingly splitting the air in half as a visceral howl reverberated from its trajectory. It was a harrowing feeling of death that followed suit, something that any individual would feel when faced with such overwhelming strength. Unparalleled, eclipsing any possible notion of power, such was the singular strike honed on Assana's position, yet the female figured this would occur.

The Priestess of Gunpowder felt her instincts kick in knowing that this would be the approach that Aria would take. It was a valid strategy for anyone familiar with the girl's powers and arsenal, but that's what made her predictable. It was an unconscious hypothesis that the blue-haired Aspect formulated just before the fight began. She did not want to count on it because she respected the Sentinel's way of the fist; however, Assana was able to formulate a proper counterattack.

Assana timed her evasion perfectly as she felt a swift gust of wind pass her by with the mighty blow. Marayah knew it was too optimistic to believe she would finish their match in one strike, yet she tested it anyway to gauge her opponent's reflexes. They were polar opposites of one another, yet just as tactical in their approaches to combat. Without a second to waste, the melee unfolded instantaneously.

Marayah threw a wild barrage of punches and kicks, a series of blows that betrayed the impression yielded by her size. The wild foray of strikes never lacked in any source of intensity as they were channeled directly at her foe. Nevertheless, Assana's smaller build and lower center of gravity allowed her the advantage of superior agility which permitted her the freedom to dodge at will. It was the ultimate display of speed vs power in this tiny skirmish. Nevertheless, Marayah clearly had the advantage as she forced her opponent to play defense.

To get some form of separation, Assana charged up some of her energy into the palm of her hand and waited for a small window of opportunity. The Gunsmith patiently waited for the precise moment as she quietly studied Aria's movements. Although her opponent was a master martial artist whose skill was unmatched, she had a distinctive pattern. After a series of rapid-fire punches making it appear like hundreds of fists spawned at once, Assana knew that the muscular woman would follow with a flood of kicks.

Aria gave into just that as she proceeded to unleash a devastating whirlwind of kicks by spinning in the air with a wide arc sweeping motion, leading into one kick after the other. Sana would not be able to simply maneuver her way in the same evasive pattern she was following before due to the sheer pressure exuded by the mighty kicks. It was like someone rained down a plethora of meteors upon a singular point with enough force to turn the air into swiss cheese; nevertheless, this was the moment that the priestess was searching for.

Sana slid back and turned her torso to the side whilst charging up her energy to a significant point. At that moment she punched the air forward towards Aria's location as a storm of azure bullets was released. The bulletstorm of aural projectiles forced the pillar of martial prowess to grit her teeth and cross her arms over her face in order to protect herself. The velocity of the spirit needles and pressure suspended the woman in the air for a brief moment before causing a bit of separation between the two.

"Tch", Marayah gritted her teeth in annoyance from the persistent attack. However, it was not the attack that she was mad about; it was the fact that she knew what Assana managed to do.

"Hati and Skoll!" the girl called out whilst summoning her signature pistols. She had a tiny window of opportunity to use her guns before her opponent fully recovered; it was something she was not trying to waste. The Wolf of the Moon and Wolf of the Sun were charged with aural bullets in greater potency than the 'Spirit Gun' move as two large orbs of light managed to appear. Taking aim, Sana pulled the triggers and discharged the concentrated energy balls at the woman.

"World Shaking!" Aria cried out whilst summoning a large amount of burning energy to her fist; the spherical energy took the shape of the sun. Getting the timing just right, Marayah brought the orb right as Assana's attack made contact which shook the dojo violently. As the light faded, Aria charged once again toward Sana.

"Fenrir!" Assana called out which allocated her magnums to disperse from her hands and large metal, wolf head-shaped gauntlets to appear over her hands with flames carved around them.

It was here that the fist fight broke out. The thunderous echoes of the hand-to-hand combat broke all ideations. Their motions were indecipherably complex to the point where no amount of imagery in the human language, across all narratives, could account for it; the only possible observation of this bout was the fact that the Oldest House quaked from their clash. The only ones able to observe the phenomenon were the two women enjoying tea on the sidelines.

"So Akatsuki, with someone so capable of elegance, when are you going to drop the crazy old lady habit? Aren't you out of that phase?" Kimiko asked whilst sipping upon the hot beverage.

"With all due respect, Akasha-sama, are ya tellin' me to start acting my age? Where's the fun in that? I like playing around with the kids and teasing them. Honestly, it keeps them on their toes…especially since they know their energy can't compare to mine!" Akatsuki chuckled heartily before going to sip on the tea. Just as she went in for a good taste, the violent quaking caused a few drops of tea to prematurely splash against her lips causing a slight burn.

