Chapter 2 - Cooking duty

1. Nutri-Ex (10 oz)

2. Any counter flavor (3 oz)

3. Water (10 oz)

4.Potatoe Putty (5 oz)

Ahhhh... Let's see... Where is the Nutri-Ex? Oh... There...

"Hey! Hustle it up in the kitchen. 10 to dinner-time. You know they are picky!"

The crocodilian shouted, pota-putty briming his teeth. I decided that it would be a good idea to start moving as for the past 10 minutes, I was just standing at the artificially shined countertop. You could still see the stains of dirty food under the newly coated glaze.

What is this? A tiny pincer, just above the ocean of grain. I plucked it out. A 15 inch buzzchomper, nestled within the cozy Nutri-Ex powder. Just as I thought, it was laying it's eggs inside.

What's the big deal though?; this is just a space station on the edge of space...