Ben immediately went to bed after putting the dishes in the sink. He fell asleep immediately and started dreaming about himself sleeping in his bedroom. He saw a moon-sized meteor headed straight for the earth at a rapid speed after the meteor touched the earth's atmosphere. He suddenly woke with sweat flowing out from every pore of his body.
He slept in his bedroom but woke up in a different heavenly place...
It was a white void with nothing. At first, he thought he was in a dream but quickly realized that he was not. When he tried to look at his body it didn't exist. Nothing was below him, he could not see his nose or his chins nothing. He was just able to observe there. He tried moving his hands but he somehow forgot how to move his hands. While he was still checking his present state out he suddenly saw a mid-age handsome-looking man walking towards him. He was wearing a thick red robe with a formal black and white suit inside. He looked toned and easygoing but he gave an aura of royalty, an aura of absolute power.
When the man got closer to Ben, he could finally identify who he was....."Dad??" said Ben puzzled.
The man just gave a casual reply with a smile.
"Hello, son."
"Hello son"
"what tf are you wearing father? And how are you so toned? The father I knew had nothing like this.?" said Ben with a questioning gaze.
Although the person in front of him looked different than his father he knew he could still recognize that he was his father. It's like seeing a close person after a few years. Maybe they had changed somehow but you can still recognize them.
"Doesn't this look good on me? I especially wore this to impress you."
"Father, no it doesn't look good on you. It looks great. Can you buy me a suit like this too.?" said Ben while inspecting the robe and the suit. It was so clean and made from very high-quality fiber.
"ok son! But first I want to tell you something."
"You are the prince of the Multiverse and I am the king of the multiverse "
"You are the prince of the multiverse and I am the king"
"But truthfully speaking, the multiverse is not ruled by a king, it is ruled by a family, our family, the Rhaelman family. We don't have actual people to rule over so we don't consider ourselves a kingdom but we are the rulers. Our ancestors created the multiverse and we are ruling it because it is rightfully ours. You could say that our family is the family of gods and you are a member of this family, a God of this multiverse."
Been replied with a confused gaze after all the info dump."So, you are saying that I am good and our family the Rhealman family rules the whole multiverse or whatever. "
His father, Dionysus De Rhealman or otherwise simply known as Dion replied with a big cheerful smile"Yes, aren't you a lucky one. You are a god, not many can become good but you have by birth become a true God. Wonderful right?"
Still processing all the information Ben said"So, this family you are talking about is the same family we had back on earth guessing by the surname."
"yes, your mother is from a true kingdom, and I am a rightful true God of entertainment."
While Ben was puzzled and still trying to figure out all the incidents that have happened up until now. His father again interrupted him in the middle of his thoughts
"Ben, you can think about all the details later, Rhealman family is waiting for you. It will take at least 100 trillion years before you wake up again. So you can think about all the details in your sleep"
Ben Suddenly with a shock visible on his face hearing that he will go to sleep for 100 trillion years asked his father"Bloody hell father. How am I supposed to sleep for 100 trillion years and before that why do I need to sleep for 100 trillion years? Aren't l suppose to be a prince? I think you are plotting to me a mummy"
"It's nothing like that son, It's just that your powers will need 100 trillion years or so to truly manifest. We can talk after you wake up. Good night"
After hearing his father's shocking statements. Ben suddenly felt that his "non-existent" head was beaten by something hard from behind and he fainted right on the spot. Although he didn't have a body you could see that he still fainted as he left a distortion around him.
"he handled it better than I thought. Maybe because he is a true God but I am still proud of you son"
After Dion finished speaking they both suddenly teleported from that space. After they teleported out the white void cracked and broke like a fragile piece of glass.