Chereads / Crimson Rebellion / Chapter 124 - Kill la Kill Gaiden Part 1

Chapter 124 - Kill la Kill Gaiden Part 1

Location: Honno City (Outskirts)

Year: 20XX

Time: 7:15 P.M.

Honno City, a gigantic urban jungle located in the north central area of Japan, was a widespread area filled with towering skyscrapers and bustling boroughs consumed by all kinds of calamitous noise at all hours of the day and night. It was the Eastern equivalent of New York, a city that never sleeps. The edges of the city sat along a coastal bank where a once proud and mighty school was isolated on its own island. That place was the all-intimidating and all mighty Honnouji Academy.

A great civil conflict within the school broke out thus threatening the safety of the entire world; however, such fanciful events were seldom talked about in spite of happening in recent history. On one of the piers nearby that allowed one to have a perfect view of where the school once stood was a singular female.

She was a girl about nineteen years old of medium height. She had mid-length dark blue, tinted hair with a single, left-swelt red highlight on her bangs. She boasted crystal blue eyes with peculiar gear-like pupils that showcased eight grooves along the outer edge. She wore a black and white letterman's jacket with the logo for the University of Tokyo on the back and the last name: MATOI etched towards the collar. Underneath that, she had on a dark red t-shirt with black jogging pants matched by white tennis shoes. Her name was Ryuko Matoi.

Ryuko stood on the pier with her hands in her pockets casting a lonesome gaze out towards the ocean where the visage of Honnouji Academy was completely consumed by the embrace of the ocean. The memories of the battles she fought upon her immediate rival to find out who killed her father burned strongly in her mind. From members of the student body, to the Elite Four of the Student Council, and even the Student Council President herself; then memories of the tyrant that sought to rule the world through Life Fibers - Ragyo Kiryuin - flooded in immediately after. Lastly was the epic graduation ceremony where Ragyo's last supporter, Rei Hououmaru, stirred a wild revolt. Ryuko had to put it all on the line one last time. Those times were adventurous, yet it was not without its share of sadness.

The girl placed a singular hand over her chest and touched the base of her neck softly remembering the feeling of a certain scarf she used to wear. Then she recalled how throughout all of the battles she fought, one thing was a constant: Kamui Senketsu. The black sailor uniform was a living entity that was her partner throughout all of the hardships she faced upon enrolling into Honnouji Academy; someone who was by her side all the way till the very end. Senketsu's warmth, the memory of it, combined with the various trials and tribulations brought her a combination of fondness and sadness. Becoming briefly consumed by emotion, the teenage college student turned and walked away from the area.

It was just a regular night of rambunctious behavior. The obnoxious noises pouring in from passing traffic, people yelling and arguing with one another, flashing lights from annoying billboards with various ads, along with the marching of hundreds of bystanders traversing different directions devoured the air around the girl. Occupied by her own thoughts, Ryuko ignored her surroundings until she heard a singular cry for help. This brought the heroine to life as she immediately made her way towards the source, a nearby alleyway.

"Come on now, you know you're a gorgeous babe," a male voice called out.

"Stop wastin' time on some borin' ass education and use that body o' yours to make a man's dream come true baby," another male commented with a slight country accent.

"We'll be sure to take good care of you. Think of all the money you could make," a third one remarked.

"Stay away from me! I have no intention of becoming some stranger's plaything!" a teenage girl with long, black hair in a white dress shrieked.

"Tch, you impetuous little bitch. Fine, how about we make you a little uglier then!" one of the men snarled thus whipping out a knife. It was then that Ryuko slid onto the scene.

"Hey you assholes, leave the girl alone!" the girl yelled out. She took note of the trio of men wearing black suits and sunglasses and studied their physiques and postures.

"Who the fuck is this dumb bitch? You know who the hell you're talkin' to? Ya know we're Yakuza right?"

"I don't give a damn who you are. I told you to back off, fucking prick!"

"Let's get this stupid ass bitch guys!"

The guys in suits all pulled out knives and proceeded to rush towards Ryuko's position. The rebellious girl took a casual glance seeing the maiden that they were harassing had successfully escaped without them taking notice. This caused the college student to smirk in delight over the opportunity she was given right now. She cracked her knuckles and her neck feeling the need to blow off some steam.

