Chereads / Bhagvad-Gita: Treatise of Self-help / Chapter 18 - Art of Liberation

Chapter 18 - Art of Liberation

This unique chapter of 20 slokas, is known as purushottama prãpti yoga, Realization of the Supreme. S9, s12, s13, s14 and s15 being digressions are clearly interpolations.

Beginning with the parable of world as a fig tree, it later deals with the indwelling spirit and the Supreme Spirit, and the perishable man and the imperishable Purusha (Supreme Spirit).


Thus spoke the Lord:

Wise see Nature as fig tree huge

Roots its planted in high skies

Branching down with Vedic leaves

Helps which man reach State Supreme.


So to feed on their organs

With its downward roots it ties

Beings all to mundane things,

With man being charged by wants

Supplies he the feed it needs

Through the knots of threefold ways.


Man as fails to lay his hands

Roots on those that entwine him

Helps dispassion sunder them.


Roots as sundered, one gets freed

To reach the Vedic branch in reach,

Grasps as he the truth there all

Goes he up from branch to branch

To end up on the root utmost

On which Abode Supreme lies.


Freed of pride, desire 'n delusion

Climbs as he, in self he dwells,

Feels he same of pleasure 'n pain

Detached he reaches thus Supreme.


Sun too doth pale nears it when

Seat of moksha, Abode of Mine.


Spirit as lies in beings all

Gets it rubbed with one's nature.


Wind as carries scent of flowers

While leaving them as is where,

In like fashion Spirit from frames

Moves its awareness to rebirths.


Know not fools in lifetime theirs

Nature of Spirit thus lies in them

But ever on move from frame to frame.


This by striving wise realize

Fail though naive in spite of it.


Perish all beings though in time

Perishes not the Spirit in them.


Self Mine Highest that sustains

Is but different from that One.


Since I transcend that perishes

Apart 'n above the eternal One

Vedas vouch Me Soul Supreme.


Who aver Me as Soul Supreme

In My worship bring they faith.


Grasps who nuances of this science

Turns he wise 'n accomplished thus.

Ends thus:

Art of Liberation,

The Fifteenth Chapter

Of Bhagavad-Gita,