Guards as gave her no respite
Broke down Seetha in despair.
Seetha in time pulled herself
And thus explained her position.
It's no custom for humans
To get wed to the demonic folk.
Stick I would to our tradition
Leave the rest to thy decision.
Having stated her position
Sulked then Seetha in distress.
Cornered as would deer hunted
Crouched there Seetha in dismay.
Like a withered leaf on floor
Lovelorn Seetha thus there lay.
Tears those profuse as she shed
Passed her valley in thick streams.
In her fright then her frail frame
Looked like banana plant in storm.
In her fear as shivered Seetha
Snake like shrivelled then her black plait.
Ceased as Seetha not to sigh
Blouse her wet then turned all dry.
In her pain then Seetha wailed
'Oh my Rama where art thou'!
Why not thou me give consent
Now to die though love to live
To spend the rest of life with thee.
Won't it prove the words of wise
One can't time his death himself?
Takes as leaking boat its time
To sink down to the ocean bed
What if my grief kills me slow?
Seems my sorrow cuts my heart
Erode as floods the banks there all.
What else it's but misfortune
To lose such a good husband.
Suffer I like the one who took
Arsenic on one's way to death.
Looks like I am paying price
For the misdeeds of last birth.
See none escape route to Ram
Better I draw the curtains now
On the accursed life of mine.
How I forgot as his wife
Until he doth give his nod
Right none have I to take life!