living freely is the best feeling a person could have,life have been so interesting and fun since I left home to be an independent Guy.
my name is Brendon white, I came from a polygamous family,my dad get married to three wives, my mom Olivia is the first wife,she gave birth to two girls Eva and Daniella and a guy which happens to be me. Logan the second wife gave birth to a child name jack,he happened to be the first son and a jerk, Sophia the last wife gave birth to a boy Zane and a girl Valentina.
the heir position is causing chaos and it's making the house hot, am not after the company so is my mom and sister but the other two witches are on fire, they are so desperate for the position of the heir..
The love my old man have for me was so obvious that it's makes the other two witches jealous,he love my mom so much and would do anything to see her happy. but mom have a delay in giving birth, dad was not desperate for a child but his mom was, when grandma white complain his getting out of hands, mom called dad and asked him to get a woman who will get pregnant and give him a heir, daddy refused and reject the offer because of the love they shared, after some weeks and grandma white issue is getting out of hands,dad decided to take mom advice and get a wife, he impregnated a woman, dad got home to meet grandma with another woman..
Mr White: mom who is this.
Grandma white: she is the woman I married for you
Mr White: you did what mom? I already got a woman and I even bought her home with me because I want to show her to my wife..
Grandma White: good for me then, more wife,more kids.i paid her bride price already so she is your wife,take her in and add her to your wife.
and so saying,she left her and walked out, and since then the two wives fight over the position of second wife, claiming seniority..
**3month ago***
Mr White my father called a meeting, all the family members are present..
I called this meeting because i want to choose my heir, who will be in charge of my home and company but I need a serious and honest person. but before i commence jack, he turned to jack.i heard you transfer some huge amount of money into an unknown account, is this true.. there a crime in taking some money from my dad account? he asked with a scroll in his eyes..
stop talking to your father in that manner. Logan caution him.
dad look at him and said no words, then he turn to Zane..
Zane, why did you beat up the secretary, because he refused to let you in...
the secretary deserve it, he was rude to him,which is unacceptable.sophia spoke up,trying to defend her son.
I wasn't talking to you woman, he hit his hand hard on the table making everyone startled...
dad is the temperamental type,and very fierce with judgement,making everyone fear him.
Zane I am talking to you.he said with so much authority that sent shivers down everyone spine.
dad I..I wanted to see you for something important and he was blocking my way,that why I beat him up to put him in his place..
I gave him the orders not to allow anyone in not even my family because I was discussing business with some foreigners. you came and cause a riots and make me lose some billions right?.
some billions? everyone gasps
because jack as been rude and Zane has been unreasonable, my heir is Brendon
**Mr Star**
I think I have been too harsh on Ariana,I just miss my wife so much and I feel frustrated for what happened and couldn't face the reality.
Hannah my wife won't be happy with the way I treated Ariana.
God what have I done.
I heard some footsteps, looking up and I saw Victoria and Ariana walking down the steps..
Be quick and don't stay long, Victoria said with a smirk before settling down beside me and rest her head on my shoulder..
Ariana walk out of the house with a sad look.
Where did you sent her, I ask her as I took a slip from my drink.
I sent her to give the cloth you bought for me to my Tailor.
At this time of the day, before she gets to the place is going to take her some hours before she gets there.
Don't worry my husband, she's taking a lorry there
Okay then. Why did I feel strange about all this whole thing, God please keep her safe for me.. I thought