As the knives came in from three different angles, Ryuko swung her left leg in a swift motion knocking them all away in the blink of an eye before dropping below their eye level to counterattack. She delivered a swift uppercut to one of the thugs sending him flying into the air by a full five or six feet leading to a rough landing in a nearby dumpster. The second one, she grabbed by the color and slammed him into the ground before stomping him in the face thus breaking his glasses and his nose. As for the third guy, she grabbed his arm and bent it the opposite direction thus breaking it in half, then dropped him to the ground and proceeded to repeatedly punch him in the face until he lost consciousness.

Ryuko relinquished a few bouts of heavy breaths before wiping her bloody knuckles on one of the men's jackets. Then she stood up, adjusted her collar and brushed off her shoulders and simply walked away. Just as she was about to exit the alley, a black limo pulled up. Out of the driver seat came a tall, elderly man with a decent build indicative of combat prowess. She recognized the gentleman as someone close to the former Student Council President of Honnouji Academy's side.

"You're...Kiryuin's butler," Ryuko stated.

"Indeed, Mitsuzo Soroi, at your service. I am here at the behest of Lady Satsuki. She has been worried about Lady Ryuko and has been actively trying to seek you out over the past month. Please come home and retire for the evening," Soroi implored.

"This really does take the definition of a doting older sister a little too far...fine...since she's that damn desperate, guess I have no choice," Ryuko sighed heavily.

Soroi then nodded approvingly and opened the door to the vehicle in which Ryuko reluctantly entered and took a seat in the back. Then after making sure she was buckled in, the butler closed the door, entered the driver's seat and took off as it then began to rain.

The tomboy leaned back against the seat with her head against the edge whilst casting a gaze out the window aimlessly as the streetlights passed by. The brightness of the lights outside dimmed due to the window's tint. Eventually, the windows fogged over as the precipitation outside intensified. As she adjusted her gaze towards the sunroof of the limo, her mind was entranced by the sight of the small puddle gathering on its surface and she eventually found herself being lulled to slumber. As the brief solace of sleep overtook her, the girl's mind trounced through small puddles of thoughts compiled by recent memories.

"Tch...come on…" she gritted her teeth in anticipation. The tough girl went ahead and did something she thought was going to be impossible to do: Pass the entrance exam to the University of Tokyo, one of the most prestigious schools in the country often nicknamed 'Todai'.

The grueling test that was organized into phases was finally complete after five long hours of constant question and answer forms. To the girl's surprise, the test was graded on the same day and the results were posted within 30 to 45 minutes of the exam's completion. Like the other examinees, she was standing outside on the campus courtyard where the list of names was arranged in order from highest to lowest score. Regardless of where one fell on the list, just passing the exam was an accomplishment in itself.

Some students who realized they did not make the cut visibly showcased their despair. From a few walking away with their heads hanging down, to instantly having a partial breakdown in public. They drew the gazes of astonishment and sympathy. Then there were the successful ones that jumped for joy or shed tears in excitement. As the various reactions surrounded her, Ryuko's anxiety only seemed to escalate in that moment.

"Come on dammit...why is this so friggin' annoying?" she muttered to herself feeling her chest tighten on the inside.

Miss Matoi never really thought of herself as the bookworm type; however, when her best friend and enthusiastic supporter, Mako Mankanshoku told her about how she passed the entrance exam a week prior for the school, she figured she'd make an attempt as well. After all, Mako has been by her side throughout everything she has been through plus the Mankanshoku Family took her in when she had nowhere else to go. To lose out on being with someone of her character was something that Ryuko felt would make her life even emptier.

"No way…" Ryuko gasped to herself when her eyes came to a halt. She discovered her name was on the list of those who passed the exam. That made her happy of course; however, her placement was way above where she expected. Out of the 100 or so students that made it through, she managed to rank in the top 35.

"YEAH!" Ryuko screamed joyfully whilst drawing the gazes of her peers around her.

"Ahem…" she coughed with subtle redness in her cheeks before turning away, raising a victorious fist.

"I actually made it...heh...well, at least I'll have Mako to hang around with in university. Maybe life doesn't suck so bad after all."

A few days after her exam, Ryuko met up with her older sister at the Kiryuin Manor. Though they were still in the process of opening up to one another and gradually trying to attain a deeper connection after finding out they were sisters, Ryuko felt it necessary to have at least one more sit down with the former student council president before moving on as a college student.