"Tch…dammit…the first good sip after blowing over tea sets the tone. Man…these two are messing up the vibe right now," the Mother of Humanity sighed.

"Well, you allowed this to go on for this long. You know what to do," the Goddess-Above-All commented.

Akatsuki stretched her arms over her head from left to right, then right to left, and cracked her knuckles. She took in a deep breath through her nostrils and exhaled through her mouth. She watched her fellow Aspects for a brief moment fighting in the air then with a slight bend of the knees, the woman leaped after them.

Assana and Marayah were in the midst of exchanging blows once again. Just as their fists were about to collide, Akatsuki popped up between them. She effortlessly caught their fists by taking hold of them in the palms of her hands. Neutralizing the force behind their blows instantaneously, the girls were left stunned by the unexpected interruption.

"Akatsuki, what the hell are…"

"Akatsuki-san, why'd you stop–"

Aria and Sana protested at the same time, but the respected elder merely relinquished a dissatisfied sigh, "That's quite enough out of both of you."

Without a second's delay, she snatched both women in a simultaneous tugging motion and then threw them both towards the ground. As they were just about to hit the soft flooring, Akatsuki met them before impact and chopped both women on the backs of their necks causing them to reverse their trajectory and faceplant on the dojo's floor.

"You both need to learn when to just put an end to the petty squabbles. I swear, it's like y'all are constantly pent up. Just kiss and get over it…or something, I don't care. But stop fuckin' up the feng shui around here," Akatsuki flipped her hair away from her face showcasing the lack of effort needed to discipline the disruptive duo.

After a brief respite, both women calmed down. Assana's weapons disappeared from her possession as she and Marayah's auras returned to normal. The women were then seated before Akatsuki in a seiza position holding their heads down in embarrassment.

"Aria started it," Assana pleaded with a small pouting voice.

"EH? You're the one that hauled off with an insult first!" Marayah shot back in an equally meek tone.

"Children, stop it. Mommy is not happy with either of you right now. Do I need to hand out spankings for both of you? Because that was just a love tap before," the Mother of Humanity said whilst folding her arms over her chest.

In response, both women hurriedly shook their heads in dissent upon realizing what that discipline meant.

"Good…now then. Akasha-sama just gave me a very important mission. So you're going to behave while I'm gone right?"

"Yes ma'am", the duo answered.

"You two are gonna be under the Grand Lady herself while I'm gone so you better behave. Otherwise…well…I'm sure you don't want to know what she'll do to ya. Heh heh."

Assana and Marayah looked towards Kimiko's location as the noble goddess was sipping her tea for a second. She calmly fixed her gaze at both of them when her eyes flashed a different color and her hair flipped to a dye of red in tandem for a small instant before reverting back. Then she politely waved at the two Aspects and traced a small, innocent smile across her lips.

The two rivals felt a shiver creep down their spines causing them to tense up simultaneously before turning to face one another. Swallowing their pride in unison, the bickering females instinctively realized that the best course of action at this point was to put aside their differences and bury the hatchet. If nothing else, it would be a ceasefire before they wound up finding something else to fight over. It was a never-ending battle between these two.

"I'm sorry for my rude comment before," Assana said whilst bowing her head.

"Sorry for poking too much at you…" Marayah said in turn whilst rustling her head.

"Good, now stand up and shake hands you two," Akatsuki commanded, to which both women did albeit reluctantly.

"That's the good stuff. Alrighty then, now I suppose I should get ready to hurry along here."

As the Leader of the Aspects said that, cracks along the surface of her skin appeared. Unsure of what was going on, Sana and Aria instinctively stepped back whilst turning to Akasha for assistance. The Goddess-Above-All merely put her teacup down and rose from her station undisturbed by the sight knowing exactly what was taking place. The crimson luster poured out beneath Akatsuki's skin before her entire visage was consumed by it.

"What's going on, Akasha-sama?" Assana asked in a slightly elevated tone.

"Is this some sort of attack by the enemy all the way out here?" Marayah flexed, feeling the need to defend everyone in the room.

"No. It isn't. This is the result of her training. Every moment that Akatsuki sat in a meditative stance was time that she spent image training in her unconscious mind. All the combat scenarios she's seen, wars she fought, opponents she defeated, and the damage she suffered through affected her true self. She is always pushing herself even after the battle is done replaying every battle over and over again, picturing events happening differently across multiple scenarios and achieving victory in each and every one of them. This has allowed her to develop various unmatched skills, but resulted in the harm and aging of her vessel," Kimiko explained.

