Tyler's P.O.V
"Hey Tyler, happy birthday" Lily says as she passes by my station, "Oh hey" I look up from my machine. The suit I'm altering is done and ready to go back on the rack, "Hey um, so I'm doing this thing Friday and I need a nice dress. Could I maybe take something from the donate rack" I know there are some nice dresses back there, I hope she says yes.
"Oh yeah definitely" she waves her hand at me and heads to the back.
I put the suit back in it's garment bag and go put it on it's rack then head to the back to the donate rack. I start unzipping and rezipping bag after bag, until I finally get to the last bag. I unzip it and there sits the green silk slip dress I altered last week, the one the girl had changed her mind about and it got put back here.
I grab the bag and go to the dressing room to try it on, and it's a little too big but I can take it in. I grab some pins and pin in the sides then take it off and put my clothes back on.
I take the dress to my machine and take in where I pinned it, I go back to the dressing room and try it on again and perfect.
I bag it back up then go to clock out. I go to my car and put the dress in the back so it'll be ready for Friday.
Eight-fourty-one is the time my phone reads when I check my phone I sigh, the party is still happening.
I head home, listening to the song the whole way there singing along.
I pull into the driveway and there's about eighty cars in the yard. I head up to the door and all I can hear is loud, I take a deep breath and open the door and see a ginormous crowd.
The whole football team, all fifty of them are here in the living room.
I squeeze my way past everyone and go straight to the stairs. "Tyler!" I turn around and am met with James, I smile up at him
"I didn't realize that the whole football team was gonna be here" I say looking around the room. "Yeah it's kinda crazy" he scratches the back of his head.
"Wanna come upstairs?" I point over my shoulder towards the stairs, "Well, are you allowed to be up there?" I'm not really sure of the rules about having boys upstairs.
Like he somehow sensed it Daniel comes up to us, "Hey Tyler where've you been?", "I had work" I mess with the ends of my hair.
"I hate that you had to work on your birthday", "It's fine, um is James allowed to go upstairs with me?" I continue to mess with my hair.
"Yeah that's fine, now no celebratory birthday sex got it" he says pointing between me and James. "Not that I'd have to worry about that with you not liking touching" he adds smiling. "Ew Daniel, ew".
Loud music starts playing and I put my hands over my ears. I see Daniel say something to James and he nods.
James gently puts his hands on my shoulders and leads me upstairs.
We get to the top and I take my hands off my ears, "Um we can go to this room, then we don't have to worry about any if them coming in" I say and point to the bedroom next to ours.
He nods and opens the door and gestures for me to go in first. I go over and grab the blanket I used the other day off the chair and flop down on the bed, James comes in and closes the door behind him.
"Are we allowed to do that?" I ask looking over at him, "Yeah, Daniel said to so it would cancel out the noise some" he comes over and sits next to me on the bed.
"Dallas is worried about you" I let out a sigh, "I know he talked to me about it earlier, did he seriously come up to you about it too?" he nods.
"Dallas hasn't known me long enough to know if I'm acting differently or not" I sit up and face him. "I'm fine, I promise. Sometimes after a site change especially if it's in a spot I've never done before it takes a lot out of me" I wrap myself up in the blanket.
He repositions himself so that way he's sitting with his back against the headboard. "I'm gonna dye my hair tomorrow" I say picking at the ends of my hair again, "Awe, no more pink Tyler" he puts out a little pouty lip.
"It didn't last long, and I need a trim my ends are so dead" I pull my hair into a low messy bun. "What color are you gonna do?" I lay down next to him and hold the blanket tightly to me.
"I'm not sure yet, I think maybe like a dark red kind of color. I'm gonna go after school and get the dye tomorrow", I think dark red is gonna go great with my dress.
"Could I help" he twirls a long piece of my bangs around his finger, "Well I already told Vivian she could help, and she kinda needs something to go her way right now. But next time, especially because I'll have to bleach it after the red we could spend a whole day together" I smile up at him.
"It's a date" he smiles back, I scoot a little closer and put my head on his chest. I can feel him tense up, he slowly wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Is this okay?" he asks setting his hand right under my Dexcom, I nod and close my eyes listening to his heartbeat.
I snuggle into his chest, he's warm so warm. I could just lay here forever, I don't want this to end.
Poor Tyler, everyone keeps trying to talk about her having sex.