The two sisters sat inside one of the smaller rooms of the manor. It was a quiet den surrounded by bookshelves with a fireplace and a singular, four-pane window that captured the perfect viewing angle of the moon. The girls were seated on opposite sides of a tall wooden coffee table with two cups of tea made by Satsuki's butler, Soroi. Though not one for this sort of treatment, Ryuko nevertheless accepted the beverage and took a quick sip.

"Wow, this is really good," the gruff teen sparked in amazement.

"Indeed, Soroi-san brews the best tea," the elegant lady nodded.

"Lady Ryuko, Lady Satsuki, you honor this humble old man," Soroi bowed with a smile on his face.

Moving past the small pleasantries, the sisters immediately got down to the serious subject at hand.

"Congratulations on making it into Todai, Matoi. Mankanshoku-san must have been elated when you dropped the news on her," Satsuki yielded a soft smile.

"Yeah...honestly, I didn't think I'd get in, but all that studying paid off. Thanks for giving us all those materials to study," Ryuko said as she ruffled her hair.

"It was the least I could do. I hope university life will treat both of you well and that you explore the path you wish to take in life."

"Yeah...what about you? Are you going to attend Todai as well or some other high-end school for university?"

"Perhaps in the future, but going to college is not on my priority list as of right now. Our mother's demise may have secured a future free of her tyranny, but the damage she was able to do to the society and the global economy at large still remains. As the last surviving Kiryuin, it is my solemn duty to restore honor to the name and make it my mission to give back to the world. Though Ragyo is gone and the Life Fiber threat eliminated, there is still much to do."

"So another battlefield awaits, just in a different sense for you."

"Indeed, a quiet life after all that was done to the world is not suitable for me. It does not matter how many years it takes, I will do what I must."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Onee-chan."

Satsuki smiled once again at Ryuko hearing the way she was just addressed by the girl.

"Of course. Regardless of where life takes me, if you ever need anything Matoi…"

"Yeah, I know."

As the girls then went on their separate ways, Ryuko eventually went on to leading a much more simplistic lifestyle. She and Mako were roommates in the Todai dormitory and shared a similar schedule. Everyday was more or less the same for Miss Matoi. Wake up, eat breakfast, go for a morning jog, shower, change, attend classes and listen to long, drawn-out lectures, then attempt to fit in by participating in clubs.

During her science classes, she would occasionally create some accidental explosions in the lab or cut too much while dissecting living tissue. Her math courses, she had bouts of frustration to where she would tear pages out of the textbook during class before storming out of the classroom. As for language studies, she hated being called on yet it felt like one of her professors made it a point to always do so thus making her read certain passages aloud. The embarrassment made her stutter over certain words drawing a few chuckles from her classmates. Eventually she got triggered by one student so badly that she wound up throwing her textbook in the boy's face thus fracturing his nose. As a result, Ryuko's grades started to take a turn due to numerous disciplinary infractions and bouts of tardiness or all out skipping classes. This ultimately led to one day where she was held after class to a meeting with one of her professors.

"Matoi-san, your grades are slipping to poor levels. At this rate, you will be stuck taking remedial courses all summer long over the upcoming break. Add in your delinquent behavior and you have a potent mixture of failure. That does not bode well for your future, you know," the male professor said whilst pushing up his glasses over the bridge of his nose.

The man was a middle-aged stocky gentleman with a shiny bald head and patches of hair just over his ears and the back of his skull. He was a snarky man that always held a creepy gaze behind his round, rimmed glasses. Some of the female students wanted to avoid his class altogether because they felt like he was always trying to leer at them during lecture halls.

"Mind getting to the point already? I've had enough lectures for one day," the rebellious girl sighed heavily.

"Always with the attitude I see; no wonder why so many of my coworkers gave up on you already. Some want to see you dismissed. I, however, believe in second chances and redemption. So what say we work together to get you out of the hole?"

"Yeah as if it would be that simple. The hell are you on, old man?"

"Well, I was and I have some private instruction time after school every day so that I can get you back on track. I help you out and you help me with more physical exercises so I can get rid of the stress in my body from dealing with students all day."

The teacher leaned in closer over his desk trying to sneak a peek up Ryuko's skirt that she was wearing that day.

"Huh? What the fuck? Get the hell outta here you perverted bastard!"

"Oh? Are you rejecting my approach? You aren't the only one whose grades are slipping. Your friend, Mako Mankanshoku, has some less than ideal grades as well. Why don't you rethink my proposal for her sake too?"

"You son of a bitch...what the hell did you just say?"