"Yeah…I did notice a few strands of white hair popping up in her hair here and there," Assana recalled.

"And the wrinkles too, but I thought I was just imagining it," Aria shrugged.

"By tapping into the Lifeblood of the Ryu-jin, she can return her body to its physical prime all the while retaining eons of mental training. It's similar to another method of training called Mugen by the Great Sovereign of Purgatory, except this is more focused on an inward self-imposed war for enlightenment," the Goddess finished.

As the light show came to an end, Akatsuki's prime self was revealed for all to see. She had a train of long black hair tied back in a ponytail that stretched down her back to her waist with chin-length bangs framing along the sides of her face. She wore a black, backless, sleeveless undershirt which was covered by an orange over-shirt with two white straps on each shoulder, a large beige sash around her waist, and black stretch pants with a pair of lightweight brown shoes.

"Whoa…" Assana and Marayah said simultaneously as they witnessed the visage of the flawless, young yet mature beauty standing before them. With a smug grin, the Mother of Humanity blinked out of their sight.

"What the…?" Sana remarked, then Akatsuki appeared behind her first.

"So Sana-chan…" she murmured in the girl's ears before groping the girl's breasts.


"Which part did Raizo-kun appreciate the most? These sizable breasts you try to keep hidden away in this shirt? Which…if I recall correctly, they are a little bigger. Or…" Akatsuki smirked whilst running her hands down and grabbing the hips of the female.

"Did he enjoy this big peach of yours? I mean…Aria-chan was right, it is a meaty ass. Like damn girl, how many squats do ya do in a day to keep it this damn round?"

"A-Akatsuki-sama…hiyaah! That's…don't touch me…like that…" the blue-haired girl tensed, squirmed, and puffed with heavy, intermittent breaths.

"Your flustered reaction is telling me everything I need to know. Good grief, how could a holy maiden like yourself go around corrupting an impressionable child like that?"

As the blue-haired gunsmith fell to her knees, Akatsuki disappeared from view before assaulting the Marshal of Strength herself.

"A…ri…a…chan~" the woman gleefully cheered before replicating the same action by grabbing the muscular female's breasts from behind.

"Ya know, ya may keep these babies wrapped tight, but I can definitely tell ya got the biggest cup size out of the whole group. Damn girl, you'd make a man really happy with these. I bet you'd make someone disappear between 'em!" exclaimed the perverted Aspect with joy.

"Ah…what…the…." stammered the martial artist not used to this sort of treatment.

"And yet these abs are rock hard but…whew, I know there might be a guy out there who would love to get a feel of these. Let's see…okay yeah there's some junk in the trunk going on here too…not as thick as Assana's but…serviceable!"


"Come on girl, when was the last time you had some fun? Wait a sec…come to think of it…Aria-chan, you're still a virgin if I recall. Alright, how about we find one to pop that muscle cherry of yours eh?"

"Akatsuki…focus," Kimiko called out whilst placing a hand over her brow and shaking her head.

Assana and Marayah were left defeated on the ground as their cheeks were dyed red from embarrassment among other feelings. As they were left to recover from their unexpected fondling, Akatsuki was finally ready to head out.

"Don't forget this," Kimiko said as she tossed the Dragon Sword Akaro to the Mother of Humanity which caused the newly rekindled female to stumble back a few steps.

"Jeez, this thing is a lot heavier than I was imaginin' it to be…but, nothing I can't handle," Akatsuki remarked.

"You've walked this world of mine for longer than any mortal, but you have never been given the chance to be honest with those you left behind. Eva is no more, but it's Akatsuki's duty to save her children," expressed Kimiko with confidence as she charged the woman in question full of resolve.

"Don't worry Great One, I'll do what I must to ensure a new path is forged," the Samurai of Dawn agreed with a smile that was reminiscent of Akaro, and a graceful elegance all too similar to Reina. With that, the noble warrior took the sword in hand and wrapped it in crimson silk before she proceeded to exit the dojo leaving the three females behind.

"All right you two, shake off that flustered energy. Time to channel your focus elsewhere with some training," Kimiko instructed. Instantly, Assana and Marayah stood up nodding eagerly as their mutual excitement was conveyed in their eyes.

A while later the doorway to the dojo opened up once more as a new presence proceeded to enter. She was draped in transparent silks and raiments that made her appear like a mystical genie out of the bottle as her wavy hair danced behind her. With her exuberant presence, she carried along a faded book that looked like it was encased in tarnished gold. Her visage caused Kimiko to smile.

"Glad you could join us, bookworm," the All-Mother declared as the doorway closed behind her. From there, the training under Akasha was set to begin.

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