Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Kazuya ponders about what gear he should get.

"I imagine me with the best gear this world has to offer"

A bright light emits from Kazuya and when he can finally see he notices a long black trench coat and black combat pants and boots.

"Lets see what the stats look like"

Kazuya checks the stats of the gear he just manifested.


Health: 20000

Attack: 50000

Defense: 20000

Speed: 30000

Mana: 2000

Luck: 200

Additional Skills:

Unyielding - Grants User An Extra 50000 Attack, Speed, And Health Boost When Health Reaches 25%

Additional Buffs:


"Damn this gear is insane but its exactly what I need"

Kazuya puts on his newly aquired gear and feels his body undergo a change he cant describe with words alone.

"Now I need a weapon but I dont know what weapon will be suitable for me"

Kazuya thinks for a moment before deciding on his decision.

"I imagine me a weapon that suits me very perfectly"

A bright light emits from Kazuya as two katanas lay on the ground at his feet.

"Woah I got two swords. thats pretty awesome"

Kazuya picks up the swords and unsheathes them revealing the beautiful blades they hold as he checks the stats on the katanas.


Health: 500

Attack: 15000

Defense: 150

Speed: 300

Mana: 3000

Luck: 0

Additional Skills:


Additional Buffs:

Every Slice Creates A Lightning Slice Wave That Has A Far Reach

Every Attack Has Paralyze Status Effect

When Infused With Mana Katanas Glistens With Lightning

"Holy Smokes these katanas are almost as busted as my own ability"

Kazuya smiles in delight after seeing just how much stronger he has become since coming to this world.

"Now the only things I need are... I imagine me with the ability to see everybodys stats"

A bright light emits from Kazuya as a message screen flies across his face.


Skill Lets User See Everyones Stats Regardless Of Their Concealing Skill Mastery

"And now for the last ability, I imagine me the ability to have my soul speak to me"

Another wave of bright light flies from Kazuya as another message appears across his face


Skill Lets Users Soul Communicate To User Through Brain Waves

Damn that skill will be very beneficial in a fight and I lose all sense of myself"

"Yea I will come in handy when you need some assistance"

"Thats cool man, anyways what should I call you?"

"Just call me Z"