Ryuko's temperament was never the best. She always had a flair for losing it which she worked on earnestly as time went on; however, the one thing she could not control her feelings over was the safety of those she cared about. Threatening her best friend would be the last mistake the teacher would ever make.

"I don't like that look in your eyes, Matoi-san. Perhaps you should…-"

Before the professor was able to utter another word, Ryuko lunged over the desk and grabbed the man by his tie and pulled him towards her. Then she proceeded to smash his face into the desk full force. Stunned, the man seemingly bounced off the surface and rolled onto the floor but the girl was far from finished. She proceeded to beat the man senseless by repeatedly striking him in the face and kicking him in the stomach thus breaking a few ribs. The loud commotion created a rambunctious stir that roused faculty passing by to come into the room. It took four grown men to grab Ryuko and drag her off of the professor.

"Threaten my friend again and I swear I'll kill you. I'll fucking END YOU!" she screamed angrily before she was hauled off.

That night, Ryuko was confined to the dorm room with Mako being the only person allowed in or out. To prevent any thoughts of escape, there were two campus security officers stationed outside the room with a local police patrol on standby outside on campus grounds. The next day she was brought to the Dean's office with the principal and the district superintendent present.

The professor she beat up was currently staying in the hospital. He had to have surgery on his ribs to keep them away from puncturing his lungs. His jaw had to be realigned and wired temporarily shut until it healed. His right eye was swollen shut and his left arm was shattered in two places. In addition, he was put into a coma for the sake of recovery. Ryuko explained her side of the story and told them of the man's actions which seemingly fell on deaf ears.

A formal investigation would be initiated pending the teacher's release from the hospital; however, Ryuko would still have to face the consequences for brutally assaulting a faculty member. To that end, she was suspended indefinitely from the campus and was prohibited from entering onto the premises until the investigation was carried out. No police charges were to be filed at the time; however, she was forced out onto the streets. As much as it was cruel for the girl to bear, at least Mako was allowed to stay without issue. Left with nowhere else to go, she became a wandering child once more and made her way back to the only place she knew: Honno City.

Now faced with a life on the streets again, Ryuko felt herself overflowing with rage towards everything around her. She had no one to talk to, no home to return to, and no one to rely on to keep her actions in check. As a result, she needed an outlet and her only form of satisfaction was dealing out justice on her own terms. To that end, a life of being a vigilante was the one she chose.

Drug lords, local thieves and shoplifters, street gangs and even entire Yakuza families were just faces on a long list of individuals that met with Ryuko Matoi's wrath. She did not care about her own safety; whether she lived or died in these streets became an afterthought. Anyone that breathed wrong on her watch met their fate with her fists. Though rather brutal, her actions actually managed to bring down the crime rate in the city by a significant percentage. Her antics even spread throughout the various neighborhoods thus establishing her as a local hero; though, her superhuman capabilities thanks to the Life Fibers in her body made her out to be more of an urban legend. Such was the life that the loner, Ryuko Matoi, lived.

Ryuko's eyes opened to behold an unfamiliar ceiling. She blinked a few times to come to her senses. She planted her hands down on both sides and realized she was laying on top of a soft bed covered with luxury blankets and pillows. Looking around, the room was dimly illuminated by soft candle light which was just enough to get a grasp on her surroundings.

A single multi-shelf bookcase etched in marble and glass was oriented directly in front of the bed that housed what appeared to be the latest movie player that was hot on the market. Mounted above it was a colossal 65 inch flat screen TV. To her right was a matching marble countertop table where one of the soft candles sat, on her left was a similar table that was smaller in size with a glass of water positioned on it. A reclining chair sat on the left side of the room with the entrance to the room currently closed to give the girl time to rest.

"Guess I passed out in the car...I feel bad that the old man had to carry my ass," Ryuko said to herself as she went to slide off the bed.

"I suppose I'll go find Satsuki then…"

The wandering soul exited the room only to find herself stuck in a vast hallway that extended a great ways both to her left and right. Unsure of which way to go, she just elected to go with her best instinct and take a right down the lengthy corridor. The walls of the elegant hallway were decorated with various portraits depicting different figures and scenery. As Ryuko passed by the different images, she saw individuals dressed in traditional clothing of the feudal era as well as paintings of large castles and temples that were likely around during the warring states period.

