Emma decides to pay Ed a visit. When she enters Ed's Shack, which she does at Night on this particular day, she notes Ed playing with the Light Switch.


EMMA: What in blue blazes do you'ze think you'ze doing Ed?

ED: Studying this thing called an Electric Circuit which happens to be the current Cornerstone Of Mankind's Civilization.

EMMA: You'ze a human too so you'ze best stop calling us 'Mankind' as though that's a derogatory term.

ED: On a Scale of '0-9', I give Mankind's Tech a '1'.

EMMA: That low a rating huh?

ED: To think this illusory cornerstone of their civilization is a Node that can only switch between '0 and 1'. What's even more painful…(chuckles)…I mean laughable is the fact that a single break in the circuit is enough to bring their entire civilization crumbling to the ground.

EMMA: They be developing Quantum Mechanics now. Them say it will give them an edge against Espionage.

ED: So they want to have an edge in 'Cold Wars' huh? Why they panic when a 'Hot War' confronts them is one Rabbit Hole Of A Mystery. Mankind fears that which it should not fear. That which it should fear is that which it does not fear. Threaten Mankind with a 'Climate Catastrophe', they could care less. Threaten them with 'Economic Collapse'…now that's enough to get their attention. Why they value economics is all about feeding themselves to keep themselves alive…lose sight of that and attempt to achieve this through the detriment of the Planet and you fail to recognize that you are defeating your own Purpose. If you have to choose between facing a Swordsman and facing a Mage…true a Swordsman may be able to level a Civilization but a Mage…can level a Universe. What's the point of being the strongest if a single spell cast by a Mage can put you under their control? The proverbial sling slaying a Giant; or an Ant in the Trunk of an Elephant aka gaining the World at the detriment of your Soul thus transforming you into a mindless Zombie Cast in a Zombie Apocalypse Of A Movie. Now, you just made yourself an asset for the enemy and a very strong one at that. If you're going to train your body, make sure you have an unbreakable Mind. The balancer though is that a Swordsman can cause immediate damage…a Mage…well it takes a while to cast a Spell. If you want an unbeatable party, you need a Swordsman who can keep the enemy busy while the Mage prepares to cast his Spell. Well, on a Scale of '0-9', I give Quantum Tech a '2'. The poorest civilization in this World that knows not what a PC is but still manages to survive gets a '3'.

EMMA: Why that reasoning?

ED: Tech is simply a 'Watered Down' Version/Interpretation of what actually goes on in this Material Cosmos. If you've actually studied 'Networking', you know that them have to break down infinite analog Waves into a 'Dual-Wave Composite' of zeroes and ones. That stupidity is what the current civilization calls its cornerstone. Even the Juju Man (Evil Wizard) of some remote land has more merit. In a battle between Juju(Witchcraft) and Magitek Armour(Technology), Juju wins one hundred percent of the time. Even leaving the Juju Man aside, ordinary Humans live in 3D you know?

EMMA: So who gets ranks '4-9?'

ED: Anyone who has mastered Time Travel gets a '4'. Anyone who understands the meaning of his own name and the motivations behind his actions gets a '5'. Demons the rank of 'Antichrist/Iron Teeth' and above who actually manage to use the 'Turtle Flip' no jutsu on a Lion Turtle Monkey get a '6'. They are all about turning 'What Is' into 'What Is Not' and 'What Is Not' into 'That Which Is'. The Man who has never committed a Crime gets a '7'. The Man who understands that 'Gods must descend' so that 'Man can arise' gets a '8' and anyone who has ever spoken to an Animal or a Guardian Angel or witnessed a glitch in the Matrix gets a '9'. This is what I call 'Ed's Hierarchy Of True Power'.

EMMA: Scary! Most of Mankind falls between Ranks 0 and 3.

ED: In actuality, the Scale goes up to '13' but there's no point in talking about that now if Man isn't at least at Rank 5. Anything I say from then on out will sound like gibberish to Mankind.

EMMA: (Pulls on Ed's ears). Stop saying 'Mankind' as though you'ze not 'Human' yourself.

ED: I'm not Human. I'm a Newman.

EMMA: Phantasy Star Universe huh?

ED: Don't even compare us 'Magic Users' to this low ranking race that depends on 'Magitek Armor'. So where was I…? Yes. (Grabs Light Switch). ON…OFF! ON…OFF! Very interesting…so this is how Dark Element Type Witchcraft works huh?

EMMA: What are you'ze trying to say now?! And why are you'ze playing with ze Light Bulb?!

ED: Emma Emma Emma, my Dear Little Emma, this is precisely why your Cousin Sinbad calls you an 'Electron' whenever you refer to him as a 'Mitochondrion'. You simply see a Light Bulb. I see…an entire Circuit!

EMMA: What are you getting at?

ED: (Sigh/Sign Of Pity) Emma, do you understand what the 'essence of Witchcraft' is? (Turns off Bulb).

EMMA: Casting Spells and Stuff?

ED: That's just the gist of it. The Dagara Word for a Witch is 'Su)b)' (Pronounced Suobo)'. The Word 'Su)' (Pronounced Suo) in Fante sounds like the Word for 'Ears'. The Word 'B)' (Pronounced Bo). as you know by now is the Fante Word for 'Beat'. Thus 'Su)b)' which means 'Witch' can comically be translated as 'One Who beats the Ears'. Witchcraft thus, the Dark Element Kind, is all about manipulating the Senses. (Turns Light On).

EMMA: GAH! (Sudden Realization hits her) Ed…this one time, I really think you'ze outdone yourself. Besides, how come most of the curse words in your homeland's language have the character 'beat' in them.

ED: (Shrugs shoulders nonchalantly). It may have something to do with violence…or it may have something to do with Rhythm. There's this proverb, 'if you want to know whether a Spirit is Good or evil, get it to sing a Melody. If there is 'Harmony' in its Melody, it is a Good Spirit. If there is 'Dissonance' in its Melody, it's an Evil Spirit'. Now listen closely Emma, the Whole Point Of Dark Element Jutsu is to blind others to a particular facet of reality thus preventing them from recognizing 'What Is'. However, any sensible Light Element User understands that that which the 'Lie' intends to conceal is that which the 'Liar' most fears. This is what is called 'The Truth Within A Lie' and the reason for the saying every 'Lie' has a facet of 'Truth'. Now as to the reason why anyone would resort to 'Deception'. It's all about the 'fear of Punishment/Loss' once the Truth is revealed. Now, my pretty gurl, turn on your GPS.

EMMA: My Nokia E75 doesn't come with GPS.

ED: Why don't you take a short walk around the room?

EMMA: (Tries to Navigate the Room). OW! OW! I bumped into something!

ED: See? Taking away Perception Of An Object doesn't necessarily eliminate the object from existence. All it does…is to turn the object…INTO AN OBSTACLE!

EMMA: (Eyes open wide in surprise as Ed turns on Light).

ED: 'That Which Beats The Ears' is the essence of Witchcraft! To beat 'that which beats the 'Ears'', you need a 'Canine' Type Pokemon preferably from the 'Hound' or 'Wolf' Families. Let us not even go into Felines, once they enter the picture…it's absolute Chaos!

EMMA: Ed…did you just…

ED: (ON…OFF…ON) Indeed…it is as thou imagineth Emma…I just stole another Key from Ab)nsam! (The Devil). Ore wa Tensai! (I'm a genius!)