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Reincarnated as a Fun Guy*

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A Psychonaut gets taken for the trip of a life time.. When you spend your whole life dodging reality what do you do when it becomes a fantasy? Mark had a pretty rough childhood but somewhere between being a boy and man his fate took a strange turn and he began living the highlife. Once it ended though is when things got interesting. *BZzzt* "Congratulations you have been selected as a possible candidate for the 'Highest Circle', in accordance with the new god regulation act you will be reborn in a realm of primordial magic and your consciousness will be attached with a system deemed most suitable to your personality and talents." *BZzzt* After waking up Mark came to a horrible realization! "I think I'm sober.."

Chapter 1 - End of the beginning

A party was being held in an elaborate southern estate, music and laughter filled the summer night air, as did smoke and a rather pleasant aroma. The guests were all seated in the garden there to celebrate a grand event. 

An average looking sliiiightly bald middle aged man that always wore a suit approaches an ornate podium with multitudes of beautiful flowers growing around it and begins to address the party.

"We would like to thank all of you for coming here on this most joyous night as we celebrate the founders fiftieth birthday-" This man was very skilled at bootlicking and to save you reading time and me from trying to remember word for word what he said we're going to fast forward about ten minutes..

A thunderous applause echoes throughout the garden before Suitman raises his hands to regain the crowds attention. "And now for the man of the hour to lead us through tonight's event-"

The light switches it's focus away from the speaker and pans across the garden to another middle aged man wearing a large tie-dye shirt, swimming trunks, and sandals. His large sun hat tilted back revealed dark eyes and face covered in dark brown hair. 

"Thank you so much for that flattering introduction Richard*. I believe that today was the day I promised to give lessons on advancement correct?.. Despite how others view it I see and recognize most of you as friends that have been coming to these gathering for a few years, I'm truly grateful you always come so far out just to hear me speak.. Now todays group spirit media is derived from the Sonoran toad I can personally attest to the ethical collection of their venom so I assure you there is no resentment in our journey so feel no shame or fear just follow along and enjoy these miracles of life-" 

As the Founder was speaking robed figures appeared and began passing out small strangely shaped pipes. While the group distributed and filled the bowls the man in the hat began speaking about spirituality and human potential many of these listeners have heard this speech before but each sat on the edge of their seat's hanging on his every word. After finishing his spiel the Founder lifted his pipe high everyone mirrored him before they all imbibed together.

The night went as planned everyone was in a comfortable and calming location as they all relaxed and began to prepare for the upcoming journey four more robed figures appeared carrying stringed instruments and began playing a gentle serenade.

At this point most people were laying down and being comforted by caregivers or they were sitting still watching the stars above as the bearded one started speaking about their current and past existences being nothing more than a series of tests with no right or wrong answers leading them all collectively closer to a higher self.

As the night carried on so did he more than twenty minutes have passed and everyone continued to hear his kind voice speculating aloud about human nature and design, those who were in faculty enough to do so would ask questions and he would answer. After a hour had past most people were either sitting up or standing but all had an expression of fulfillment or awakening. 

Shortly after more robed attendants began passing out warm cups of lemon ginger tea as the crowd accepted their drinks the founder excused himself to go 'Cleanse' and get changed before he slipped away to walk on the nature trail alone.

A few moments of silence on this well worn path and the man arrived at his destination an old bench with a firepit and a freshly stocked wood ring. As he sat down and began placing the kindling a deep voice sounded from behind nearly giving him a heart attack.

"You really shouldn't be going around in the dark on your own Mark you never know what kind of crazy fucker you invite to these things."

The bearded man Glared at the six and a half foot tall wall of muscle that has worked for him for nearly three decades. "You know I hate it when you do that and I'll have you know I filtered the list for my birthday personally so there should only be one or two crazy people here tops."

"Is that present company included?'

"... James I would fire you if your wife wasn't such a great lawyer."

The two bickered like old friends as the fire burned on James revealed a cooler packed with ice and two bottles, whiskey for James port for Mark the two laughed about the past and how unbelievable things turned out.

After sitting by the fire for a while James suddenly turned to Mark with a serious expression "Knowing everything you do now would you still make the same choices?" 

Taken back by the sudden tone switch Mark was silent for a moment before answering ".. Honestly? no I think I would try to lean more into being a company than a religion. all this parading around and introspection and retrospection and studying human nature is too stressful and mind numbing I'd rather sit back and count money."

James looks a little disappointed but he gives a sad smile as he stands to leave.

"hey wher-" suddenly mark had a sharp pain in his chest and he collapsed.

"I hope that your next life makes you happy Mark."

As I lie here slowly growing weaker my heart beating softer and my breath becomes more shallow my life begins to flash before my eyes.

Dad died in the service, Mom worked all the time, I started dealing in high school, made a cult for the tax write off and to step around certain legal issues, used the cult to start dealing internationally, kinda became famous, people started acting crazy around me, somehow got away with it for twenty six years, got killed by who I thought was my best friend..