A few portraits highlighted certain figures. There was one painting of a married couple, the father had a youthful yet stern appearance as the wife appeared to hold some resemblance to Satsuki. This left Ryuko to surmise that these portraits told the history of the Kiryuin family over the hundreds of years they have existed. After about thirty paces or so, the female found herself standing before a large portrait of Ragyo Kiryuin.

A tall beauty brimming with elegance and pride whose eyes hid away a certain level of insanity. Her white colored hair with rainbow undertones and crazed yellow eyes was draped in a white kimono as she stood along a certain man in black garb.

"Father…" Ryuko muttered to herself recognizing the visage of her old man in his younger years. Standing before that wedding portrait made Ryuko feel a little unnerved. Even though she does not carry the name, the realization that she was as much of a Kiryuin as the patron of the manor hit deep inside her chest.

Moving along, Ryuko proceeded to descend a nearby flight of stairs towards the lower level. That was when she heard the echoing of heavy footsteps across a solid floor and a unique snapping down of two distinct surfaces colliding against one another. Upon going to investigate this, she stumbled upon a room with a polished wooden floor whose walls were occupied by various mantles holding up weaponry of the traditional Japanese era. Katana, Naginata, Spears, Kusarigama, Shuriken, Nunchaku, Nodachi, and Longbows were just some of the items that could be perceived in view. It was a widespread collection of precious armaments from a time long-since forgotten. This was the Kiryuin Dojo.

Standing in the middle of the wide space, a singular female holding a wooden sword remained taking up a pose as she prepared to strike a wooden humanoid target. She was currently wearing a white kosode layered with a dark blue hakame and thick socks as beads of sweat dotted her brow. Her fearsome, steely, sapphire blue eyes radiated an air of concentration that spoke of discipline unheard of for a girl her age. Her black hair, which she once cut short, had already begun to grow back to just about as long as it used to be as the silkiness of her locks caressed the back of her neck trailing just past her shoulders. As she prepared to take another step forward for her next move set, she noted Ryuko's presence out of the corner of her eye.

"Glad you were able to finally join us, Matoi," Satsuki expressed in a cold tone.

"Do you have any idea how concerned I have been over your safety after you dropped off the radar over the course of a month?"

"Hey now, don't try and fly off the handle on me. I needed some time to myself after all the bullshit that happened at Todai," Ryuko shot back.

"Why did you not come to me in the first place? It would have made things simpler had you reached out right away. When Mankanshoku gave me a call, I immediately put together a legal team to resolve the issue. The professor you assaulted was found guilty and the various students he harassed stepped forward and testified thus guaranteeing his incarceration. Getting your near-expulsion overturned would have been the next easy task to accomplish had you just come h-..."

"Don't you dare say that word, Satsuki! Don't...say that word. This is my life, and I choose to live how I see fit. I ain't used to all this fame and fortune that you tote around. I came from nothing, I got nothing...except Mako. And once they took her away from me, I just...I…" Ryuko tried to explain away but choked over her words.

"I see, so you do not wish to live a life of happiness and peace. It would seem that there is still a part of you that is fighting against the Life Fibers and our mother. It really is a shame, Ryuko. You still act like a child even after coming this far in life," Satsuki sighed in disappointment.

" that right?"

Ryuko kicked off her shoes and walked onto the platform as she reached for a spare kendo sword that was resting against the nearest wall to her location. After grabbing hold of it, she stepped towards Satsuki and pointed the edge at the girl.

"How about I kick your ass and show you how far I've come?"

"I see...very well. It would seem that merely talking to you is getting us nowhere."

Satsuki turned towards Ryuko and took a stance ready to meet her in combat. A small pause of silence that aired between the two was all it took before their sparring match began. Ryuko immediately leapt forward lunging at Satsuki full force with the blade in hand. Compared to the calm, disciplined movements of the former student council president, Ryuko's fighting style was much more sporadic and rough.

Holding the blade with one hand, the heterochromia-haired female rushed forward with a mighty swing coming from the right flank. She swung full-force to which Satsuki held her blade to block and as a result, a thunderclap echo reverberated in the chamber. Even with her first blow being impeded by her sister, the girl never relented and followed up with a series of consecutive one-handed strikes that channeled brute force behind each swing. As for Satsuki, the composed female merely bolstered herself by parrying each blow with ease whilst studying Ryuko's movements via peripheral vision.

Satsuki's position was being pushed back. The Life Fiber infused female managed that much as her opponent's feet slid across the wooden, waxed floor; however, the girl's defense never buckled. It was almost as if the patron of the Kiryuin family was a superhuman herself.

"Come on Satsuki, are you just gonna stand there the whole time? Or do you see now just how far I've come?!" Ryuko antagonized in a condescending tone.

"Oh please," Satsuki issued her rebuttal.

As Ryuko's last strike came in, Satsuki took a half step back and ducked down ever slightly to alter her center of gravity. The surface of the wooden blade that Ryuko held glided across the edge of Satsuki's blade to a certain extent to where at just a particular moment, the counter was set. The disciplined swordsmith pressed forward and pushed upward in a swift motion causing Ryuko's momentum to be redirected in the opposite direction. As a result, Satsuki knocked away the girl's weapon and quickly closed the gap and tagged the girl twice: once on the shoulder, and the second to her gut. Then in a flowing turn of the heel, she swept Ryuko's feet from under her and forced the girl to land flat on her back. Satsuki loomed over her, pointing her blade in the girl's face.

"Your movements have become sloppy. You are unrefined and unfocused because your emotions are not in check. A heavy heart weighs the steady blade, Ryuko Matoi," the woman lectured before backing off.

Ryuko raised her arm over her face and gritted her teeth in shame. Her usual quips that she instantly fired back even when in the wrong could not come to her because she knew that her older sister was right.

"It always feels like I can't fit in… The only way I can feel free is when I'm out there; even then it's like I'm always looking for that call to-..."

Breaking off her confession, a strong trembling shook the entire estate which alerted both sisters. Interrupting their bonding time, the sense of urgency filled them both to the point where they had to rush outside to investigate.

Parting through the darkened skies caused by clouds in the midst of a rainy night, a colossus of a steel fortress materialized above the mansion from nothingness. Its appearance was something straight out of a sci-fi movie series that people at conventions would obsess over and debate about for hours on end. As Satsuki and Ryuko stood outside to behold the unbelievable sight, their reactions to it differed tremendously.

"Interesting…" Satsuki said whilst folding her arms as if undisturbed by the impossible visual before her.

"What in the absolute fucking hell is this big ass thing? Like...seriously! It's a good thing your house is in the middle of nowhere otherwise we'd have a big panic going on right now," Ryuko rambled as her nerves spiked thus seizing her body with anxiety.

From the belly of the metallic beast spewed a crimson chasm of light. Out of its luminance were six distinct shadows: two males and four females in total. As the radiance faded away, their silhouettes normalized into visible figures to the two onlookers. Unbeknownst to the sisters, they were in the presence of heroes of another world on a critical mission. As Satsuki and Ryuko watched them approach, they noticed that their clothing alone was as unique as Goku uniforms, just much less extreme in nature and more of a mix of traditional and modern.

"Alexis, the teleportation device worked. We have landed on the surface successfully, over," spoke one of the females with long silver-white hair, dark skin, amber-colored eyes and dressed in a samurai maiden's outfit decorated with plates of armor.

"Roger that, Reina-sama. The sensors have not picked up signs of the Abyss Order yet; you are all clear for now. I recommend quickly establishing contact with the heroes of this time and enlightening them on current events. Over," spoke the voice of the co-pilot of The Last Word, Alexis Mercer.

"Acknowledged, we are currently looking at two particular individuals of whom possess significant power. My guess is that we may have already found them."

As Reina was conversing over the communicator, a certain blonde vampire in an elegant red and black ball gown elected to play a little bit of a game.

"Oh, look at who has finally learned to acquiesce to technology. Bravo Grandmother-chan, bravo!" she cheekily stated to purposely jab at Reina's pride.

"And look who is making the assumption that just because her height increased and her cup size tripled that she can speak to proper adults in such a way; truly one still has the inklings of a foolish child still in diapers. Correct me if I am wrong, Nirvana-chan," the Sovereign of Purgatory spat back whilst gritting her teeth.

Nirvana's playful smile disappeared as she and Reina locked eyes with one another in an intense gaze that filled the air around them with hostility.

"Okay you two, remember we're on a mission need to start a fight in front of people we have yet to meet. Let's bring this down by a thousand or so," one of the male's came between them wearing plate armor over mysterious robes that made him look like an assassin from a video game. His red eyes and head of hair mixed with black and white jumped out to the two girls.



The two women addressed before saying at the same time:

"She started it!"

"Ugh...good grief," the male shook his head.

"Ya know, modern Japan just keeps lookin' more and more unique no matter what age I visit," spoke another one of the females stepping out from the group, taking a quick glance around. In spite of the isolation of the current setting, her trained eyes were able to take an extensive observation of the entire area for hundreds of miles in every direction. She too wore a samurai maiden's outfit except dyed in indigo and crimson.

"I concur Musashi-san. For me, I never get tired of the moonlight...but alas, it would seem that the rain has decided to rob me of that view," sighed another elegant blonde in a white outfit over a blue skirt with blonde hair and red eyes.

"Mou don't get all down and out Arcueid-chan...the weather should clear up soon!" Musashi eagerly reassured the woman.

"I mean...not hard to get rid of this situation," another red-eyed male in a more modern outfit consisting of a black jacket and matching pants said thus snapping his fingers. The rain clouds receded from view thus allowing the light of the full moon to shine through alongside the starry sky.

"Well then, much gratitude Akaro-kun," Arcueid nodded approvingly.

"Yeah no worries, I know you vampires love your moonlight nights."

Getting irritated by the group banter, Ryuko elected to be the one to engage them first.

"Oi, you fuckers mind explainin' just who exactly are you assholes and what the blue hell do you think you're doing on private fucking property?! I mean for fuck's sake, read the goddamn room!"

The six figures turned to one another and then focused their gazes on the girl ahead of them. Each holding their own looks of surprise, they were collectively silent for a good five seconds before Akaro spoke.

"Yikes, you uh...kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"Son of a bitch, go fuck yourself asshole!"

In a dramatic dash, Ryuko rushed over towards Akaro's location and swiftly took a shot at the man's genitals with a prompt kick. To her surprise, there was no reaction at all out of the tall, dark and handsome figure. Instead, she was the one who received pain as she then found herself clutching her foot and hopping on one leg.

"All right, so why don't we just skip the dramatic exposition and get right to the point. Yo Raizo, do the thing."

"Wait...what? Aniki, what are you talking about?" the Stormbringer tilted his head with a raised eyebrow.

"The thought projection thing you do...that thing. Do it. Skip the bs."


Raizo sighed and separated himself from between Reina and Nirvana feeling that they should be good by now. He proceeded to walk over to Ryuko (who stumbled back over to Satsuki's side in the meantime) and her older sister.

"Ladies, this might be a little abrupt,'s easier to show you why we are here then try to explain it."

In that moment, Raizo reached out and discharged a slight jolt which projected memories into their minds directly. The ability known as Transference, broke down all the details they needed to know regarding who they were and the Abyss Order. After a long minute or so, the two were left there to hold their heads and process all that information.

"Perdition...Abyss Order…" Ryuko murmured.

"Omniverse...human extinction...Rakshasa…" Satsuki followed up.

After taking a deep breath, the older sister snapped out of the confusion and enabled her position as a hostess to the guests.

"Come inside so we can discuss all of this. We shall prepare a strong defensive front for the coming battle. I'm not sure where you would prefer, but your vessel is more than welcome to land anywhere it wishes on the mountain. All of this land belongs to me," Satsuki proposed.

"I think the ship is a little too big for that one, hun," Musashi smiled wryly.

"Worry not, we have our means of obscurity," Reina issued a reassurance. The Last Word seemingly disappeared from the sky above activating its advanced cloaking technology.

With a raised brow, Satsuki nodded as if impressed by the feat. Swiftly, the stern beauty led the way as the group collectively followed after. Off to the side, Ryuko approached Akaro once more.

"Hey uh...I'm…sorry about what I said to you and your friends. And I'm also sorry for taking a shot at your nuts like that," Ryuko ruffled her hair with an embarrassed expression on her face.

"Don't worry about it, you were just protecting someone who is precious to you. Trust me, I get the feeling. My name is Akaro Hajime," he smiled warmly.

"I'm Ryuko...Ryuko Matoi."

"Nice to meet you, Ryuko."

Akaro then reached out and patted the tomboy on the head which made her face flush pink for a brief second. The girl looked up at Akaro's face and peered into his eyes for a second. She saw an endless crimson abyss that held an insurmountable weight of hardship brought by countless battles; yet amidst a sea of what one could consider as despair reflected a prevalent characteristic of unyielding resolve. Such virtue, noble and pure, caused the confident female to turn away from the male as she went ahead with the others.

"Interesting…" Akaro noted before bringing up the rear as the collective group entered the estate.